My 1979

Chapter 1581 Lucky Star

After the banquet, he was impatiently waiting for a taxi, so he simply turned around and asked for a car key from the driver waiting at the door.

The driver saw him drinking and insisted on taking him back. As for the car, he left it here without authorization and took a taxi back.

Bai Yueting put the small handbag on her back shoulder, swung it around, and circled around the black car. She smiled and said, "Your car? It looks a bit like a second-generation car, not bad."

He Zhou said, "You think too highly of me. Come on to my mother's car quickly."

Bai Yueting said, "Are you still going to work?"

He Zhou said, "If you don't go to work, I'll drink the northwest wind."

Now that the rental income is gone, where can he have a source of income if he doesn't go to work?

Bai Yueting sat on it calmly and said with a smile, "This is the first time I hear people who live in luxury homes and drive luxury cars cry about poverty."

He Zhou said, "Help me see if there are any rental cars. I can use this car as a wedding car. I'll make whatever I can earn. This car is a gas giant. It costs about 160 per 100 kilometers. I can't afford it. I have to have an income." That’s all.”

He was so handsome for only three days. If he couldn't afford it, he would have to return the car to his mother.

Bai Yueting said, "Are you trying to laugh me to death?"

He Zhou drove out of the community and onto the road to speed up. He finally found the feeling and said with a smile, "I'm serious. Do you think if I were rich, I could rent a good house?

I didn't think about driving this car originally, but now that I think about it, it's more convenient to have a car, so I'd better keep it as much as possible. "

The main reason is that I had some income from renting a house before, but I didn’t spend it much, and I saved a lot, which was enough to support a first-stage car.

However, it can't be sustained for long.

Bai Yueting said, "There are no more than three cars like this in Pujiang. It's too easy to rent them out. Just contact any wedding company. The only bad thing is that your license plate is 88888. It's too conspicuous when you drive it out. If someone else recognizes you and loses your mother’s face, won’t your mother care about you?”

He Zhou slapped his head and said, "Forget about this! How about I change a car?"

Bai Yueting rolled her eyes at him and said, "You have money and you are willful."

It was the rush hour for work and the road was very congested with many cars crowded together.

However, there was a large gap around He Zhou's car, and the car behind him was at least fifty or sixty meters away from his car.

Occasionally there is a car running parallel to him, and most of the people in the car look at Bai Yueting.

Bai Yueting felt uncomfortable being looked at and kept her head down as much as possible. She could probably guess what type of person she would be in the eyes of others.

After arriving at the door of the company, she hurriedly got out of the car and had no time to talk to He Zhou. The looks from the people around her were too scary.

He Zhou felt confused and turned into the next intersection, which was his company.

Parked the car in the underground garage and took the elevator into the company.

The first thing he said when he met Jiang Yaoyao was, "Where did you sleep last night?"

Jiang Yaoyao said with a smile, "Your mother is so generous. Not only did she give us the money, she also opened a five-star hotel room for us for a month. It feels really different to stay there. Thank you auntie for me."

An unexpected fortune suddenly fell from the sky, which made her happy.

"Is there a rule of sharing half of the money when meeting?" He Zhou's teeth itched in distress.

His mother!

He is so generous to outsiders even though he is so generous to himself!

Jiang Yaoyao said, "That's a nice thought. I guess you won't come to work today."

He Zhou said, "Hey, we still have to work, otherwise we will really die soon."

At nine o'clock, the company held a morning meeting. All employees stood in two rows. The store manager summarized the performance of the previous week. After delivering an impassioned speech, everyone sang a song "My Future Is Not a Dream."

After the morning meeting ended, everyone began to go about their own business. Wang Yue approached He Zhou and said, "Have you contacted the intended client yesterday?"

He Zhou said, "No, I'll make a call now."

When he called the customer, Wang Yue was watching. After he hung up the phone, he asked, "What did the customer say?"

He Zhou said, "The information is all complete. Let's make an appointment to collect credit information at two o'clock in the afternoon."

Wang Yue said, "Okay, let me know when you leave and I will accompany you."

He took out a credit application form from the cabinet under the table and patiently taught He Zhou how to fill it out.

After He Zhou understood it clearly, he continued to make phone calls. Until lunch time, he did not call any potential customers.

It was He Zhou, Jiang Yaoyao and Wang Yue who had lunch again. This time it was Jiang Yaoyao who paid for it.

In the afternoon, Wang Yue accompanied He Zhou to the People's Bank of China to collect credit information. After collecting credit information, she taught the customer step by step how to fill out the form.

Then, she helped He Zhou contact the salesmen of two small loan companies. When they returned to the company, the two salesmen were already waiting there and gave them the form information directly.

Three days later, the customer's loan was approved by the small loan company as expected.

He Zhou received a commission of 3,000 yuan from the agency.

In a real sense, this was the first money he ever made in his life.

In the past, he worked in my mother's company and got my money.

He became more motivated and went out with his colleagues every day to post small advertisements and distribute flyers, but his gains were limited.

After half a month, I only made one order, and it was not made by my own company. I got a thousand yuan in commission from my peers.

The performance of my company is still at zero.

He felt that the traditional way of business development was too inefficient, so he started posting messages on information classification websites. To his surprise, even if it took two minutes to post two random messages, the effect was very good.

Regardless of the client's qualifications, he receives more than a dozen consultation calls every day.

And he went to the streets and markets to hand out leaflets, but he didn't receive a single call at the end of the day.

Under the eyes of his colleagues in disbelief, he handed in 17 orders for five consecutive working days. At the most, he handed in 5 orders in one day, and approved 9 orders, with the loan amount reaching 270,000!

Although the approval rate of our company is only a little 50%, he can also do the orders that the company cannot do at other companies. He is not willing to get the rebate, but starts to exchange orders with his peers.

He strengthened his confidence in advertising online. He spent money to buy memberships on several well-known classified information websites. As long as the information he published was ranked first in most cases.

He didn't hide his way of getting customers, and told Jiang Yaoyao and Wang Yue. As for others, he didn't tell them at all. He was not a bad person.

Jiang Yaoyao and Wang Yue followed suit and doubled their performance again.

The tenth of every month is the day when wages are paid. He Zhou saw the text message notification that he had received 21,564.5 yuan this month. With the rebate from other salesmen, he earned just over 30,000 yuan this month.

Jiang Yaoyao got more than 40,000 yuan this month, and she couldn't close her mouth with joy.

She sincerely felt that He Zhou was her lucky star.

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