My 1979

Chapter 1535 Looking back and changing into the wind

Fu Yao said, "The screen is very fragile, so just be careful. As long as it doesn't fall to the ground or get bumped, it's generally not a big problem."

Fu Bing took out his phone again and swiped it back and forth on the screen. In the address book column, there was only Fu Yao's number.

He wanted to share the joy of being released from prison with others, but for a while he didn't know who to contact. He used to have many friends who were close friends at the wine table. After entering, most of them lost contact. Even if there were still good friends, he didn't know who to contact. I don’t know someone’s phone number, and suddenly my cell phone becomes a decoration.

He hesitated and said, "I'll give you the phone. Why do I need this thing? I don't have many friends. It's just a show-off, so you can use it. You young people have many friends, so it's convenient to use."

Fu Yao said, "I have it myself. You can use it. If you meet an old friend and ask for your number, it will be embarrassing if you don't have it."

This time he felt his uncle's pulse very accurately.

His mother had told him that no one in the world was more shameless than the Chinese.

Ashamed of poverty.

The Chinese are far from being as blatantly poor as the black uncles from Africa and the third brother from South Asia.

His uncle is definitely not a good person, but he is also not a bad person. He can only be regarded as a second-rate person who has gone astray. His uncle also values ​​​​face very much.

Fu Bing said, "Then I'll use it first?"

He felt that what Fu Yao said made sense. It would be embarrassing if he didn't even have a mobile phone when he went out to hang out.

Fu Yao nodded and said, "Of course."

Then he took off the watch from his wrist and handed it to his uncle and said, "I've only worn it for two days. It's a bit big. You should wear it. It should be just right."

Fu Bing refused without hesitation, "If I take your things again, who will I look like? No, no."

Fu Yao didn't allow him to argue, so he put it on his wrist and said with a smile, "I'm right, it fits you very well. My wrist is thin and it's very troublesome to cut off a section."

Fu Bing said embarrassedly, "How can you give it to me casually when your mother bought you something?"

Fu Yao said, "My mother didn't give it to me, it was a gift from my mother's friend. You can wear it. I still have many watches at home, and I don't wear them much myself."

Yesterday his mother took him to a banquet and forced him to wear a watch, saying it looked dignified.

Fu Bing stared at the letters on the watch and said with a smile, "This brand is probably not cheap, so I won't be polite. It's three o'clock. Let's go back."

He estimated that my mother should stop now.

After all, he has been a mother and son for more than 40 years, so he is still rich in struggle experience.

When I got home, as expected, my mother was sitting on the sofa eating melon seeds. When she saw him coming back, she immediately asked after him and brought tea and water.

"Look, I bought it new." He proudly took out his mobile phone and shook his golden wrist.

Mrs. Fu said, "I was going to buy it for you."

Fu Xia snorted coldly and continued to read the documents.

Fu Bing walked over, held his head high and said, "Don't be dissatisfied. My nephew is filial to me. There is nothing wrong with him."

Fu Xia said calmly, "While the police station is still closed, hurry up and get your ID card replaced. Without an ID card, it will be inconvenient for you to do anything."

Mrs. Fu said, "Hey, we have to go back to the old street. It's still too late to go now."

Fu Bing said, "I just need to make up for my ID card. I'll go there myself. Where's Dad?"

I turned around and didn't see Old Man Fu.

The old lady said, "Your dad works as a gatekeeper in the nearby community. Although his salary is not high, it is enough to cover the family expenses."

Fu Bing lowered his head and was silent for a while, not having the courage to say that he would not let me go to work.

He took the household registration book and two large bills from the old lady's hand and went out again.

Fu Yao thought for a while and followed his uncle.

A black Rolls-Royce was parked at the door, covered with snow. Fu Bing remembered that he came back in this car in the morning. He asked Fu Yao, "Can you drive?"

Fu Yao shook his head and said, "I don't have a Chinese driver's license. I drank and can't drive."

Fu Bing said, "Grandma, I have to get my driver's license back."

But the prerequisite is that he must have an ID card first. Without an ID card, he can't get his driver's license back.

He walked to the gate of the community and stopped a taxi, and Fu Bing casually reported his address.

The driver looked confused, and Fu Bing explained, "You don't even know about the coking plant? Why are you driving a taxi?"

The driver smiled and said, "Brother, Shougang has moved away, where are you going to find a coking plant? Are you kidding me?"

Fu Bing was startled and ridiculed, "Are you just kidding me? Are you moving such a big steel factory just because you just want to move?"

The driver said, "If it weren't for your accent, I would have thought you came from the countryside. How many years has it been? How long has it been since you went out and watched the news?"

Fu Bing remained silent.

There were honking sounds one after another from behind, and the driver said impatiently, "Brother, tell me where to go quickly. You can't park on the side of the road all the time. It's blocking other people's roads."

Fu Bing said, "The bus group maintenance factory can't be gone, right?"

The driver said, "Which factory is it?"

Fu Bing said, "The second factory."

The driver said, "Let's talk about it earlier."

As soon as I stepped on the accelerator, the car sped far away.

Along the way, Fu Bing kept muttering, "Why are the traffic jams like this?"

The driver smiled and said, "It's pretty good. I usually can't cover two miles in half an hour."

As soon as he finished speaking, the car suddenly stopped on the side of the road.

"We're here now?" This is not a place Fu Bing is familiar with at all. "You can't fool me, can you?"

The driver was even more surprised when he saw Fu Bing's expression, "Brother, you can't just come out of the bus, right? Look, Bus Group Maintenance Factory No. 2, there are those big words hanging there."

Fu Bing looked out the window carefully, and finally smiled sheepishly. When he took out the money, Fu Yao had already given it to him.

Fu Bing got out of the car and walked ahead. The roads and houses in front of him were completely different from what he remembered. When he looked up, they were all towering buildings.

Feeling lost in a daze.

"Uncle, are you okay?" Fu Yao asked with concern.

Fu Bing said, "It's okay. I hope the police station is still at the same place."

Fu Yao said, "You tell me your name and I'll look it up on the map on my phone. It's very convenient."

Fu Bing gave his name dubiously, staring at the map on the screen of his mobile phone, half-understanding. In the end, he could only follow Fu Yao helplessly, like a child.

The map navigation was very accurate and Fu Yao found the right location.

Standing at the door of the police station, Fu Bing refused to go in. After smoking a cigarette and taking a deep breath, he slowly moved in.

He always thought that the police would scold him after seeing his file, but he didn't know that they were so kind and polite that he didn't feel any restraint.

After taking the photo, a male police officer with household registration said,

"Let's go faster, right? Let's get it in half a month."

Fu Bing took the certificate receipt handed to him by the household registration police and walked out of the police station in a daze.

At the door, he lit a cigarette again and threw the empty cigarette box into the trash can.

Fu Yao saw that he had finished smoking a pack of cigarettes in a long time, and couldn't help but advise, "You can smoke less."

Fu Bing smiled and said, "I'm not nervous. I was talking, I was staying in there, and when I came out, I suddenly let go and didn't hold back. Let's go, let's walk around. I grew up in this area. I never thought I could get lost, grandma is such a bear.”

He walked aimlessly in the streets and alleys, looking at the people passing by, hoping to meet some acquaintances, but unfortunately he didn't meet any acquaintances.

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