My 1979

Chapter 1567 On the way to a blind date

Fu Yao said, "Buyers, like sellers, are in an information asymmetric position with intermediaries. It is normal for them to be wary."

Fu Bing asked, "What is information asymmetry?"

Fu Yao thought for a while and said in simple words, "In market economic activities, people with more information are usually in an advantageous position, while people who lack information are in a disadvantageous position.

In the Internet era, the efficiency of information transmission has gradually improved. For example, when buying things online, we can compare products without fear of suffering a loss. "

Fu Bing sighed and said, "You said prices are becoming more and more transparent. Just like a house, I hang it at the door for 3,000 yuan. Well, I searched online and found that the same house was rented for 2,000 yuan. It's not like You fool, you will definitely not come to me."

Fu Yao nodded, "That's what I mean."

Zhou Fen interjected, "The Internet is a double-edged sword, with advantages and disadvantages. For example, when we first started doing real estate, we had to go out and hand out flyers every day, or else we had to post rental advertisements at the entrance of the community. The city management was very strict. Sometimes, they call us frequently. Not only do they have to be cleaned up, but they also have to pay a fine, otherwise their mobile phone number will be blocked.

It’s so convenient now. You can sit in your house, look for and send out housing information. It’s much better than before. "

Fu Bing said to Yao, "She has been a real estate agent for five or six years. She is my master. As soon as I said I wanted to go it alone, people followed me without hesitation. Isn't that fair?"

Zhou Fen said with a smile, "I've been doing this for five or six years, and it's still like this. It's embarrassing. It's not worth showing off. Some people who have been doing it for one or two years have made a lot of money now.

I don't want to waste so much anymore. I don't have the capital to do it alone. If I do it with others, I can't get along. It's a good thing that I met you. Otherwise, I would rather continue to work for others. "

Fu Bing smiled and said, "If you trust me, I promise not to let you suffer. When it develops, I will talk to the developers and we will be agents of new properties. It will be easy to make money."

Fu Yao poked his uncle and whispered, "How about I introduce him to you?"

His mother took him to many banquets, and he got to know a lot of real estate developers. She was very polite to her. He thought that if he came forward, they might give her some face.

Fu Bing said, "It's just Pingsong, Fu Biao, Xu Guohua and the others."

Hiramatsu even beat him up.

Even though many years had passed, he still couldn't bring himself to look for her now. He didn't want to find someone boring.

If he was willing to be ashamed and just ask his own sister for help, it would be such a simple thing.

Before Fu Yao spoke, Zhou Fen said in surprise, "They are all real estate tycoons. Brother Bing, you don't really know each other, do you?"

Fu Bing said, "There's nothing to brag about. Before they got rich, they were either alley gangsters or second-rate dealers, with no glory."

Zhou Fen said with a smile, "Brother Bing, if you don't use it if it really matters, you are stupid. Face is worthless these days, so you can make money."

Fu Bing smiled and said, "Don't be anxious, be steady and steady. If you don't have the strength, don't take on that burden. Even if our store doesn't make any money, it's not bad. Listen to me, first get the nearby houses in your hands, Shilibao In this area, I either don’t do it, or if I do, I will be the first.

Then the sun rises first, and when the time comes, people will come to us to beg us, do you understand? "

This is also a theory he accidentally heard from his sister. No matter what industry you are in, first find a way to be more professional than others, and then strive to be the first.

My sister’s number one refers to being number one in the industry. If he wants to be number one in the industry, that would be too ignorant and arrogant, so he has to be number one in the region first.

The phone rang again. After answering it, he said to Yao, "I'll take the client to see the house. You sit here for a while."

Fu Yao followed him and got into his car, smiling and saying, "Take me for a ride, it's boring to sit there."

Fu Bing asked, "Are you tired? You've been on a plane for such a long time."

Fu Yao shook his head, "If I don't sleep, I'll adjust the jet lag. If I sleep well now, I won't be able to sleep at night."

The car entered a community, which was full of high-rise residences. Whether it was greening or lighting, they were all good.

But after taking the elevator to the 18th floor and entering the room, a pungent musty smell hit my face.

The rooms were partitioned, and the entire house was divided into single rooms. He counted them carefully, and there were six rooms in total.

The aisle was very narrow, dark and dark, the bathroom was dirty, and the kitchen table and floor were full of messy things.

A room door opened, and a girl stuck her head out. After seeing Fu Bing, she said, "Landlord, the light in my room is broken. Please take a look."

