My 1979

Chapter 295 Return

The US dollars in Li He's hands were not kept for a few days before Chen Yun exchanged them for favors.

Chen Yun vowed, "Don't worry, it will be your benefit. The child of a leader wants to go abroad, and he is thinking of redeeming it everywhere."

Li He just took it casually. He had no feelings for the US dollars. Besides, Chen Yun was not bad at him except for being a bit rude.

In the blink of an eye, it’s winter vacation at school again.

There was no snow, and Li He felt much more comfortable. It was probably not going to snow for a while.

When I went home for the holidays, I didn't dare to ride a motorcycle. The cold wind was blowing, which still made me freeze, and my face was numb from the cold. It was better to just take the bus.

An old man wearing a military coat huddled at the door of his house.

Li He went over and shook him, "Master Jin, it's cold here, go home and rest."

"Oh", the old man looked up at Li He, put his hands on the ground, and stood up slowly.

Li He went up to help, but the old man pushed him away.

Although he was not familiar with this old man, he had heard some rumors in the alley. The old man served on the battlefield to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. Many people said that after he retired from the army, he lost energy, became confused, and had a bad brain.

Li He thought that this was probably the so-called post-war psychological trauma. When a person returns to normal society after experiencing a long period of fighting, blood, and death on the battlefield, he will be very troubled. It's a pity that this old man has passed the optimal stage of psychotherapeutic intervention.

In the next few days, Li He went to the mall to buy some things to take back to his hometown.

Once everything is ready, you can set off. He practiced calligraphy in his free time. He felt that the more he practiced, the uglier his writing became. Could it be that his appreciation level had improved? Therefore, no matter how much I write, I am still not satisfied. I rub it after writing it, and then continue writing it after rubbing it.

But He Fang came back, and Li He said, "You guys are on vacation too?".

"Return the lesson plan to you, I will go back to my hometown tomorrow." He Fang came in and made a cup of tea by herself, holding it in her hands.

"Oh, do you need me to take you to the train station?" Li He asked.

"I'll take a plane, then take a train to Harbin, and then take a bus."

"Hey, I still have to take the train," Li He couldn't help but sigh. By the time he is eligible to fly, civil aviation will probably be opened.

He Fang came and went in a hurry. She told Li He not to forget to shave and went out.

Li He's wish to improve the food failed again.

A few days later, Fu Xia came back with Feng Lei.

Fu Xia turned white and Feng Lei got tanned.

Fu Xia started busy when she came back, shoveling out a layer of black residue at the bottom of the pot, and washed it several times after the water boiled.

At noon, I helped Li He prepare a lot of dishes. Li He said, "I put too much soy sauce. Let's put less next time."

Fu Xia smiled and said, "I used to have light soy sauce at home. I don't know how you bought dark soy sauce, so I didn't know the quantity."

There was no label on the soy sauce pot, so she couldn't tell the difference accurately.

Li He asked, "Is Feng Lei still a kid?"

Fu Xia said, "This kid is smart, has a quick mind, and is willing to endure hardships. Sooner or later he will be successful. I now let him do sales, and he is doing quite well. I gave him a commission. After careful calculation, he has five or six thousand. Where’s the money?"

Li He said, "That's okay."

"Of course it's okay. If he sells furniture for 10,000 yuan, I'll give him 300 yuan."

Li He said, "Very good."

Chang Jing said, "Probably those who come from the city don't have stage fright, and they speak loudly and loudly. The young people in the village who run business are a little worse. They are enterprising and courageous, but they are very slow to figure out what to do. Feng Lei got started so quickly. I told him that if he dares to do it, I will give him the responsibility for the entire Binhai market after the year."

Li He said, "You've got it all covered, not bad."

After three days of separation, you should look at each other with admiration.

"I heard you were studying," Fu Xia said proudly.

After the meal, Fu Xia handed the account book to Li He. Seeing that Li He was trying to evade, she hurriedly said, "I asked a retired accountant to do this account. There is no mistake in it. It's clear. Take a look. All credentials are available for inspection at any time.”

Li He flipped through it and finally felt a little relieved. Finally seeing a standard account book, he was almost moved to tears.

When I saw the income statement, I was even more surprised that there were more than 5.2 million this year.

He looked at Fu Xia's nose, ears, arms, and legs.

Sure enough, people are still the same people.

But why did you suddenly open such a plug-in?

"How many people are there in your factory now?".

Fu Xia said, "There are more than 100 people, and there are many people who are not in the factory, but help with work, such as making leather, making blanks, polishing, and painting. They are all assigned to others. These people If you count it, it would be more.”

Li He opened his mouth, the industrial division of labor was so slippery.

"Yeah. Did you do well?"

Fu Xia said, "It's a little troublesome, but there are so many people in the factory that no one can take advantage. Besides, last year we paid more than 1 million in taxes to the government, and they are all protecting us, so we are not afraid of trouble."

The more I think about it, the more beautiful I feel. Now she is not influential in a village, but the old and young men in a town are pointing to her for food.

"I don't have anything to say. Just take care of it and make your own plans." Li He thought that even if he stepped forward on his own, he might not be able to do so well.

"I will open two furniture stores in Binhai after the year. There are already two in the capital, and the business is very good. Most of the money we make is from the furniture stores. Those state-owned furniture stores keep the prices down. It makes me mad."

Li He said, "If you want to open a furniture mall, open any kind of furniture store. The threshold for furniture stores is low, and there will be more and more stores in the future. You can't improve the quality and price at all."

"furniture Mall?"

Li He explained the concept of the Furniture City from beginning to end. He himself had only a partial understanding of it and could not explain it thoroughly. In the end, he said, "Let's wait until the land policy comes out in the future. Let's build our own building. The matter of opening a furniture store will be slow." .

"Build your own building?" Fu Xia was frightened by Li He's idea. She thought she was brave enough.

She had also idolized Li He for a long time. Since Li He said this, she had to temporarily suppress the idea of ​​opening a furniture store, but once the idea of ​​building her own building came up, she couldn't suppress it.

Feng Lei's return also made Chang Jing's family extremely happy.

Chang Jing looked at the piles of money on the table and couldn't help being shocked. This was not making money, it was just picking up money.

It's only been half a year, how can I earn so much money?

Feng Lei had become a little fatter and darker in the past six months. He saw Chang Jing's doubts and said, "When I started, Aunt Fu Xia gave me easy tasks and asked me to learn first. Later I saw them running business If I want to make money, I ask to run the business. I don’t have to worry about selling at all. Whether it’s a state-owned furniture store or an individual store, as long as there is goods, they are happy to buy it.”

As for whether I endured hardships, I didn’t want to tell my family.

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