My 1979

Chapter 231 Radical Plan

When the thin monkey came back, he looked in a mess, his chin was covered with stubble, and his once handsome face had become sunken. The first thing he did was to hug his daughter and chew her fiercely. He turned his head and looked at the sleeping little beauty in his arms. The little beauty saw a big furry beard on his face. He didn't know whether he was frightened or pricked, so he cried immediately.

Huang Jiajia immediately opened the skinny monkey and took the child into her arms. "Hurry up and shave and take a bath. You are already a savage."

Seeing Shouhou's attitude, she felt relieved. She knew that her parents-in-law were not satisfied with having a daughter.

But she didn't care about her parents-in-law's attitude, she only cared about Shouhou's attitude. As long as Shouhou cared.

After the thin monkey took a bath, he gave the child to his parents, closed the door of the house, and stripped his wife naked. The water from far away could not quench the thirst of the near, and he did not eat meat for a long time. The thoughts of wind and moon were unbearable, and the waves rolled over him. The formation couldn't hold it back.

Although Huang Jiajia blamed Shouhou for being reckless, she couldn't express the sweetness in her heart.

Shouhou engaged in tunnel fighting for a few days and rested for a few days. The next step was naturally to serve wine.

He wanted to celebrate the occasion and invited everyone he knew well. He didn't go to a restaurant. He just opened seven or eight tables in his yard with relatives and friends.

The Thin Monkey is no longer what it used to be, so the neighbors naturally give him face and try to mingle with each other. I really want to see him in the future, so it’s quite lively.

Shouhou said to Li He, "Brother, give the child a name."

"Don't even think about it. You are his biological father. You have to do it yourself." Li He refused without hesitation. People respected him, but he couldn't really use himself as an onion to help others name their children. The key was His age doesn't matter. If he is seventy or eighty, he can still rely on his old man to help him come up with a name.

The thin monkey said, "I am not uneducated."

"It's just a matter of looking through a dictionary. You're free at this stage anyway, so do it yourself." After Li He finished speaking, he drank a glass of wine with the pig intestines next to him. "Let's drink together and ignore him."

Pig intestines, "How about I do it? I'll make sure it's loud."

Thin Monkey said angrily, "Let's go play, you are not as literate as I am. You drink, I will greet you at each table."

Li He looked at the people at the table. They were no longer the impulsive young people they used to be, shouting and killing at every turn. Time was too tedious.

After dinner, Shouhou wanted to talk to Li He about something. Li He said, "You have so many things to do at home. Let's finish our work first. Don't worry about it now."

Shouhou started to stay up late looking through the dictionary to find a suitable name for his daughter. His hair was turning gray, but he couldn't find a good one. What kind of name could suit her girl.

Old Man Li was rarely at home and kept coughing with his fist in his mouth.

Li He said, "Don't give up so easily. It's better to go to the hospital for a checkup. I can't afford the responsibility."

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute. I'm in good spirits. A cough can't kill me." The veins on Old Man Li's forehead jumped happily and he started coughing again.

He Fang brought a bowl of scrambled eggs with ginger, "Just eat some."

Old Man Li was not polite, and after finishing it in a few or two strokes, he subconsciously wanted to light up a cigarette, but he lit it up again and said in a low voice, "Hey, I can't smoke anymore."

After that, he went back to the house and lay down, not eating dinner.

It was too hot, so in order to cool down, He Fang cooked a pot of mung bean porridge.

Stir-fried pork with cucumber and pepper, braised eggplant, pickled beans, and pickled eggs are neatly placed on the small square table. Li He said, "Light some mosquito coils, there are so many mosquitoes."

"You have such thick skin, are you afraid of mosquitoes?" Although He Fang said this, she still lit mosquito coils.

"Here, put it in front of you." The small square table was too short, so He Fang bent down and handed it to Li He. A groove formed at the edge of her stretched-out undershirt, which made Li He's eyes burn.

"Why are you wearing so much blush..." Li He asked while drinking porridge.

"..." He Fang's face suddenly turned from red to black.

The thin monkey came early the next morning.

Li He invited him to eat some porridge.

Shouhou said, "We went to the right place this time. Dong Jinjin and I went to a place called Irkutsk. The good guys are all Chinese. Those people did it really early, around 1980. So I started working on it. Those who made leather goods and poured wood were all very rich. The richest ones were those who made train skins. What they got in exchange were fertilizers and cement for train skins. The money came from big money. It's like lying on water."

The Dong Jinjin the thin monkey was talking about was the Northeasterner who took him there, "Then why did you go to Manchuria and not Heihe?"

"That's because Dong Jinjin didn't trust us at first. He was just trying to make a fool of himself. It's Manzhouli, not Heihe."

"No one controls the border?" Li He didn't have a clear grasp of the situation here.

"Hey, I didn't know what was going on here until I went there. The people who go out there are all doing private business under the brands of Foreign Trade Corporation and Fishery Consumer Cooperative. Everyone knows what they are doing. As long as they don't go out of line, there is no problem. People are in charge. But there is one thing, that is, you cannot hide foreign exchange secretly, that is, the Swiss franc. It will be a big deal if you can't find it out. As long as you have foreign exchange, you can say anything."

As for why third countries use Swiss francs as settlement tools, Li He also understood that Lao Maozi and the US emperor were not at odds with each other. For the country, whether it is the Swiss franc or the US dollar, they are both important settlement tools, and there is no need to be picky at all.

As long as there is foreign exchange, all systems and regulations must be compromised for him.

Under the guidance of Bachev, a veteran, Maozi has adjusted various confrontation policies and entered an infinite death cycle.

Since the early 1980s, when Sino-Soviet relations warmed up, various barter trades on the border have gradually taken shape. Even when the border war broke out, because neither side knew what was going on, people here were still doing taking care of their business.

After the peace talks between the two sides, the Soviet Union did not find trouble with China on trade and other issues, so trade here became more and more frequent.

Various legal or illegal border trades on the Sino-Soviet border.

Thinking of this, Li He became more and more aware. If you want to go to the Soviet Union to recruit people and find information, you must make arrangements in advance, long in advance, and you must have a large team under you.

Although it seems that there are still six or seven days until the date of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it is possible that Yingjiang has already laid an ambush in advance.

He has no connections and no funds. He is no match for him and may not even be able to drink soup.

Therefore, he must use more radical methods.

Li He asked, "Is Dong Jinjin trustworthy?"

Skinny Monkey scratched his head and didn't know how to answer, "This man is smart. He has to rush into border trade without even a dime in his hand. He is very courageous. The disadvantage is that he loves money so much that he loses his mind. Everything is fine."

"I asked you to go to Mao Zi's territory. Are you willing to let go of your wife and children?" Li He asked uncertainly.

Unexpectedly, Shouhou said excitedly, "You can make money, why don't you go? You must go."

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