My 1979

Chapter 287 Meng Jianguo

Li Zhaokun got on the train with the crowd and found his seat. As the train was about to leave the platform, he stuck his head out of the window and told his son, "Don't forget to send money."

Li He shook his hand and said, "I will never forget it."

You can choose anything, but family and parents never have a choice. Being together is destiny and destiny, and he can't escape it.

The sun has not set yet, and the air is stuffy and uncomfortable.

On the way back, he rode as fast as possible so as to bring a bit of cool breeze.

He did not forget to look at the scenery on both sides. The change of the times was so sudden. There were many young and beautiful modern girls on the streets. They were tired of the same clothing styles and began to follow the fashion.

On occasional nights, Li He could also hear the sound of dance parties everywhere. The dance parties held by some cultural institutions were all full.

As soon as Li He returned home, Chang Jing, who was passing by after get off work, asked, "Is your father seeing you off?"

Li He nodded, "I can't take care of him here. It would be better to go back to his hometown."

Chang Jing smiled and said, "That's right, you are so busy every day. My Feng Lei called and said it's very good there, and Fu Xia takes good care of her."

Her smile seemed to have been blown to pieces by the wind, and it could rub into people's hearts. Li He tried his best not to look at it, "That's good, you should worry less."

Li He finally didn't need to eat noodles for dinner. He found a nearby restaurant and ordered a plate of braised pork and a bottle of temper. When I was sleeping, I realized that I was used to Li Zhaokun's complaints, but now that he suddenly left, I was still a little uncomfortable.

Just two days after the school started, Li He had just finished his first class when Professor Wu called him over.

Professor Wu asked, "Is your paper ready?".

Li He handed over the paper and said, "It's almost done. If you see anything wrong, please correct me and I will revise it."

"It's very good. I'll look at it later. If possible, I'll help you send it out for publication." Professor Wu turned a page and read it, handed Li He a book and said, "Take a look."

It was a physics textbook, and Li He actually saw his name on the cover of the front page as the editor-in-chief, juxtaposed with Professor Wu. This sense of accomplishment was indescribable, and he was even happier than if he had earned millions, "So fast? ".

"We held an editorial board seminar during the summer, and we revised it word by word, without making any mistakes. However, you did a good job in coordinating the manuscript this time. Many professors are very satisfied with you. Not only is the content detailed, but the compilation style is also excellent. "Unanimous." Professor Wu actually took out another envelope and said, "Take this, two hundred yuan, there is no reason why your efforts will be in vain."

Li He declined, "Professor Wu, you have already taken care of me so much, what will you do with your money again?"

"It's not from me, it's from the ministry. How can I give it to you? Everyone who participates has a share."

Li He accepted the offer after hearing this, and was too embarrassed to ask if he would get any money from the sale of the book.

"Also, write another paper as your graduate thesis."

Li He was a little confused. When did he have the qualification to be a graduate student? "Me?"

"Nonsense, I'm recruiting a graduate student, do I need other people to make irresponsible remarks? I thought about it, if you can't get a degree, it's meaningless to get a professional title."

Professor Wu is the dean of the Department of Electronics, so it is not difficult to recruit a new graduate student to his name.

Li He counted on his fingers and couldn't figure out how many favors this would cost Professor Wu. There is still a difference between promotion to professional titles with an undergraduate degree and a master's degree. An associate professor with an undergraduate degree may be just a business card professor, which is a little higher than an honorary professor.

He would also wonder if Professor Wu was helping the Military Industry Institute to repay a favor, so-called reciprocating a favor.

He didn't bother to think about it. He was the one who got the benefit anyway.

After leaving the office building, I met Meng Jianguo. He was walking and laughing with a girl. As soon as he said hello, he was stunned.

He knew the girl who was with Meng Jianguo. She was Che Lili who lived behind his house.

Meng Jianguo introduced Che Lili and said, "This is the teacher Che Lili who just stayed in the school this year from the Chinese Department, and this is the teacher Li He from the Electronics Department."

When the girl saw Li He, she panicked for a moment, then quickly calmed down, smiled and extended her hand generously, "Hello, Teacher Li."

The long eyelashes fluttered, and when she smiled, two dimples appeared, one deep and one shallow.

Li He also shook hands and said, "Hello."

Meng Jianguo asked, "Let's eat together?".

Li He said, "No, I'll go back first."

Back in the dormitory, Liu Yibo happened to be washing clothes in the sink. Li He leaned against the door frame, lit a cigarette, and asked, "How are you and your partner lately? Do you have any plans to get married?"

Liu Yibo said, "Hurry up, just be ready to follow the others."

"Have you made cooked rice from raw rice?".

Liu Yibo rarely refuted this time, and nodded shyly, "You're just talking nonsense."

"Okay, you kid." Li He patted Liu Yibo's shoulder heavily, and suddenly thought of Che Lili again, "Is Meng Jianguo also in love?"

"I'm not sure, but I had a pretty heated fight with a stay-at-home teacher in the Chinese Department."

"Che Lili?"

Liu Yibo turned around and said, "You don't know very well, why do you come to ask me?"

"I met them both at the door. Aren't I asking for confirmation from you?"

Does Meng Jianguo know about Che Lili's marital status?

Or are you willing to act as a third party?

After dinner, Li He went to Meng Jianguo's dormitory several times, but the door was always locked.

Mu Yan asked, "Do you have anything to do with him?"

Li He said, "It's okay."

"Then you are so anxious to find him. How about you come over and help me read this material?"

Li He said, "Listen to the truth?"

Mu Yan said amusedly, "Of course I want to listen to the truth."

"Then I'll tell you the truth. You wrote the material too carefully and carefully, and you wanted to pour out all the ink in your stomach. Your writing was too extravagant and gorgeous."

Mu Yan was very happy, these words reached his heart, "Then how can I write plain, thick and focused words? I just can't figure it out."

He is engaged in history and has not done much research on writing official documents.

Li He said with a smile, "Official articles all have routines. When writing materials, you should look for more similar materials that are similar to yours. Just follow the routine and make sure the content and data are correct. There is no need to be clever or play tricks. Flower gun."

Mu Yan sighed and said, "No wonder I say that I am so tired every time I write official documents, but others can write several documents a day, just like for fun. The more I want to write well, the less I can write well. It seems that I still have the ability. insufficient".

Li He said with a smile, "It has nothing to do with ability. If you look at the writing skills and articles in the Chinese department, they are very good, but there are also many science and engineering departments in the government departments."

Meng Jianguo came back very late, so Li He didn't look for him, which seemed too intentional.

ps: Four chapters have been updated today. .

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