My 1979

Chapter 1534 Return to nature

Fu Bing talked like a duck, a bit dumbfounded, and said angrily, "How did your mother teach you? You have such a big tongue. Your skills are really not good. You have time to learn more from me. You are half-baked and it is really hard to speak."

Fu Yao said, "I went to a Chinese school and I got A's in every exam. It's just that my expression skills are a bit lacking. I'm sorry."

Fu Bing waved his hands and said, "I can't even make you laugh."

Put both arms into the sleeves, wrap up the clothes, and walk outside.

Fu Yao shouted, "Uncle, where are you going?"

Fu Bing said, "You go home and don't worry about me."

It was a cold day, and Fu Yao really didn't want to run outside, but when he thought about his grandma making a fuss in the house, it was better to hide far away. It was a wise choice not to go home for the time being. He had no place to go, so he simply followed him. Behind uncle.

The two left the community one after another.

Fu Bing stopped at the door of a real estate agency store and looked at the whiteboard hanging at the door. He read it from top to bottom and then walked closer to look at it.

A young girl walked out of the store and said with a smile, "Sir, do you want to see a house? Where do you want to see a house? We have all the houses nearby and can take you to see the house at any time until Until you are satisfied.”

Fu Bing pointed to the numbers on the whiteboard and asked, "Is this based on square calculations?"

"Yes." The girl was stunned. She felt that the question raised by Fu Bing was very wrong. It was not calculated in square meters. Could it be calculated in meters?

But Fu Bing's next words shocked her.

Fu Bing said, "This is the Fourth Ring Road. Thirty thousand for a set is not bad! Thirty thousand for one square meter? Are you lying to a fool?"

The girl has been in sales for many years and has seen all kinds of customers, but she has never seen Fu Bing's type. At this moment, her eyes were opened, her face changed, and she kept a professional smile and said, "Sir, are you kidding me?" Well, even ten years ago it was hard to find."

Fu Bing said, "What do you mean it's hard to find? Ten years ago, there were so many shacks built by migrant workers from other places. The Olympic bid road built in the year of the Olympic bid was demolished in bits and pieces. That's all." The house is not worth anything either.”

When he committed a crime, his parents were running around for his affairs, and they had to sell the family house. Although it was an old public house, it was sold for less than 100,000 yuan in the second ring road!

The girl smiled and said, "Sir, you know that was more than ten years ago. After the Olympics, housing prices have all risen. You can only buy one square meter for 30,000 yuan. It depends on the location."

Fu Bing was obviously not her target customer, and there was no point in wasting time here, so she obviously didn't want to say anything, so she turned back to the store, sat down in front of the computer desktop, and looked towards Fu Bing with a tea cup in hand.

Fu Bing said, "That's crazy! Selling such an expensive house to a ghost!"

Fu Yao said, "It's cheap. Housing prices in Singapore are higher. With economic development, everyone's income has also increased. For the shortfall, you can get credit from banks."

He majored in economics. If his uncle knew English, he believed he could explain it more clearly and avoid making his uncle complain so much.

Fu Bing walked around the streets and alleys, and when he met real estate agents, he always had to inquire about them. Only then did he believe that this was no longer the society he knew.

I ordered a pack of Chinese and a lighter in a supermarket. I touched my pockets and found there was not a dime. I was about to look at Fu Yao, who had already taken out the money and put it on the table.

He saw with his own eyes that what Fu Yao handed over was a hundred-dollar bill, but the waiter only got back sixty-five yuan.

At this moment, he was no longer surprised and could only smack his lips secretly. Prices had risen to such an extent.

With his mood waning, he didn't want to continue shopping. After lighting a cigarette, he sighed and said, "Let's go back. It's not much fun anymore."

A kind of panic suddenly arose in my heart.

Fu Yao said, "You don't have a mobile phone yet. How about I buy you a mobile phone? It will be convenient for you to contact me."

Fu Bing said, "A mobile phone is so expensive. How can I afford it? Let's talk about it next time."

When he first entered prison, the price of mobile phones was already 2,000 to 3,000 yuan, and new models cost 4,000 to 5,000 yuan. Now it might be even higher, and he was even less confident.

Fu Yao said, "I'll give you one as a gift. The phone is very cheap, not expensive."

Fu Bing said, "I want you to buy it for me? How shameless do I have to be? I can't use your money."

Fu Yao pulled him across the street regardless, and said with a smile, "It's nothing if I buy you a mobile phone, just think of it as a gift from me."

His nephew was so considerate, and Fu Bing would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed. Seeing how serious his nephew was, he stopped refusing and followed him into a mobile phone store.

I thought I would pay him back later.

Fu Bing was a little dazzled by the various mobile phones displayed on the counter, and he couldn't understand any of the new terms introduced by the salesperson.

Touch screen?



Dual SIM?

He had no such concepts at all.

"Is this a mobile phone?" Afraid of being laughed at, Fu Bing could only feel sad in his heart. This mobile phone was full of screens and couldn't find a single button.

His fingers slid left and right on the screen twice, and he gradually got a clue.

He couldn't help but ask, "How much?"

The salesperson smiled and said, "The latest mobile phone supports dual-SIM dual standby. We sell it very well. The original price is 2355. Now there is a year-end discount. You can get it for 1999, and the mobile company will refund 50 yuan of phone charges every month." Well, it’s a very good deal.”

Fu Bing was a little at a loss for a while. He only heard Fu Yao say, "Let's make an invoice. Can I swipe my card?"

The salesperson nodded happily and said, "Sir, you can swipe your card. Come with me."

After Fu Yao paid the money, he asked Fu Bing to choose a mobile phone number, and then asked the salesperson to insert the mobile phone card into the mobile phone card slot.

Fu Yao took the new phone and dialed his own number. After dialing, he handed it to Fu Bing and said with a smile, "Uncle, let's test the communication quality."

Fu Bing said, "Yes, it's a trap if you can't use it when you take it back."

The two people stood on one side of the passage and exchanged a few words with each other on their mobile phones.

Fu Bing was in a hurry and didn't know how to hang up. Fu Yao taught him several times with his cell phone.

Fu Bing concluded, "Stop at the red light and go at the green light. Got it."

Fu Yao had to admire his uncle's wit.

Fu Yao also used the store's wireless network to download WeChat for his uncle.

His mother uses WeChat very frequently, mainly to facilitate contact with domestic friends and customers, so he has to follow her.

After he taught his uncle how to add friends, send voice messages and type words, he also taught him how to make video calls. With the experience of stopping at a red light and walking at a green light, he learned it instantly this time.

After everything was done, Fu Bing carefully put the phone into his pocket and said with a smile, "The screen of this thing is so thin, it will definitely not be resistant to falling."

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