My 1979

Chapter 223 Rocket Launcher

Li He has not yet sacrificed his individual self to fulfill the greater self's spirit. If he signed this, it would be equivalent to signing a contract of betrayal. He could not expect to leave the country in the next three to five years. From a conscience, he truly hopes to contribute to national defense, but from a self-interest perspective, he does not want to sacrifice himself.

Li He said, "You two, please don't tease me. You two are just editors. How can you keep anything secret? I won't joke with you. I don't read any information. If you have any questions, you can ask me directly. You must know everything and tell everything.”

The two fell into silence for a while. This was an endless loop. Before Li He signed a confidentiality agreement, it was impossible for them to reveal their identities. If their identities were not disclosed, Li He would not be willing to sign a confidentiality agreement.

After they returned, they developed a new type 84 rocket launcher based on the technical plan provided by Li He. It showed its power during the border conflict with Vietnam at the beginning of the year, blasting a large area at a time, and received an enthusiastic response among the military.

This time they actually came with a mission. They have been improving this rocket launcher. In the latest experiment, the rocket fell upside down and the experiment failed. Many people were very frustrated and hoped to get more information from Li He. , to solve the current dilemma.

Guo Dong finally said, "To be honest, we have sent your information and papers to relevant research units. The current trial research and development work has made great progress. We are still doing some improved work. , I hope to get your cooperation."

Then without violating the policy, he wrote some data and gave it to Li He.

Li He asked carefully several times before confirming, "It was caused by the long-term high-temperature ablation of gunpowder and the reduction in the strength of the steel pipe, which made the engine unable to withstand the pressure inside the engine."

Qi Gongxun said, "Yes, we also infer this. At present, we have found a solution: thickening the thickness of the engine casing and adding an insulation layer to the inner wall of the casing to prevent the inner casing from being too hot. But what kind of material should be used? The thermal insulation layer, and what process is used to coat the inside of the engine casing? There is no precedent in China."

Whether to say or not, Li He hesitated for a while. Because of this technology, he and his colleagues had been testing it repeatedly for half a year. Basically, they used silicon carbide and magnesium oxide as solid components and epoxy. Resin is the adhesive.

This is just the most common one. The best arrow shell must be strong, heat-resistant and light. The suitable material is c-c composite material.

What is the production capacity of this thing?

Let's put it this way, 10 million pieces of equipment, running for a month, can probably produce three 300 mm solid rocket motors.

After comparing them like this, you will find that these large-caliber rocket launchers can no longer be treated as "cannons". Their prices no longer allow for the violent play style of early rocket launchers.

Of course, according to the domestic financial strength and scientific research level, it is simply unrealistic to use c-c composite materials. All this stuff has to be bought with foreign exchange, and tens of thousands of dollars are gone in one shot.

Li He thought about it and decided to devote himself to the country. He really couldn't bear to see these old colleagues turn gray in a hurry.

Guo Dongdao, "Everyone knows about c-c composite material, but it is really too expensive, and we still don't have the money. Let's use the ordinary method you mentioned to paint it first."

Qi Gongxun said, "There is another problem with filling. This needs some advice."

Li He did not hide his secrets and said directly, "I remember reading an article in a British journal last year that the American M270 used modular filling technology."

The loading work of traditional rocket launchers after firing is extremely cumbersome. Even with an automatic loading vehicle, it takes a long time to complete a loading and launch again. Therefore, starting with the American M270 rocket launcher, new rocket launchers have begun to adopt modular launch/packaging barrel technology. When the rocket is ejected from the factory, it is placed in the packaging barrel, and the packaging barrel itself is the directional tube of the rocket. Multiple directional tubes are then assembled together into a shipping container-like container. In this way, one filling can be completed by simply loading the container onto the launcher.

After Li He finished speaking, the two of them were filled with admiration. Many of the technologies were not new or unheard of, and many of them had been published and applied in practice. They could only express their appreciation for Li He's extensive knowledge and understanding of domestic experts. , there are countless foreign journals at home. They both secretly decided to go back and read periodicals and newspapers.

When the conversation was almost over, Li He suddenly joked, "Since you are engaged in military journals, you know that the richest people in the world are arms dealers. Aren't you laughing your ass off when arms dealers say they are short of money? I don't study well." , don’t lie to me.”

Many large domestic factories that can produce hundreds of tanks and tens of thousands of guns every month rely on the production of simple household items such as gas tanks and pressure cookers.

Li He really couldn't stand it anymore.

"Thank you, Teacher Li." Guo Dong and the two said goodbye with a smile.

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