My 1979

Chapter 216 Discussion

The next day Liu Laosi came, and Li He also called Da Zhuang and Li Long over to discuss the partnership between the three of them.

Human society is different from the animal world. Human society is far more complicated than the animal world. The interdependence between individuals and between groups is very close. Except for competitions, any game of "you will live or you will die" or "you will live or I will die". It's all bad for yourself. Therefore, "fighting alone" is not the way for human society to survive, so more people are singing the win-win approach of "fighting side by side".

The four of them, Liu and Lao, are steady but too down-to-earth, while Li Long and Da Zhuang are young and energetic, but quick-witted. The three of them can actually complement each other.

Da Zhuang had no objection to Li He's arrangement. Although he had decided to go to the capital earlier, although the capital was nice, what's the point of staying on the hot bed without his wife.

Only Li Long felt it was a bit embarrassing to collect the rags and thought it was a loss of face, so he complained a little about Li He's arrangement.

Li He said, "Do it or not, just be happy, no one will force you."

Li Long glanced at Da Zhuang. The two of them have always been one. If Da Zhuang went, he would have no choice but to go. Besides, Li He had already mentioned this, and Li Long also felt that if he continued to be stubborn, it would be a bit unreasonable. I thought about it and nodded, "I'll go then, but I have to come back when I'm busy in the fields."

Liu Laosi said, "That's for sure. If you don't come back after planting and harvesting in autumn, I will have to come back. My mother can't stay home alone."

Li He said to Liu Laosi, "Fourth brother, please estimate how much capital it will cost. I will lend it to you three. I won't take any share of you. If you make money, you can pay me back. No problem."

The three people nodded solemnly, and Liu Laosi said, "No problem, the borrowed money will definitely be repaid. Don't worry, I will give you an interest subsidy."

Li He smiled and said, "Forget about the interest money, you just get yourselves in order. When you make money and become capable, the three of you can continue to work together as a partnership. If you can't work together, you can work separately. There’s no need to mix it up.”

In a business like collecting junk, we started doing it together mainly for the sake of teamwork. If we can't replicate the scale, it doesn't make much sense to work together for a long time.

Liu Laosi said, "How can it be done? If we make money and separate, we will no longer be considered human beings."

Li He said, "Just listen to me on this. You can discuss the rest among yourselves."

Liu Laosi left happily, feeling that the sky was getting clearer and the road was wider.

Li Long and Da Zhuang had nothing to do, so they took the dogs out to chase rabbits.

Li Zhaokun had been sitting nearby watching the three people talking. Although he complained that his son was helping two outsiders, he was concerned about face after all and did not interrupt.

After a few people had left, he was still wondering how much money the eldest son had. To be so lavish, he must have at least tens of thousands of dollars in his hands.

He was also thinking about what he could do. Should he ask his second brother for some money to use as capital? It's not too much for me to ask my son for money.

He lit another cigarette and said to Li He, "You spend money randomly like this. Are you burning too much money?"

Li He didn't want to talk to Li Zhaokun at first, but he still said, "I mainly want to help the third child. We can't imprison him at home. He can't do anything alone. The three of us can help each other in the county."

Li Zhaokun said, "You can't even do it."

Li He didn't want to answer any more words and turned to leave.

"Stop." Li Zhaokun hadn't gotten to the point yet.

Li He turned around and said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I want to do some business after the holidays and I'm short on capital. You lend me some money and I'll pay you back with interest when I make a profit."

Li He said, "No, I gave it all to grandma. You can discuss it with grandma."

Li He told the truth. He brought more than 10,000 yuan back, gave 6,000 yuan to Wang Yulan, kept another 3,000 yuan for Li Long's business, and gave 500 yuan to his second uncle Wang Guoyu, leaving him with only 6,000 yuan. Seven hundred.

Li Zhaokun asked uncertainly, "Is it really for your mother?"

He feels that he is in trouble, his wife is not considerate, and it is getting harder and harder to get some money. Usually he can only make three or five yuan, but it will be difficult if he wants to spend more.

"If you don't believe me, ask grandma."

After the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, the snow stopped, and there was a rare sunny day, but it was still cold and cold.

Li He took Li Long and three others to the county seat, first looking for Bian Mei.

"Your brothers look really alike, but your brother is much more handsome than you," Bian Mei glanced at Li Long, then said to Li He, "Don't worry, your brother is my brother. Make sure no one can hide him."

Li He smiled and said, "With your words, I feel relieved."

Bian Mei said, "Even if I can't handle it, isn't there still Director He? He can say a hundred words against me. You are not honest at all. If I had known that you two knew each other, I wouldn't have gone around like that before. Dawan goes to find him."

Li He said, "How can you have any dealings with him?".

Bian Mei said, "He is very popular now. He is the youngest county-level cadre in the county. Not only is he in charge of industry, but he also has the final say in the commerce bureau. Doesn't our department store fall under his control? Years and years ago, department stores If there are personnel changes to be made, many people are asking for him."

Even the youngest cadre is 35 years old. No wonder the country wants to promote younger cadres. However, Li He did not expect that He Jun could be so free. He smiled and said to Bian Mei, "I didn't know you were looking for him. I can't." When you meet people, just tell them that I know Director He. I’ll give you a meal at noon, and I’ll apologize. I hope you’ll take good care of me in the future.”

Bian Mei admitted that what Li He said was reasonable. If it was just for showing off, she, Bian Mei, really didn't want to pay attention to it, so she said, "Don't say such disgusting things. Just because of your relationship with Director He, whoever takes care of you will not pay attention to him." Definitely. I can’t have lunch, so I’ve made an appointment with a friend. I’ll treat you to another day.”

After Li He said goodbye, Bian Mei said to Li Long and others, "I'll go find He Jun, and the three of you will go find a house. You'll have a place to stay in the future. You can't run back and forth every day."

After listening to Li He's words, the three people went to find a house.

They were familiar with the county town. When Liu Laosi saw Da Zhuang and his two men going to the city, he grabbed them and said, "Let's go look for them outside the city."

Li Long said, "I'm telling you, Fourth Brother, there's nothing wrong with your mind. Living in the city is convenient for everything. There are shops, restaurants, food and drink. Why go so far to the suburbs?"

Da Zhuang also said, "Yes, we collect rags and do business in the city, so don't go outside the city."

Liu Laosi said, "The city is good, and sleeping is good. But after we collect the rags, we need a place to put them. There is only such a big place in the city. Where to put the rags after they are collected, don't we have to find a spacious place?" . Moreover, those rags and rags attract flies and mosquitoes in the summer, and they also smell bad. They pile up in front of people's houses, and people also give us trouble. Just go outside the city, the place is big, and let me collect the rags. It’s not far from the county seat.”

Liu Laosi is such a weak person, but when he talks about what he knows, he can spit.

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