My 1979

Chapter 1580 Integrity

She is about the same height as Liu Cheng, and slightly better in appearance, but in terms of aura, she is not as good as her. She puffs up her chest so as not to lose to her.

No matter what, she won't move, she can't be easily overwhelmed by others.

The moment she closed the door, through the crack in the door, she could see the otaku living upstairs coming down the stairs carrying a large suitcase.

Close the door, pull the chair out from under the table, motion for Liu Cheng to sit down, and then ask, "Miss Liu, would you like some coffee?"

Liu Cheng smiled and said, "Thank you, tea would be best."

Bai Yueting sat down by the bed and said with a smile, "Sorry, I don't have tea here. Miss Liu, what can I do for you?"

Liu Cheng smiled and said, "I think Miss Jiang just gave you a rough idea, right? We want to take back this house and use it for another purpose, so, to be presumptuous, we hope you can move out first."

I'm really sorry, it was too hasty, but don't worry, we will give you satisfactory compensation. "

Bai Yueting said, "The lease contract expires in three months. It was He Zhou who signed it with me. If he wants to drive me away, I really have nothing to say."

The meaning is obvious, Liu Cheng is not qualified to drive her away.

Liu Cheng didn't care much about her words and continued, "As compensation, I would like to propose two plans for your reference. First, we also have a villa on Longdong Avenue. The location is a little more remote than here, but the conditions are better than here. The luxurious decoration has an independent swimming pool, and you can live there for free for one year. During this year, you have full rights to use and dispose of it.

Last year's tenant was a listed garden company, and the annual rent was 700,000.

The second option is to compensate you with 50,000 yuan in cash. I will give it to you now. You can find a house anywhere outside because you may not be able to find a place to live temporarily. I will open a room for you in the hotel opposite for a month. "

After saying that, he looked at Bai Yueting quietly to see what choice she would make.

If you are ambitious, you may choose the first option. The villa can be sublet, and the income is far greater than taking 50,000 in cash.

Those who are more cautious and conservative will choose the second option, because the villa is not so easy to sublet, so it is safer to take cash.

Bai Yueting also looked at her and said word by word, "Sorry, I refuse. I think I have the right to protect my legal rights from being infringed."

Now I finally understand why Jiang Yaoyao took 50,000 in cash.

Since it was rented to another company before, it means that the layout inside is decorated according to the company's layout. Next, you have to find an employer to rent it, but it is only for one year, and most employers are not willing to sign for such a short period of time.

If you rent it to an individual, you will need to invest your own money to make major changes, and it is still unknown how much profit you will get.

Therefore, it is most cost-effective to take 50,000 in cash.

In fact, I feel a little moved in my heart.

Fifty thousand yuan is really for nothing.

However, her character determines that she is unwilling to compromise, and she, Bai Yueting, also has backbone.

She once fantasized about a love in which your mother asked me to get out with five million dollars, but she never imagined that someone would give her fifty thousand dollars to move her house now.

Give me five million and you will lose all your temper.

I am definitely happy at the moment.

Because that’s five million!

As for 50,000 yuan, that is her monthly salary.

She could have scoffed.

Liu Cheng didn't look unhappy at all, and said with a smile, "Miss Bai, you are the only one in the whole building now, and the others have accepted our conditions.

I believe Ms. Bai will not be short of tens of thousands of dollars, but this is just a little bit of our thoughts. I hope you will accept it, don't mind the small amount of money. "

She took out a wad of money from her bag and stretched out her hand, hoping that Bai Yueting would take it.

Bai Yueting glanced at the thick pile and did not pick it up. She heard the warning in the other party's words. The others had left, and now she was the only one left. She had no hope of finding an ally.

He who knows the current affairs is a hero.

She said calmly, "Ms. Liu, this is not about money, it is about the spirit of the contract. When the rental contract expires, you don't need to say anything. I will move myself."

Liu Cheng said, "Miss Bai, as a human being, the most important thing is to understand each other. It's good for you and me."

Bai Yueting raised her eyebrows, "Can I understand that you are threatening me?"

Liu Cheng said, "You misunderstood. You are Mr. He's tenant. I support you in safeguarding your rights and interests, so I will compensate you. For example, some landlords will not charge you the rent for the month when they sell their houses." , I won’t discuss it easily with you.”

Bai Yueting said, "Since you also know that it is He Zhou's house, let He Zhou discuss it with me."

After speaking, he stood up and said, "Miss Liu, it's getting late, I want to rest."

Liu Cheng stuffed the money back into her bag, walked to the door, and suddenly turned around and said, "You work at the Design Institute of Xiangyang Group, right? Say hello to Mr. Fu Biao for me."

Gently closed the door to the room.

Bai Yueting watched the elegant figure disappear, and could only hear footsteps coming from the empty corridor.

Her chest rose and fell with anger.

Fu Biao is the chairman of their Xiangyang Group and one of the top 20 richest people in China.

Where can she see her whenever she wants?

The unit she works for is called Xiangyang Group Design Institute, with its headquarters in Yangcheng. There are six design institutes of the size of Pujiang in the country, all in first-tier megacities.

The other party was clearly threatening her.

She is annoying.

I lay in bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time, and barely closed my eyes until early in the morning.

When I got up in the morning, I finished washing and went to work. As soon as I came downstairs, I found He Zhou sitting on the sofa in the living room eating breakfast.

She said, "Morning."

He Zhou said awkwardly, "Go to work."

Last night, I went out to a banquet with my wife. When I got home, I found that the lights in every room were turned off.

I went to the kitchen to boil a pot of water, but the tenant’s kitchen supplies were all gone.

The shoe cabinet at the entrance to the hall was also empty.

After he realized something, he called Jian Si.

After understanding it clearly, he couldn't help but sigh that I really spent enough money, 50,000 yuan per person, a total of more than 200,000 yuan!

How nice it would be to give him the money!

He couldn't even cry even if he wanted to!

The only thing that comforted him was that Bai Yueting hadn't left yet.

Bai Yueting asked, "Is there anything you want to say?"

He Zhou said, "You continue to live in your place and don't worry about them. If it doesn't work, I will move out when the time comes."

As long as she moves away, his mother probably won't interfere in his messy affairs.

Bai Yueting said, "If it really causes you trouble, I think I can move away. Give me two days and I'll find a good house first."

He Zhou said, "No, really, I will talk to her seriously later. She always listens to me."

In anger, he originally didn't want to talk to his mother, but the problem still had to be solved. If his mother was really determined to be cruel, Bai Yueting would definitely not be able to live there.

In fact, he knew in his heart that his mother was really not competing with the tenants, let alone who rented the house to or how many people lived in it. She clearly wanted to coerce him into bowing his head because of the tenants' affairs.

His mother was proving her ability to him through this matter. If He Zhaodi disagreed with anything, it was all nonsense.

Bai Yueting said, "Thank you then."

He Zhou pointed to the soy milk and fried dough sticks in front of him, "You should also eat some and let's go to work together."

Bai Yueting didn't refuse. By the time she finished eating, He Zhou had already washed his face and went out.

When she locked the door, He Zhou was sitting in the car at the door waiting for her. He pulled down the window and said, "Come up and see you off."

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