My 1979

Chapter 288 Classroom

Before Li He could find Meng Jianguo, Meng Jianguo came to see Li He the next day.

Meng Jianguo flipped through a book that Li He was reading on the table, "Mr. Fei's book? It's quite boring. I generally don't like it."

Li He handed him a cigarette, "Yes, "Jiangcun Economy" was just published. It is the only book that I have read three times. The first time I read it, it was boring, the second time I read it, it was delicious, and the third time it was like a rain." .

Meng Jianguo blew out a smoke ring heavily and said for no reason, "Do you think I'm shameful?"

Li He didn't expect Meng Jianguo to be so direct, but he still had to pretend to be confused, "Why do you say something I don't understand?"

"Che Lili told me that there is only a wall between your two families. There is no reason for you not to know about her situation, and there is no need for me to hide it in front of you."

After meeting Che Lili yesterday, Li He understood why he felt so familiar when he climbed the wall and saw her last time. Maybe he had seen her before in the same school, but he just didn't remember it in his heart. "When did you know each other?" of?".

When Meng Jianguo thought of that beautiful woman, he seemed to think of that bright summer again, "It was more than two years ago. At that time, she was still a student, but I didn't have that idea at that time. I just thought she was beautiful, that's all."

Li He thought that the six or seven-year-old child Che Lili had could not be Meng Jianguo's, and he breathed a sigh of relief, "Are you related?"

"How is that possible? I have a family. I won't do such shameless things. We just love each other. It's not as messy as you think." Meng Jianguo jumped up all of a sudden.

"Then it's impossible for you to continue to love me like this, right? What do you think?"

After Meng Jianguo finished smoking one cigarette, he took out another cigarette from the cigarette case on Li He's desk and lit it. "She has no feelings for that man. It's the wrong combination in the wrong era."

Morality can only regulate oneself, but cannot reach others. It cannot be as standardized and precise as the law, and everyone's standards are different. It's easy to make mistakes when judging things. Li He couldn't say much, "I can't help you with this. You can figure it out yourself."

Meng Jianguo glanced sideways at Li He and said, "If I could figure it out, why would I come to you?"

Li He said, "I am single myself, what advice can I give you?".

"I have met that man. He is very down-to-earth and treats her very well." Meng Jianguo fell into self-blame.

I have met Chen Dadi and Li He several times. He is a very down-to-earth person. "So you mean you want to let go?"

Meng Jianguo took the last puff of cigarette for three seconds. He coughed due to the deep puff of cigarette. It took him a long time to regain his composure and said slowly, "I love her very much. Being with her is sweet." Yes, she has a reassuring smell about her. Even the moment I walked with her, I felt that I didn’t need to be famous, successful, or wealthy to feel happy. I even lost my ambition a little bit, feeling that this was just me. Good.".

"It's reasonable for you to do this, because feelings are always uncontrollable, but they are never reasonable." Li He interrupted Meng Jianguo's self-absorption at an inappropriate time.

Meng Jianguo said, "I also tried to forget her, telling myself that it was wrong to do so, but you have to know that missing is like a mad dog. Even if the door is closed, you can still hear it scratching the door and barking day and night!".

No outsider can interfere with emotional matters. Li He originally thought that Meng Jianguo didn't know about Che Lili's marital status and wanted to remind her. Now that Meng Jianguo knew about it, Li He didn't say anything more.

"Think about it for yourself. I have classes in the afternoon. I'm going to class."

In class every day, the most annoying thing for Li He is wiping the blackboard. The dust is so thick that it can be poured into his throat and nose, making him uncomfortable even if he doesn't spit.

The conditions are still too bad. The one with the best conditions is the University of Foreign Languages, with small class teaching and audio-visual classrooms. On the one hand, there is a shortage of language talents, and the state has invested heavily. On the other hand, it is because of the money provided by the United Nations Cultural and Educational Fund.

The most important thing for students to do every day is to watch foreign movies. Whether they are English, German or French movies, the movies are very bold and show off everything that should be exposed. In order to appreciate the artistic beauty of the human body, many students from foreign schools, I'll take classes whenever I have time.

When Li He was taking a history of science class, as long as the students didn't make any noise or talk, he rarely bothered them.

Even students reading extracurricular books are regarded as normal by him.

But after taking a habitual stroll through the classroom aisles a few times, he saw several books that frightened him.

The students saw him coming and deliberately covered themselves under their textbooks.

Li He stretched out his hand and said, "Can you show it to me?"

Seeing that Li He had no expression, the student was still a little panicked and handed it to Li He.

Li He took it and took a look, and it turned out to be Xiao Baiyang's book, The Ugly Chinese, which shouted very loudly.

This year's bestseller must be read by many students, Li He thought with some worry.

"I confiscated this book."

The student said, "Teacher Li, I borrowed that book from someone else."

Li He said, "Whose book comes to me?"

He showed his unreasonable side. What about the sanctity of his promised private property?

He stood on the podium, raised the book high, and said, "Students who are reading this book, please raise your hands."

Not a single student raised their hand.

Li He added, "Students who are reading the Outline of Chinese History, please raise your hands."

Still no students raised their hands.

"We are all Chinese. If you think you are ugly, raise your hand and let me see!" Li He's tone was already very bad, and the students did not dare to raise their hands.

"Then let me tell you, I have also read this book. Is it good? It is very good-looking, well-founded, provocative, and a rare piece of serious nonsense!"

"Everyone has studied dialectics, so we can stand up and criticize, but we no longer need to kneel and self-abuse." Lest the students didn't understand the meaning of self-abuse, they wrote the word "self-abuse" on the blackboard. As for the accent problem, he still couldn't pronounce the difference between the initial consonants N and l in some words.

This kind of self-dwarfing is already a bit crazy in this book.

And this little Bai Yang and Minister Long have ruined many people.

Li He also understands the thoughts of this generation. He is also a member of this generation. Everyone has discovered the gap with the West. People have a desire to save themselves. When they know the problem, they are thinking about how to make progress. Suddenly, they discovered Xiao Baiyang, and it seemed that he had found it. Good medicine, put him on the altar.

"This author is just a literate commoner. Among civilians, his writing skills are relatively good, and he has not received any systematic education at all. And the "Outline of Chinese History", are there students from the history department here? Are they all correct? ?According to my opinion, it’s a pity that the author didn’t talk about cross talk. He basically made it up with his own emotions. If you want to read books on history, there are many books in the school library, such as Mr. Huang Renyu’s books. Very good. There are also Mr. Chen Yinke and Mr. Liang Qichao. If you don’t read the books of so many masters and read the books of a primary school student, isn’t there something wrong with your brain?”

Li He's class became a critical class for Xiao Baiyang. He didn't want his students to become hateful trolls.

"In the future, books written by writers from Hong Kong and Taiwan are not allowed to enter the classroom, at least they cannot enter my classroom, otherwise they will be confiscated." Li He finally thought and added, "Except for martial arts and romance, you can learn how to act chivalrously and negotiate peace." in love".

The students laughed again, and the teacher with a sense of humor returned.

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