My 1979

Chapter 1681 Experience

Pan Guangcai turned around and stretched out his arms to throw the cigarette butt into the trash can at the door. He took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "Young people, it is a good thing to read more books, but don't read nonsense that everyone knows.

This is the problem I made when I was young. I am more familiar with the "buy low, sell high", "valuation" and "moat" stuff than you are.

I started buying a hundred stocks, and ninety-nine of them went up. I felt that I was great, powerful, accomplished, and a stock god, right?

I even had the illusion that I was born to eat this bowl of rice.

However, when I started losing money later, I realized that I was just a hammer. In the bull market, there were more than 3,000 stocks, and 3,000 stocks rose. Even a fool, a blind cat, and a rat can still make money.

As soon as I encountered a bear market, I started to panic. I would pay whatever I bought. If it weren't for your mother and you, Li Hui and Li Longshu, who were supporting me from behind, I should have gone bankrupt long ago. "

He Zhou didn't know much about Pan Guangcai's family history, so he asked curiously, "Uncle, how did you make adjustments afterwards?"

Pan Guangcai's words made him feel a little bit similar. The reason why he started stock trading was just because he started to make some money, and he also had the illusion that he could make some spare money from the stock market.

Pan Guangcai sat down again, unbuttoned a button on his collar, and said with a smile, "Don't admit defeat, I will slowly sum up my own things in the end.

This set of things is only suitable for you, and if you teach it to others, others will not be able to learn it. "

He Zhou said, "If you don't tell me, how do you know I can't learn it?"

Pan Guangcai said, “For example, in today’s market situation, the main factor affecting the market is market sentiment. Most people will panic, but not everyone can treat it correctly.

If you can't control your emotions, you won't be able to execute your trading ideas no matter how good they are.

Like you, you must have set a stop loss line at the beginning, eight or ten points, but now you have a floating loss of 15 or 10 points, have you executed it? "

He Zhou chuckled and said, "I don't believe in this evil. I always feel that it will come back. I don't want to be dominated by public sentiment."

"Don't go against the market sentiment. The most important thing in stock trading is to go with the trend. Only by going with the trend can you make money. Go against the trend." What Pan Guangcai didn't finish was that only people like him and Li He have the qualifications and ability to fight against the market's decline. He tried to fight against the enemy, but he still didn’t say, “The enemy is weak and will only get beaten.”

"Uncle, please tell me more," He Zhou took out the cigarette from his pocket, first put it in Pan Guangcai's mouth, and then lit it for himself, "I usually can't bear to buy more expensive clothes, but now I'm losing money all of a sudden. I have paid more than one million, how worried I am."

If I had known this, I might as well have used the money to go out and play.

It's better than an unknown loss.

"You should smoke less. You are young. There is nothing better to learn than smoking." Pan Guangcai lit up his cigarette, and then continued, "From now on, hold on to the long term. I got rid of the idea of ​​"buy low, sell high" from my mind. How long is this long term?

Some large-cap stocks have very good quality, very strong profitability, and generous dividends.

However, Pawo has been silent for five or six years, and such a small dividend cannot make up for the loss of the stock price.

Even if you make some money, it's not much and it will completely affect the efficiency of your capital use.

The correct one should be 'buy high, sell higher'. This is in line with the trend and follows the upward trend. "

"Isn't this just chasing highs?" He Zhou didn't understand for a while. All the books he read about stocks told him that chasing highs was stupid.

Even some financial and financial experts he came into contact with through work would preach the concept of value investment to him.

Now Pan Guangcai told him some opposite ideas, which he really didn't accept easily.

Pan Ying smiled and said, "You are really stupid. You only know how to buy the bottom, but do you know where the bottom is?

And even if the decline stops, it is impossible to complete a rebound without a double bottom as a foundation. A rebound usually takes a year and a half. If you have this year and a half, you can’t buy any stocks. You have to waste it here. time? "

He Zhou said unconvinced, "Then how do you know this is not a shock callback? What if the decline is short-term?"

Pan Guangcai smiled and waved his hands and said, "Just listen to what I say. After a certain decline is exceeded, it's not just as simple as adjusting. Let's run away first."

If you are sure there is no threat, it is not too late to get on the bus, and do not fight against the trend.

Once it is determined that it is a downward trend and you cannot save it with your own strength and confidence, give up temporarily and wait for opportunities slowly. "

Unlike Li He, he has no addiction to preaching. Once he is sure that the other party does not want to listen, he will not say more.

Human development has accumulated many useful experiences and methods over thousands of years, and there is nothing new under the sun.

People still make the same repeated mistakes.

No matter how much he talks now, He Zhou may not be able to listen to it. If he has some experience, he still has to fall down and experience it himself with blood and tears.

He Zhou said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Keep the principal first, and then plan for the future. Then I will cover my position in the liquor stock now?"

Pan Ying said with a smile, "Slowly cover the position, first a quarter, and then wait until tomorrow to see the situation, then half."

He Zhou said, "That's no problem."

After saying that, I clicked twice on my phone and paid directly according to the market price, and the transaction was completed instantly.

Pan responded, "Have you thought about what to treat us to for lunch?"

He Zhou said, "Do you still have a conscience? I've already suffered such a loss, but you still have the nerve to let me treat you to dinner. Shouldn't it be you who treats Uncle Pan and me?"

Pan responded, "Of course I have a conscience. I was just thinking, after you finish losing more than ten million, which sound would you like better if I cried?"

Pan Guangcai watched the two people bickering with a smile, and after a while he said, "Okay, stop making trouble, hurry up, and let's discuss who is going to treat us. I ate early this morning, and I'm hungry now."

