My 1979

Chapter 1680 Leek

It was a sunny day in Hugo, and large chunks of sunshine passed through the branches and swept across the face of He Zhou who was sitting on the pony at the door.

Corgi would come over and nudge his feet intentionally or unintentionally, which made him very upset and impatient. He picked him up by the scruff of his neck and threw him into the house, then closed the door.

I sat down again and occasionally glanced at the phone in my hand, trembling all over as I looked at the green-light interface on the securities.

Today's 1,000-stock limit-down scene was something he had never experienced since he started trading in the stock market. It was so scary. Of the 12 stocks he held, 9 of them were on the one-line limit-down board as soon as the market opened.

lost heavily.

He had estimated this situation yesterday, but when it actually happened, he could not stop his panic. Only at this moment did he really feel the risks of the stock market.

He didn't care how much money he lost, but the loss of money frustrates his self-confidence.

The total market value is 10 million, and the floating loss is 15 points. Should I stop the loss or buy the bottom?

Looking at the continuously falling Shanghai Composite Index and the ever-changing floating loss figures, his heart is always hanging. Is it really necessary for retail investors to trample on each other?

Suddenly there was a whistle in his ears, and just as he was about to squint his eyes to look at the license plate of the approaching car, the car quickly stopped in front of his house.

"Uncle Pan," He Zhou nodded to Pan Ying who got out of the car, walked out of the yard, and opened the car door for Pan Guangcai, "Why are you here?"

Pan Guangcai said with a smile, "I have nothing to do. Come hang out here and let me have a few more drinks."

"Hey, these leeks are growing well. They will grow into leek flowers soon." He Zhou's phone on the chair had not turned off the screen. Pan Ying's sharp eyes scanned the stocks on the street at a glance, "What a talent. , you became a millionaire in just one day, you’re already in this situation, why don’t you leave, do you really want to keep it for the New Year?”

"I am here for the long term. I don't care about temporary gains and losses. Temporary adjustments in the market are nothing. I just wait for the dawn with peace of mind." He Zhou is not willing to give up his last stubbornness.

Pan Ying teased, "The short-term becomes the mid-term, the mid-term becomes the long-term, and the long-term becomes the shareholders. Time will prove who is right and who is wrong. There are no young or old on the road to hell, so just take it easy."

Her father made his fortune by reselling treasury bills with Li Long, Li Hui and others, and later started to do stock trading. When Li Hui, Li Long and others withdrew from securities finance, her father did not withdraw. He just relied on his elementary school education. He has become a big crocodile in the capital market, a person who stomps his feet and trembles three times.

Therefore, the most books at home since childhood were about securities. She likes to read them when she has nothing to do. Coupled with the long-term exposure, her understanding of the capital market is deeper than the average person.

After she went to college and had enough time, she began to use her spare money to speculate in stocks. Now she is a real veteran stock investor.

Therefore, she is very confident and has a higher level of stock trading than He Zhou. How can we say that her skills are passed down from her ancestors?

He Zhou said angrily, "I am a price investor, and you are a short-term speculator. We have different paths and do not work together."

Pan Ying said with a smile, "Isn't it more direct to just talk about cigarette butts? How can you, a person who has difficulty reading financial reports, have the ability to dig for gold from the sewers? Sister, my advice is, as a novice, don't buy lagging stocks, don't buy mediocre stocks. Stock, lock the faucet with all your heart and that’s it.”

He Zhou put his cell phone in his pocket and ignored Pan Ying who was gloating about his misfortune. He turned to Pan Guangcai and said with a smile, "Uncle, come in and I'll pour you tea."

There was a corgi in the house, so he opened the door first and let it out.

After Pan Guangcai sat down, he handed the water glass to Pan Ying and asked his daughter to help him refill it. After taking a sip, he couldn't stay in the room any longer, so he simply stood at the door and invited Corgi to play. When he saw He Zhou coming over, he smiled and said , "Bring me your mobile phone and let me see what the tickets are."

"Uncle, you are a professional, please help me take a look." He Zhou was not embarrassed about Pan Guangcai. After opening the securities app interface, he handed over his mobile phone directly.

Pan Guangcai didn't answer the phone, he just glanced up and said, "Come out."

"Uncle, I still have money. I want to keep it and continue to buy the bottom tomorrow. According to my idea, there will definitely be a sharp rise tomorrow. This round is completely caused by panic." He Zhou did not intend to follow Pan Guangcai's advice. He himself He is highly educated, has read Buffett, and is familiar with Graham. He has heard many stories about Pan Guangcai, but in his opinion, Pan Guangcai's generation is most likely to be where they are today because of luck and thanks to reform and opening up. Therefore, Pan Guangcai's words did not convince him completely. He needed to prove himself, so he needed to stick to his own opinions and make his own decisions. "I don't think we should be dominated by market panic. Buffett said, when others are afraid, you have to be greedy." , when others are greedy, be afraid.”

"Warren Buffett?" A wisp of smoke came out of Pan Guangcai's nostrils. He said with a smile, "I'm quite familiar with him. He is engaged in the primary market, and his concepts are too old-fashioned. When the market is good, he will take it lightly. Swallow, even if you have trouble with money, your funds must be efficient.

Only in a bull market can we talk about value. In a bear market, gold will not shine. "

"My dad is the second shareholder of their company." Pan Ying was so angry!

This is looking down on his own father!

A biological father can tolerate it, but she, a daughter, cannot tolerate it.

"I have read some of his books." He Zhou smiled sheepishly, "I think a lot of what he said makes sense."

Pan Guangcai smiled and said, "Uncle, I have a message for you. Don't care why you lost today, don't care what happens tomorrow. You can't hesitate to stop your losses now. Uncle, I really haven't read any books, and I don't know the truth." I understand, but I have learned one thing over the years: if we lose, we must admit it!

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are willing to reflect. "

He Zhou was still hesitating, and Pan Ying couldn't help but said, "Since when have you been so lazy? Look at all the stocks you bought, 12 of them at once, can you handle it?"

Having three at once is a big deal.

You look like a new leek at first glance, and you always think that you are faster than a sickle. "

"Now that I'm out, I'm really a leek." He Zhou could bow to Pan Guangcai, but why did he bow to Pan Ying?

Are you still distinguishing between big and small kings?

Pan Guangcai stood up, stretched and said, "When danger comes, don't argue, hide, and come back quietly when you're sure he's harmless. It won't be embarrassing.

If you increase your bets at this time and try to spread the costs, that is what gamblers do. "

"Uncle, if it were you, would you do this?" He Zhou asked curiously.

"If it were twenty years ago, I would indeed do what I taught you." Pan Guangcai said with a smile, "Now I don't have to."

"Why?" He Zhou asked, gritting his teeth and clicking one button to clear the position, and the transaction was completed at the opponent's best price.

Pan Ying said angrily, "Silly, you think my dad is a leek like you. As long as the amount of funds is large enough, he can turn clouds and rain with his hands."

"Hey, there is still a bottle of liquor that can't be released. It's all on the board, and there's no pay." He Zhou pointed the phone screen at Pan Guangcai.

Pan Guangcai said with a smile, "Then keep this one, use your remaining money to make up for this one, protect the country, and don't let foreign investors take advantage."

"Thank you, Uncle Pan." Suddenly there was only this one stock left. Inexplicably, He Zhou felt at ease and accepted the loss and failure calmly.

There is only one stock left, which is much easier to operate.

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