My 1979

Chapter 296 Changing customs

Shoushan and Zhou Ping also came over the next day. As if they had made an appointment, Old Man Zhu and Monk Bo also came. These two old men were also very smart. They knew that they wouldn't get good food when they came here, so they came less often. Even when I came, I didn’t want to stay even after a meal.

Zhou Ping and Fu Xia went down to prepare the food, while Li He listened to the chatter of a few old men.

There was a sparse sound of firecrackers outside, and Old Man Zhu frowned and said, "It's so annoying. The firecrackers are set off endlessly, including when giving birth to children, getting married, and even when some shops and restaurants open their doors. It makes my ears deaf."

Li He said, "It's been like this since ancient times. It's normal to set off firecrackers."

Shoushan said, "This has been true since ancient times, but this capital used to only set off fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival, but there was no custom of setting off firecrackers at funerals, weddings, or even openings."

Li He said, "It seems that in our hometown, firecrackers are set off for weddings, funerals, and during the Spring Festival. It's normal."

Monk Bo smiled and said, "You are young, and these customs will not be mentioned in the books. In the past, they were the customs of the people in southern Hunan. Of course, the old cousins ​​in western Jiangxi also like to do it. They are basically the same in these two places. As long as there are weddings and weddings, , fireworks and firecrackers filled the sky. Later, when all Hunan troops and people from southern Hunan, from Zeng Guofan to Zuo Zongtang, came to Beijing, the habit of setting off firecrackers naturally came with them. If you don't hear the sound, nothing will feel lively. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it goes without saying how many people from southern Hunan and western Jiangxi have come from top to bottom. So now you see, everyone is used to setting off firecrackers not only during the Spring Festival, but also for weddings and weddings."

Li He said, "This is called changing customs."

Zhou Ping and Fu Xia prepared a table full of dishes.

Li He took two bottles of Maotai and poured wine for Old Man Zhu first, but Old Man Zhu refused, and then said, "You guys drink. I have been in poor health recently and can't drink anymore. One more day to live counts as one day."

Monk Bo said, "His liver is bad and he can't drink anymore."

Old man Zhu said, "What does liver damage mean? It's just cirrhosis!".

Monk Bo said, "That's not the same thing."

Shoushan and his daughter left after dinner.

Old man Zhu looked at Fu Xia and said with a smile, "Daughter, can you buy some medicine for me? I'm afraid I won't be able to buy it during the Chinese New Year, and I can't stop eating."

Fu Xia didn't accept Old Man Zhu's money, and said with a smile, "Uncle, it's only a few dollars, just give me the prescription."

Then he wiped the table casually and walked out the door.

Old man Zhu said to Li He, "Why are you still standing there? Go and cut in the door, I'll make you a bad person."

After Li He locked the door, he took the two old men to the basement.

No one except He Fang and a few old men knew the secret of the basement. It wasn't that Li He couldn't trust Fu Xia, but he just instinctively felt that the fewer people who knew, the better.

After getting down to the basement, Old Man Zhu first opened the box where the jade items were kept and put the three jade items in his pocket inside.

Monk Bo also took out the two books in his arms and put them on the bookshelf.

Old Man Zhu said, "It's a pity that you have so many things here."

Li He said, "Where should I put it?"

"Of course it's the Forbidden City!" Old Man Zhu said matter-of-factly.

Li He said, "Then why do you need to help me collect it? Just help the Forbidden City collect it."

After Old Man Li left, Li He also asked Old Man Zhu and Monk Bo to help him see what good things were outside and collect them. The two old men were usually happy to see the hunter, but their pockets were dry, so they had no choice but to help Li He with his collection, which was also a pleasure for the eyes.

Old man Zhu snorted angrily.

The Forbidden City has limited funds, so if it is a collection, it will look for some top-notch collections. If it collects everything randomly, the meager funds will not be enough.

So it gave Li He and these people an opportunity to take advantage of.

After cleaning up the basement, the two old men found the jar containing the money and rolled several piles of it in newspapers.

The two old men drank tea for a while, and soon Fu Xia came back buying medicine.

When leaving, Old Man Zhu did not forget to tell him, "I have collected a lot of furniture and put it at my place. If I have time, I can go and pick it up, but I don't have the energy to bring it to you."

Li He nodded, "I'll ask Serena to come and pull her over later."

I went to find Xiao Wei and Feng Lei.

Xiaowei said, "Brother Lu Bo has a big car, so why use a tricycle?"

Li He gave him an idea, "There are only a few items in total, and it's not snowing. Two tricycles will be back soon. Bring a few more people, put on your gloves, and go quickly."

During dinner, Xiaowei and the others came back on two tricycles, very excited. It seemed like there was some major discovery.

He shouted, "It turns out that the old monk is the great abbot!".

Li He said, "I can't understand what he said."

Feng Lei said, "I didn't expect Master Bo to be the abbot of the temple. We didn't know it before."

Li He didn't hear it mentioned by these two old men, and he didn't expect that he would suddenly become the host again.

Everyone is changing, everything is changing

Even Xiao Wei and Feng Sui Liu, two half-grown children, have gained some stability and have transformed from half-grown children into shrewd people.

Li He felt that he was the only one who had not changed.

How could he become a bystander in this world?

Fu Xia saw Li He in a daze and said with a smile, "Have I changed the tea leaves for you?"

Li He didn't say anything, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Fu Xia has also changed a lot. She has long shawl hair tied neatly behind her back. She talks with a smile, is pertinent and comprehensive, and yet capable.

The environment is the most capable of changing and training a person.

Fu Xia said, "Brother, I want to discuss something with you."

"you say".

"I want to go home."

"Home, which home?".

"I haven't been back to my parents' side for seven or eight years," Fu Xia said in a low voice.

"Just go back, you don't need to discuss this with me."

"Well", Fu Xia just asked Li He's opinion out of habit, "Then I'll go back after you leave."

"No, you can go back. It's fine if I'm not here alone."

As soon as Fu Xia had the idea of ​​going home, she couldn't contain her emotions. The next day, she took a taxi with the things she had bought and headed home early in the morning.

It was still that familiar place. When she passed by it many times, she couldn't help but want to go in and take a look.

She got out of the taxi carrying large and small bags, closed her eyes and took a deep breath before walking into the familiar courtyard.

Those with sharp eyes will feel that Fu Xia's features are very familiar when they see her, but they just can't remember who this beautiful woman is.

They live in groups here, and her house only has a small room, with a kitchen made of asbestos tiles at the door.

A man in a thick cotton-padded jacket was sharpening a kitchen knife at the door, right on the whetstone. While sharpening, pour water on the knife. After sharpening for a while, I gently scraped the blade with my fingers, and then squinted to look at the blade.

Fu Xia stared blankly for a while, then summoned up the courage to shout, "Dad."

The man looked up at Fu Xia, grinned but suddenly closed it again, lowered his head and continued sharpening the knife.

"Hey, let me tell you, you are addicted to sharpening a kitchen knife. I'm in a hurry to use it. Hurry up." A woman came out with a washbasin to scold the man.

Fu Xia couldn't help but shouted excitedly, "Mom."

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