My 1979

Chapter 1533 I’m ashamed to hear the words of the wise bird

That was the woman he loved most, and he had risked his life for her.

Before he met her, he had been wandering around all day long, getting into trouble from time to time, and otherwise just eating and sleeping.

He doesn't want her to look down on him, he wants her to live a good life, and he does everything he can to make her happy.

She spends too much, she wants too much, and for a time it couldn't be provided for her.

He tried every means to get money, even to the point of irritating his sister.

After his sister became upset, he lost his source of income and his life became worse day by day.

He endured it slowly, hoping that his sister would calm down one day.

But after his sister gave birth to a child and went abroad, he realized that he had lost all hope.

For her, he began to borrow money to survive. Many people knew that he had a rich sister, but they didn't know that he and his sister had broken up, but they still lent him money boldly.

Not long after, the creditor came to his door. He was confused because he really had no money to pay back.

In desperation, he entered a road of no return.

Now that he has come out and heard the news of her marriage, it is undoubtedly a heavy blow to him.

In fact, when he was inside, he didn't think that she might belong to her own family. He had been there for so many years, but she only visited him in the first year, and then less and less, and finally she couldn't see her anymore.

He wanted to ask his parents about her situation, but he never dared to ask. He was afraid of being disappointed. His life was already difficult.

Now that she is out, he feels that life should be a little hopeful, so he can't help but ask her.

I was obviously mentally prepared, but I didn't expect that it would be so uncomfortable when I actually got the result.

Fu Xia glanced at him, but still refrained from saying anything.

Old Man Fu sighed and said, "It's because you can't run away, it's not because you can't force yourself to come. It's because you're old, you're only in your forties. It's the age when a person can make a career in his life, and he's so tall." Overall, who is worse than you?

Don't lose your ambition because of this trivial matter. If you have the ability, make some achievements and make her regret it. "

Fu Bing smiled reluctantly, pushed his rice bowl, and refused to eat any more.

The old lady said, "Eat some food, drinking is not enough. Look how thin you have become. You are not in a hurry to do your career. Take a rest at home to recuperate."

Fu Bing said, "Mom, you don't understand. It's the heart that suffers. My body and bones are fine. I'm in my forties, but I have a big belly, cervical spondylosis, tooth decay, and a weak waist. I don't have anything wrong with me at all."

"Go inside and lie down for a while. After drinking so much, don't worry about that kind of woman. It's not worth it." The old lady pushed her son into the room.

Fu Bing licked his lips in the direction of the living room and said, "Where will the two of them sleep?"

The house at home is rented, with two bedrooms, one for the old man and one for the old lady. If I occupy another room, where will my sister and nephew live?

The old lady said disapprovingly, "If they have money, just let them open a hotel. Such a big young man can't be crowded on the sofa."

"It's too much." Fu Bing didn't know why she was so angry. She rarely cared about her sister's feelings, but at this moment she suddenly felt worthless for her sister.

The old lady was surprised by her son's words and said in a daze, "How can we live in such a small place at home? Otherwise, what can we do?"

"Keep your voice down!" Fu Bing stamped his feet angrily and lowered his voice, "Don't make me lose face!"

"Why are you so embarrassed?" The old lady really listened to her son's words, lowered her voice and said doubtfully, "What I do is not for your own good!"

"For my own good?" Fu Bing gritted his teeth and said, "If you really want to do your best for me, stay out of my business."

"Ah" tears welled up in the old lady's eyes, and she said aggrievedly, "Why are you so heartless?"

The moment my mother was about to howl, Fu Bing turned around and left, rushing out of the door without hesitation.

After slamming the iron door shut, a heartbreaking cry came from behind.

Fu Xia sighed and said to Yao, "Take your uncle's coat and send it down to him. It's so cold outside."

"Okay." Fu Yao grabbed Fu Bing's coat from the sofa and hurriedly chased him downstairs.

He was afraid that he would not be able to avoid his grandmother's situation.

Fu Bing stood at the entrance of the stairs and stared blankly at a group of children building a snowman at the door.

Fu Yao put the down jacket on his shoulders and warned, "Uncle, it's cold. Put it on quickly, or you'll catch a cold."

Fu Bing said, "More than ten years ago, one day it was minus 18 degrees. At that time, I was so playful that I refused to play on the mahjong table all night. I walked home from Wangfujing and was so cold that I almost died. When I got home, I built a The two quilts were still shaking, and I was trembling and couldn't speak. Your grandpa thought I was stupid from the cold. My face was purple.

There seems to be no colder temperature now. I read some magazines. It's hard to see minus ten degrees. I don't know if it's true or not. It seems like global climate change or something. "

Fu Yao said, "I have read the English book "Sai Jinhua" by Chinese writer Zhao Shuxia. Sai Jinhua froze to death under the overpass."

Even without reading literary works, he could feel the coldness in the North. The coldness was heartbreaking, and it was completely incomparable to the weather in Nanyang.

Fu Bing said, "You are the only literate person in our old Fu family. I don't understand even if you try to embarrass us."

Fu Yao said, "I'm sorry, uncle."

Fu Bing smiled and said lovingly, "Don't worry about your mother and I, and don't let it affect you. That's an adult matter."

"I know." Fu Yao nodded.

"Yes," Fu Bing smiled, "You are dealing with me, so you must be partial to your mother."

Fu Yao lowered his head in embarrassment.

Fu Bing suddenly put his arms around the shoulders of someone who was taller than him, "You are duplicity. Don't think that uncle is stupid and doesn't know anything. To be honest, I don't like your mother, but I like you very much."

He treated Fu Yao as his own child.

He could not see his own shadow in Fu Yao.

However, when he saw Fu Yao, he couldn't help but want to take up his responsibilities as an uncle.

No one can bully my nephew!

Otherwise, it will be the face of his Fu family that will suffer!

He is already embarrassed enough!

He can't let the next generation of his Fu family continue to be embarrassed!

Fu Yao has the same surname as Fu!

"It is never too late to fall in love."

"Speak in human language." Fu Bing used his poor junior high school level to understand, but unfortunately he didn't understand a word.

Fu Yao scratched his head and said, "It's nothing. I think as long as the family is together, it is more important than anything else."

"Yes, I understand this sentence." Fu Bing lit a cigarette and said with his head held high, "Although your uncle and I are not doing well now, I think it's okay to protect you?"

"Photo?" Fu Yao was confused.

Fu Bing said carelessly, "Just messing around with me."

"Hum?" Fu Yao didn't understand even more.

ps: Thank you everyone for your persistence.

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