My 1979

Chapter 1566 Real Estate Agency

He Fang lay down for a while, drank some hot water, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and reluctantly got up. Seeing that the light in Li He's study was still on, she walked in and said, "Go to sleep. You are old, so don't stay up late." , we must learn to maintain good health.

Look at you, your face is slumped every day, compared to Sister Lin, how can you be unhappy every day? "

Li He said, "You are praising my good looks in disguise."

He placed the brush in his hand on the inkstone, then hugged the teapot and took a sip of tea.

He Fang pulled the chair under Li He's buttocks in front of her and sat down. She smiled and said, "I have never disliked your ugliness."

Li He asked, "If you really dislike me for being mean, it's still too late to regret it now."

He Fang said angrily, "You're old and young, what's the time? If I were in my twenties, really, if I don't brag, if I wanted to recruit a boyfriend, I would be waiting in line from our door to the county committee.

Now, I'm sorry, people call me aunt. "

Li He said, "Listening to your tone, do you really regret it?"

He Fang said, "What's there to regret? Sister is a typical example of a mentally retarded person with a strong will. She will only go as far as she can. Anyway, this life is going to fall into your hands. By the way, do you regret it?"

Li He said, "I have a fortune, a son and a daughter, and I am very contented. Okay, it's getting late now. You go to bed first. I'll have nothing to do tomorrow, so I can write again. Oh, by the way, I heard you say you have something this afternoon. What kind of teaching meeting? I'm retired, why are there so many messy things? I'll resign my position on the material teaching steering committee of colleges and universities if I can, so that I can have some leisure time."

He Fang said, "I receive a stipend from the Mechanics Teaching Steering Committee. How can I not contribute, not to mention there are not many things to do. I am still a member of the Municipal Basic Education Subject Teaching Steering Committee. I will attend their meeting tomorrow. It seems that there will be a discussion The problem of reducing students’ burden.”

Li He said disdainfully, "Reducing the burden? I didn't get the right reincarnation. I didn't have an ancestor who was a pirate or a slave owner. I was born in a developing country. It's all fate. If you can't have princess disease, you have to fight for it."

He Fang said, "You can't change your small-farmer mentality. This is the capital. Do you think that taking the entrance exam for a key high school in the countryside is like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate?"

Li He rubbed his nose and said, "Yes, it's okay to be reincarnated in China, just don't be reincarnated in the countryside."

He Fang said, “There are also rich people in rural areas.”

Li He said, "Then don't be reincarnated into a poor family. The only choice for the poor is to struggle or endure. Reducing the burden will harm them."

He Fang shook her head and said, "You are still so stubborn, I can't explain you."

Li He suddenly said, "If you really can't stand idle, go and continue to be the principal, the principal of a primary school, or the king of children. It won't be as tiring as being in a college. You can just choose any of the nearby Unilever middle schools."

He Fang said, "Let's talk about it then."

There was something vaguely moving in my heart.

Within a few days, she really took office, but she was not the principal. Even if the school belonged to her family, she couldn't take someone else's position. Besides, when she came to do her job, she didn't care about power or money. She just wanted to find a place to use her spare energy, so just being an ordinary physics teacher seemed pretty good to her.

As for Li He, every day is still the same. You can guess what your day will be like tomorrow just by looking at today.

Even if his companies went bankrupt one after another, he did not frown.

He publicly said at the company's high-level meeting: This is determined by social policies and economic conditions. It is bound to happen and is destined to be eliminated.

Now, there is no room for small steel mills and small coal mines to survive.

Only the day of sending Zhang Shusheng to the airport interrupted his uneventful life.

Standing at the entrance of the airport, he held a cigar and stood beside the trash can, smiling and saying, "Why are you still leaving?"

Zhang Shu said, "I'm used to staying abroad, but I'm not used to returning home. Thank you for coming to see me off."

Li He said, "That's right. Is there anything you need help with?"

He felt that he owed Zhang Shusheng and wanted to make some compensation.

Zhang Shu said, "Don't worry, mother-in-law, it's only right to spend more time on your daughter. You have to understand that at my age, I don't care about anything in this life. She is everything to me."

Li He stretched out his hand and said, "Have a nice trip."

Zhang Shu said, "Thank you. Let me know when you arrive in the United States and I will treat you to dinner."

Li He nodded and watched her enter the airport.

As soon as I got home, I learned the news about Fu Yao's return to China from Dong Hao. After thinking about it for a while, Dong Hao didn't pay any more attention to it.

Fu Bing went to the airport to pick him up in person. He drove a dilapidated van with peeling paint, and turned the horn to the maximum, shaking his head while driving.

Fu Yao disliked the noise and turned down the volume.

Fu Bing smiled sheepishly and turned it off, "I thought you young people would like it. I saw young people in Yankee movies who like to jump around."