After Fu Bing entered the house, he pressed the switch and found that the light bulb did not light up. He smiled and said, "Buy a replacement and I will reimburse you later."

The girl said, "You think too highly of me. How can I reach you when you are so tall?"

Fu Bing said, "Okay, I'll get it for you later."

Fu Yao followed him all the time, and couldn't help but look into the room. The room was very small, with a bed, a table, and a wardrobe. The only good thing about the room was that it faced the sun.

His uncle's phone rang, and a rental client was about to arrive. Seeing that he couldn't get away now, Fu Yao said with a smile, "I'll go buy it."

Fu Bing gave him the change in his pocket and told him, "Buy a spiral energy-saving lamp, a 13-watt one."

Fu Yao nodded. When he went downstairs, he met a man and a woman coming out of the elevator. Fu Bing was standing at the door of the rental house, waving to them.

After Fu Yao bought light bulbs at the small store at the entrance of the community, he returned upstairs, where his uncle was bargaining with the man and woman.

One is determined to counter-offer, and the other is determined not to lower the price.

The little girl was watching the excitement at the door. When she saw Fu Yao coming, she stepped aside and let Fu Yao go in to change the light bulb for her.

Fu Yao pulled the desk under the lamp holder, took off his shoes, stepped on the table, put the old light bulb in his pocket, and replaced it with a new one.

The girl tried the lamp and said thank you.

Fu Bing's house was not rented in the end, so he waved to Fu Yao and went downstairs together.

After he got off the elevator and lit a cigarette, he said, "It's all these bad things all day long. Just watch it. If you look back, you have to come back to me."

Fu Yao said worriedly, "If there are too many people living in the house, there will be a fire hazard. This is not allowed in Singapore."

Fu Bing smiled and said, "You kid is good at everything, but you are too rigid. Think about where this place is? The capital of China! There are many opportunities. Go to the train station and have a look. People are coming and going.

If you don't live like this, you'll have to sleep on the overpass. "

Fu Yao smiled and did not refute.

Returning to the store again, he stood at the door holding a tea cup and found a securities company opposite.

Curiosity drove him inside, where there were mostly old men and old ladies.

He stood in the aisle and looked at the big screen for a while. It was all green. He turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by a girl holding a folder.

The girl was tall, dressed in professional attire, with long hair tied up. She looked at Fu Yao with big eyes and a smile, "Sir, do you want to open an account?"

Fu Yao shook his head, "I can't open an account."

The girl smiled and said, "Opening an account is very simple, you only need an ID card."

Fu Yao said, "I really can't do it. I'm a new member."

The girl looked him up and down and said with a smile, "I don't look like him."

Fu Yao took out his passport and waved it in front of her eyes.

The girl smiled awkwardly.

Fu Bing walked in and asked, "Want to trade in stocks?"

Fu Yao said, "I don't trade in stocks."

Fu Bing said, "Aren't you studying stocks? Just for fun."

The girl interrupted in time, "He can't open an account. We only accept accounts from mainland Chinese residents here."

Fu Bing asked, "See how he doesn't look Chinese?"

Fu Yao said, "Forget it, I don't know how to trade in stocks. I study economics."

Fu Bing said, "If you are trading stocks, I can lend you my ID card. What a big deal."

Fu Yao said, "No, I really want to trade stocks. I have a stock account in the United States."

No longer persist in paying troops.

Fu Yao lived a very leisurely life. His mother who was far away in Malaysia did not give him the highest instructions, so he did not work. After getting up early every day, after breakfast, and when he was not going to his uncle's shop, he would ride his bicycle on the street. Wandering around the alley.

He felt very comfortable without the heavy studies and no one nagging or restricting him.

Early in the morning, he was about to go out for a walk as usual, but his grandma assigned him the task of supervising his uncle to go on a blind date.

With the old lady's unremitting efforts, Fu Bing began his fourth blind date journey.

Fu Bing sighed while driving, "People don't care about me. It's not very interesting to have a hot face but a cold butt. I really don't want to go. Look at your grandma crying, fussing, and hanging herself. It's not okay if you don't go. It's really annoying." ah."

Fu Yao smiled and said, "What if I meet someone good?"

Fu Bing said, "Like before, it's very simple. When a girl is looking for her husband's family, she first checks whether you are from the city or the countryside. City residents have a commodity and grain household registration. They are superior to others and are given priority. Then they look at whether you are an official or an ordinary worker. .