"There's a good Sichuan restaurant at the door. Let's go there now." He Zhou locked the door and the three of them walked out of the community.

At the dinner table, Pan Ying chose a stock for He Zhou while he was free, and then said with a smile, "Take it, and you won't leave until it doubles."

He Zhou said, "The price of this stock has risen so high. I dare not buy it at such a high price."

Pan responded, "With today's market conditions, this stock not only did not fall, but also rose by two points. What does that mean?"

"Generally, it's better to watch more." He Zhou said casually.

"2,000 stocks have dropped to the limit, and only this stock has risen against the trend. That is what everyone expected. Everyone's emotions are here, and they are very confident in this company.

You are so resilient, this is the one you want to buy. If you believe me, sister, just buy this one. Starting from tomorrow, it will not go up to the five daily limit," Pan Ying said very confidently, "I will leave my head here. "

"Are you so sure?" He Zhou thought she was bragging, "Let's talk first, who will be responsible if we lose?"

Pan Yingdao said, "Looking at graphics in the short term is still very useful. In some respects, the technical school is not useless. At least it can determine the short-term trend."

"I believe you once," He Zhou did not hesitate and directly bought 500,000 yuan. "You will be responsible for the loss. I only have this little capital."

Pan Ying said, "At this time, you have to believe in the long-term theory, because this is the trend of the upward channel, and no matter what, there is no reason to go down again.

You sit tight, the dealer washes the market, don't be frightened and lose your chips easily.

Not only can't you lose it, but you can also add positions in a timely manner when you encounter adjustments.

All positions are based on profit. "

"How much money have you made, and you still come to guide me?" He Zhou said angrily.

Pan Ying said, "I won't trade in stocks now. It's not very interesting. Maybe I will be accused of manipulating the securities market."

Her father's influence is too great. If he doesn't play, she can't play either, otherwise he will be blackmailed by her.

Besides, at their level, there is no need to mess around and fish in the secondary market.

If she really can't stand it and wants to trade in stocks, Hong Kong stocks or US stocks are her real choices.

"That's true." He Zhou was right after thinking about it. He picked up his wine glass and said to Pan Guangcai, "Uncle, let me toast you."

Pan Guangcai smiled and agreed, drank it all in one gulp and said, "Drink less, your uncle and I will treat you tonight."

He Zhou asked curiously, "Uncle Erhe is still in Pujiang?"

Pan Guangcai nodded and said, "Your uncle Erhe is ready to retire. Now he takes Li Lan to various occasions and has already begun to hand over the situation."

He Zhou said, "Uncle Erhe is not very old, why are you all so anxious?

As an entrepreneur, retiring so early is a loss to the country and society. "

Pan Guangcai said, "Isn't your mother also retired? Is she too old?"

He Zhou said with a smile, "My mother is not in good health. I think I can share more if I can."

Although he has now taken over, in terms of grand strategy, the nine-member "Management Committee" elected by my mother is still in charge. Decisions on major proposals must be approved by two-thirds of the members and finally submitted to the board of directors. In principle, He said that as the chairman of the board of directors, he still had to agree.

So in most cases, he complains to himself that he is just a decoration now. It doesn't matter whether the group company has him or not. Apart from attending the weekly board meeting, he spends most of his time goofing around and being satisfied. The fantasy of being a stock god yourself.

Pan Ying said with a smile, "How can you share the burden? You are obviously not doing your job properly, but don't be addicted to stock trading. I heard that there was a rich second generation from southern Shanxi. After my father died, his son inherited his father's business. He became obsessed with stock trading and took over the master. All my career has been lost and I am almost bankrupt.”

"Then you're overthinking it." He Zhou wasn't worried at all. According to his mother, he had to be able to lose his family if he wanted to.

Pan Guangcai said, "In other words, we have worked so hard to earn so much for you. Don't be afraid. Let us go and do it. We are still jumping around in front of our eyes. If we collapse, we can still give you something." Hold on."

"Thank you, uncle." He Zhou said with a smile, "I can't let you protect me all the time. If we don't go through ups and downs, we will never grow up."

Pan Guangcai said, "It's good to think so, but don't put so much pressure on yourself. You young people, especially educated and educated young people, are the pillars of the country and society. That's all our generation can do." Now, if we do it again, neither the pattern nor the ideas will be able to keep up.

Your uncle and your uncle said that the "younger, more educated, and more professional" concept proposed by the country in the 1980s is not outdated now.

I didn't take it seriously at first. It wasn't until I went to South Korea and Japan that I understood the truth of this statement. Look at what it's like to be the chairman of the board in your eighties or nineties.

Only young people have unlimited possibilities. If some industries and industries are always occupied by old people, then this society will not have vitality or vitality. "

"You are thinking very far, but you elders are more experienced and courageous. Young people are careless." He Zhou deeply agreed, but he was modest, "There is still a lot to be done."

Pan Guangcai said, “Experience and courage are secondary. The main thing is this innovation and the attitude towards new things.

A few years ago, I never understood the Internet and the mobile phone network. Many young entrepreneurs came to me, but I rejected them. Now they have become big companies. I regret thinking about it. . "

He finally understood his stubbornness. He wanted to change, but he couldn't because he couldn't understand it.

For example, he will never understand why young people can have fun with their mobile phones all day long and are so obsessed with eating chicken.

Therefore, if you can’t keep up with the times, take the initiative to quit.

"I will not be a stumbling block in history." Pan Guangcai said with a smile after taking a sip of wine.

"Uncle, let me toast you again."

To this day, He Zhou still doesn't understand how people like his mother and Pan Guangcai, who only have primary school education, formed their ideas and patterns.

ps: I’ll write a few extra chapters and then start a new book. Please support me! !

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