Fu Yao said, "You don't like this style too much. Uncle, how is your business lately?"

Fu Bing said, "There's no business. It's a run-down shop. The rent is extremely expensive. I have to work hard every day to get some business, otherwise I can't afford the rent."

He is still working as a real estate agent, but he mainly rents houses. He only has three fully rented houses, which he sublet after renovation. He has limited funds and cannot continue to expand. He can only make some money by renting out other people's houses. Referral fee.

As for real estate sales, that's the business of chain intermediaries. Small shops like his can't get it, and no customers are willing to trust it easily.

Fu Yao said, "Would you like me to help you for a while?"

Fu Bing said, "I can't afford you, otherwise your mother will tear me apart with her own hands. As for me, I will just make a small fuss. You, you should go to your mother's company to toss."

Fu Yao said, "My mother is in Malaysia now and hasn't made any arrangements for me yet. I have a lot of free time."

The car was parked downstairs, and I carried my luggage upstairs. The door was open, and Mrs. Fu stood at the door with a smile to greet her, with a table of dishes behind her.

"Grandma." The old lady's enthusiasm made it difficult for Fu Yao to adapt to it for a while.

The old lady said, "You are tired. Go in and wash yourself. The towel is new. Just use it. Then we will eat. My dear grandson must be hungry."

Fu Yao washed his face and as soon as he sat down at the dining table, his grandma had already brought the brewed tea to his hand. He hurriedly said, "Thank you, grandma."

"What does the family say?" the old lady said, holding a bottle of wine. "Your uncle is going to the store later. He can't drink while driving. Do you want to drink some with your grandpa?"

Fu Yao said, "I didn't sleep well on the plane, so I won't drink."

The old lady said, "Then don't drink. Wine is not a good thing. From now on, my good grandson, don't be like your grandpa, he is an alcoholic."

Then he kept picking up food for Fu Yao. Fu Yao was flattered. In any case, he had never enjoyed this kind of treatment.

After eating, Fu Bing had to go to work. Fu Yao hurriedly followed him and wanted to follow him to the store. In any case, he couldn't adapt to his grandma's enthusiasm.

Fu Bing's shop is located at the entrance of an old community. It is small in area, about twenty square meters. There are two tables inside, with computers and telephones on the tables.

"Hello, Mr. Wu? I'm from Datong Real Estate. I saw on the Internet that you have a house for rent, right?"

A round-faced little girl wearing a white shirt was sitting on the phone. When she saw Fu Bing coming over, she didn't stop calling.

Fu Yao clearly heard the cursing voice coming from the phone.

But the little girl remained calm-faced, took a picture of the landline phone plug, and continued to dial the next call.

"Your house has three bedrooms, specifically three bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen and a balcony?" This time, the little girl finally got something.

Fu Bing pointed to a chair next to him and said, "Sit."

While adding water to Fu Yao's tea cup, he said, "I make at least fifty phone calls a day. My elder brother and sister are short of each other. I let him abuse me a thousand times, but I treat him like my first love."

Fu Yao said, "The sales business is like this. When my mother first started making furniture, I heard her say that she often faced bad looks in order to find agents."

Fu Bing was about to speak when the phone in his pocket rang. He quickly picked it up. He was polite on the phone, but before he could say a few words, his voice suddenly became louder and he said, "Brother, your demands are too high." , you can ask around the whole Shilibu, one room is equipped with a water heater, refrigerator, and air conditioner, and you can’t buy land for less than 1,800 yuan a month. I’ll charge you 1,200, it’s really not expensive.”

"What? Will you pay for water and electricity?" Fu Bing yelled, "If you have this attitude, just dig a hole for yourself and bury it wherever you like."

Without waiting for a response on the phone, he hung up the phone.

The little girl's call also stopped, and Fu Bing asked, "Have you eaten? If not, go and eat quickly."

The little girl smiled and said, "Eat."

Fu Bing pointed at Fu Yao and said, "My nephew, just call me Xiao Fu. This is Xiao Fen. Let's call her sister according to her age."

Fu Yao smiled and greeted, "Sister Fen."

The little girl smiled and said, "Just call me Zhou Fen."

Fu Bing said, "Be patient. Renting a house is not like buying groceries. You can pick up and leave in three minutes. Hesitation is normal."

After speaking, he sighed and said, "It's better to sell the house. If it doesn't open for three years, it will last for three years after opening."

Fu Yao smiled and said, "Can't you do second-hand house sales?"

Fu Bing said, "There is no certainty in the sale of second-hand houses. Regardless of whether you are a buyer or a seller, each one is more cautious than the other. The temple has a narrow door and people will not trust you. I have never closed a single transaction in such a long time since I have been in business."

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