There is still a gap between workers. Automobile factory workers are more respectable than boiler factory workers, and machine tool operators are more popular than sand foundry workers.

In fact, having said all this, everyone had similar hardware conditions at that time, and it had only been open for a short time, so most people still ate from the big pot.

It won't be like now, where big girls are just picky. It's more realistic. If you don't have money, no one will take a second look at you. "

Fu Yao said, "As women become more educated, they become more independent."

Fu Bing said, "Are you trying to hide my lack of education in disguise?"

Fu Yao explained, "I don't mean that. It was also an era of information asymmetry in the past. Now women have more choices and will not be easily accommodated."

Fu Bing said, "Haha, don't tell me, this information is not informative. I never thought it would be so easy to make friends before. When I searched for people nearby on WeChat, all of them were pretty girls.

But it’s of no use. I used your mother’s car as my avatar and we had a lot of fun talking about it. Then I bought my own van and posted a photo, but no one paid any attention to me at all. Grandma is a bear. "

When the car reached an intersection, Fu Yao said, "Turn left at the next intersection."

After wandering around the streets and alleys all day long, he was more familiar with many sections of the road than Fu Bing.

The blind date was held in a park, as decided by the old lady and the matchmaker.

Fu Bing parked the car on the side of the road and looked around in the park with Fu Yao. He took out a cigarette and said, "Really, what age are you in? I couldn't choose anywhere, but I chose a place like this. It's hard to find people."

Fu Yao held down his hand to prevent him from lighting up the cigarette, and said with a smile, "What if people don't like smokers? The smell of cigarette smoke is still very bad."

Fu Bing said, "If someone really likes me, should I quit smoking?"

He insisted on lighting up a cigarette and said, "It won't be easy for anyone to quit smoking if I ask you to."

Fu Yao shook his head helplessly and continued walking into the park.

A girl wearing a blue floral dress caught his attention.

He grabbed his uncle, pointed at the woman and said, "Is that her? Grandma said she had a newspaper in her hand."

Fu Bing took a closer look and saw that the woman was holding a long circular roll. He was not sure whether it was a rolled-up newspaper.

He quickly put out the cigarette. He couldn't find the trash can for a while, so he simply stuffed it into Fu Yao's palm. He held his head high, straightened his tie and collar, took a breath, and walked slowly towards the woman.

Fu Yao caught up and whispered, "I forgot something."

He put the plastic flower from his coat pocket into Fu Bing's pocket.

The woman was in her thirties, with a plain face and neatly short hair. She was sitting on the flower bed. When she saw Fu Bing coming over with flowers on his chest, she stood up with a smile and said, "Hello."

"Hello." Fu Bing hurriedly stretched out his hand.

Fu Yao was standing not far away, and he didn't expect his uncle to be so nervous.

The two of them walked and talked.

He followed slowly.

Half an hour later, he saw two people entering KFC.

He also walked in and ordered a cup of Coke, which was his favorite when he was a child. It's a pity that I don't drink much. Now I can drink it freely, but I can't drink it anymore.

After he paid the money, Fu Bing was still at the counter squinting at the list in front of him.

Fu Yao whispered to his uncle, "Just order a set meal."

Fu Bing was startled, and after rolling his eyes at him, he ordered the set meal as he said, but he ordered two portions.

Fu Yao sat down across the two tables between them. The woman was elegant and calm, with a smile on her face. Her uncle's performance was much worse, with his head lowered and flustered.

Another half hour later, my uncle was picking up the uneaten burgers and fries.

Fu Yao was shocked.

In order to create the character of a family man, his uncle also worked hard.

His uncle never packed meals.

Then, he watched helplessly as his uncle drove the woman away in a van.

There was a bookstore nearby. After going in to buy a book, I took a taxi back.

After returning home, Mrs. Fu kept asking about the blind date.

Fu Yao smiled and said, "My uncle is interested in her anyway, so I don't know what her attitude is."

Mrs. Fu said disdainfully, "What's wrong with a second-year-old girl from out of town? We can like her and won't abuse her."

Fu Yao shrugged helplessly. He didn't have the confidence like his grandma.

The old lady continued, "It was introduced by an old neighbor. The woman rented her house. She said she worked in some company and earned three melons and two dates a month."

Fu Yao held the tea cup and did not comment.

Just listen to the old lady continue, "As long as your uncle likes it, I will take advantage of it."

ps: For those who have tickets, please let me know. In the new year and the new atmosphere, the old haters decided to fight for their reputation.

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