My 1979

Chapter 217 Scratching

In the countryside in the morning and in the city at noon, Li Hecai deeply felt that there was an insurmountable boundary between the city and the countryside, even though this was only an eighth- or ninth-tier county in China.

People in rural areas are still working hard to fill their stomachs, while people in cities are already thinking about how many wedding items and how many legs to have. Young people who are married can also afford nannies in the countryside, and young people dare to become photography enthusiasts. Sure enough, The city knows how to play.

In any era, if you reach the top 1% or the top 0.1%, you will basically be open and wealthy.

The government gate was not accessible to Li He. Even though he was grinning from the cold and his cheeks were red, he didn't know what to do. He had no choice but to try his luck and wait at the door.

When the familiar jeep caught Li He's eyes, Li He hurriedly waved to the car.

He Jun's driver was impressed by Li He and stopped the car without waiting for He Jun's instructions.

He Jun stuck his head out of the car window and asked, "What brought you here?"

Without waiting for a reply, Li He tightened his clothes, opened the door and got out of the car.

Li He said, "It's no big deal. I just want you to take care of something for me."

He Jun said, "You haven't eaten yet. Let's find a restaurant and chat while eating."

Li He nodded in agreement, got in the car with him, and followed He Jun to find a restaurant.

After sitting down and drinking a cup of hot tea, Li He told He Jun the purpose of coming, and then said, "My brother, please take care of me. After all, I haven't seen much of the world in the countryside."

He Jun said with a smile, "Nothing else? Is this a thing worth traveling all the way for? You underestimate me, you just need to find someone to tell you, I can't help you. "

He has also met Li Long and Da Zhuang, and in his eyes they are both pretty good young people.

Li He said, "We haven't had a drink together for a long time. Let's have some food. You talk so much nonsense."

"Since you're here for a meal, show some sincerity. You're not allowed to leave until you finish this bottle." He Jun laughed loudly, then turned to the driver sitting at the next table and said, "Xiao Zhao, come here too. , drink together.”

When the driver named Xiao Zhao saw that the two of them had finished chatting, he had nothing to do to avoid suspicion, so he just let go and got on the bus.

Li He raised his cup and said to Xiao Zhao, "Brother, let's have a drink."

As the leader driver, Xiao Zhao is usually arrogant, but he did not dare to be arrogant in front of such a university teacher. He stood up in a hurry and clinked the glasses, "I respect you, I respect you."

While talking, I drank a small glass of wine.

Li He just held up his glass without drinking, and said with a smile, "Brother, if you drink like this, it will be boring for us. According to the rules of our village, drinking while standing does not count."

Xiao Zhao said, "Okay, then I'll punish myself with a drink."

Li He poured him a drink. Anyway, there was no such thing as drunk driving, and there were only a few cars in the county, so he couldn't let him run on such a wide road.

Then he raised his cup and drank with Xiao Zhao.

The three of them were talking and laughing. After finishing a bottle of wine, Li He said, "Old He, you have a good drinker."

He Jun was quite helpless because he was in the arena. He smiled and said, "In our circle, we have to be like Li Bai who can never get drunk after a thousand cups, and we have to be able to hit the horse's butt accurately like a horse's tail. You said Is it difficult?”

After finishing the meal, Li He didn't argue with He Jun's order. Li He left the restaurant immediately.

He Jun said, "Let Xiao Zhao see you off."

Li He said, "Forget it, it's only Amitabha who can drive the car back to the work. After all, he also drank. I'll leave first."

After Li He left, He Jun asked Xiao Zhao, "Is this guy good?"

Xiao Zhao said: "Today I saw him picking up the rice grains on the dinner table and eating them. He thought it was quite good."

He Jun smiled and said: "Do you think you are stingy? You are wrong. Diligence and frugality are virtues. The rich do not forget the poor, and they always treat time as no time. These words should always be remembered. You haven't heard of it, have you? Before The concubines of Emperor Chongzhen are still wearing patchwork clothes, and no one is laughing at them. Looking on with a cold eye, some things can be seen more clearly. These are insights, which are hard to buy even with money."

Li He returned to the south gate. At the appointed place, Li Long and three others had already been hiding under the eaves and waiting.

Li He asked, "Have you found the house? Have you eaten?"

Li Long said, "I found it. It was a broken house, with a broken beam held up by a pillar. The ground was bumpy and bumpy. It was leaking from wind and rain, so I could set up a bed. After I found it, I ate some food nearby."

Liu Laosi was afraid that Li He would misunderstand, so he hurriedly said, "It's a brick house, but the roof is leaking. You can just repair it. The family members all work in the city, and the house outside the city was originally for Liuliu to stay at home." The old lady lived there, but after the old lady passed away, the house became vacant. Otherwise, no one would be willing to leave the brick house empty like that. We were lucky. We got a big deal. There was an open space in front of the door, which used to be used for threshing wheat. The field. And it’s close to the road, so it won’t get muddy even if it rains. Erhe, how about I take you to have a look.”

Li He waved his hand, "You can make your own decision. I won't interfere. Let's go home."

If he got involved in all these things, these people wouldn't be able to be independent at all, and he wouldn't be able to worry about it all.

Just after entering the village, Lao Wu was fishing for ice shavings from the ditch with a group of children at the entrance of the village. Because she usually had more snacks, the children fawned over her and became the king of children. When she saw Li He from a distance, she was startled.

He immediately ran home with his short legs, running around without doing his homework. If he was caught, he would be beaten.

Li He had also seen it a long time ago. When he returned home, he saw Lao Wu sitting on a chair and reading a book, and his eyes did not forget to glance at him.

He grabbed her homework book, which was completely blank. He sighed and said to Li Long, "You beat her, this kid won't be able to survive without beating her."

Li Long looked at Lao Wu, and then shook his head firmly, "I'm going home. Mei Zi is taking care of the two children alone."

What a joke, even if the girl is young, she still holds a grudge. He still expects Lao Wuduo to help him take care of the children.

Li He touched her wet sleeves, which were stained by playing water, and said to the fourth child, "Change her clothes."

The fourth child also sighed and asked her to wash him after changing his clothes. He slapped the fifth child on the butt several times angrily, "I don't think you are so sloppy."

After the fifth child had changed her clothes, Li He felt a headache again when he saw her messy hair, and said to the fourth child, "I'll hang my mother-in-law when she comes back. I really can't leave her with a pot head."

Lao Wu was not happy to hear this, "I want to braid my hair, so I won't cut it."

Li Zhaokun felt uncomfortable at home. Even if he won 30 cents playing cards in the afternoon, he couldn't get excited anymore.

In the past few days, it was confirmed from Wang Yulan that Li He had given money. He was like a cat scratching his itch. He still wanted to get some money from his own women. Only when a man has money can he start a career. Otherwise, he will be here every day. What a waste of energy to stay at home.

Although Wang Yulan still dotes on her man and is willing to spend money on her man, including cigarettes, wine and food, she knows her man too well and runs away as soon as he has money.

She now understands that as long as her man has no money in his pocket, he can't run far and can guard her. Once she gives him money, he can't find anyone.

At the moment, Wang Yulan has money in her pocket, food at home, her child is not caring, and her man is by her side. She couldn't be more comfortable. She would not do such a stupid thing by giving money to Li Zhaokun to let him run away.

No matter how much Li Zhaokun tried to coax or talk, it was useless, Wang Yulan still hung him in pieces.

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