My 1979

Chapter 313 Interlude

Meng Jianguo transferred classes with another teacher, and then spent the whole day like a dead person, sitting in the dormitory with a sluggish look and rarely leaving the room.

The first day was spent crying and drinking.

The next day was just drinking.

On the third day, he got off the bed by himself and climbed staggeringly to the balcony. Li and a few people were frightened and quickly dragged him back. He used his last strength to cry again, "Oh, oh, oh, you guys." Leave me alone, I'm going to see if the cafeteria guy has brought me food."

The master chef in the cafeteria gave him four large steamed buns and asked him to eat them all in one go.

Liu Yibo said, "I have lost my soul."

Mu Yan said, "What can we do? Find him a good dancer to summon his soul?"

"The reason why first love is more sacred than other loves is probably because of the word "chu". Falling out of love for the first time is certainly uncomfortable, but if you give him another love twice, he will get used to it," Li Ke said with great experience.

Li He suggested, "There are many beauties in the Conservatory of Music. How about we drag him over to see if he can regain his second youth? He still needs a beautiful doctor for his heart disease!"

When the conservatory is mentioned, the eyes of all the people are shining. The beauties are all made in the conservatory. It is definitely not a one-size-fits-all label, because there are really many beauties.

Liu Yibo said, "Why are you still writing ink? Hurry up and leave."

Mu Yan said, "You have a partner, so it wouldn't be a good idea to go together."

Liu Yibo said righteously, "I am going with you, mainly Comrade Meng Jianguo."

Meng Jianguo buried his head under the quilt and said sickly, "You go ahead, you're too lazy to move."

Li He directly lifted one of Meng Jianguo's arms, "You pull the other one and drag him out too."

Several people quickly pulled Meng Jianguo off the bed, put on his shoes and buttoned his clothes.

"What are you doing? Can you please let me be quiet for a while? I really don't want to go anywhere. Let me go quickly." Meng Jianguo was very angry and was controlled by several people and was unable to move.

Li He pushed him out of the dormitory from behind, "With your little arms and legs, who can you twist? Come on, you are in a bad mood. It makes all of us feel uncomfortable."

"Okay, let's go out with you. Stop pushing me and let go of me." Meng Jianguo straightened his clothes and scratched the head of the snow-flaked chicken coop. "You wait for me to get off, and I'll wash my face."

I took a basin and turned on the faucet, but the water overflowed without me noticing.

Suddenly he burst into tears and plunged his head into the basin. His head shook hard in it and water splashed everywhere.

"I deserve to have to compromise." He threw the towel to wipe his face hard against the wall.

Liu Yibo said, "You didn't open your mind well. At first you were seeking perfection, but in the end you will only be left with grievances."

Just when Meng Jianguo was about to say something, he cursed, "Fuck."

He hurried to the bathroom, drained the water and came back, "I'd better go back to sleep, you go."

Li He pulled him back and said, "How many days have you been sleeping? Are you still sleeping?"

"I drank all night, and ended up not sleeping all day. I had to go to the toilet." Meng Jianguo said with a yawn.

Several people didn't listen to his rude words and dragged him downstairs.

The Conservatory of Music was built in the 1960s. It is located in Beisi, opposite the Red Scarf Park. It is on a straight line with Beijing University, but the distance is still not close. It took four people half an hour to ride bicycles to get there.

A gust of wind arrived at the school gate, and the four of them looked at each other, what was this going on?

Liu Yibo said, "Let's talk after we go in first."

A few people rode bicycles and wandered around the school. Liu Yibo said, "There are still many beauties in the art school. If I had known earlier, I would have gone to the art school."

Mu Yan said to Liu Yibo, "I'm not trying to hit you. Your cells are really weak. There should be hope in ordinary colleges, but you will fail in the Nine Colleges. Vocal and instrumental music are very difficult to pass because they require boyish skills. Many of them are learned at home and have been learned since childhood. It is too late to start learning in high school."

There was a solo performance in the concert hall, and several people were stopped as soon as they arrived at the door. They said good and bad things, and the student council blocked the door and refused to let them in.

Facing the gorgeous scenery, Li He sighed, "There are still many beauties among art students."

"What does that sentence mean? Those who are elegant, elegant, and wearing makeup are music students, and those who look like coal diggers are art students." Mu Yan rarely said such ridiculing words. It’s just a requirement, and of course it looks much better.”

"Then do you think we look like coal diggers?".

I don’t know when four girls appeared behind me.

Mu Yan was at a loss and said, "Sorry, we are joking, don't mind."

The girl who spoke first stretched out her hand to Mu Yan, "Hello, we are from the Academy of Fine Arts. My name is Wenfang, and these two are my classmates."

Girls have always stared at Mu Yan, and tall and handsome men are always attractive. As for Li and the others, they are just public faces and are ignored as passers-by.

Mu Yan pointed at Li He and others and introduced them one by one.

Then they exchanged pleasantries and shook hands.

The girl named Wenfang pretended to be exaggerated and said, "I still have to call you Teacher Mu. We are all senior students. We are all in the same dormitory. We went boating in Red Scarf Park today, so we stopped by here to see it. I saw it. I heard you talking to them in the concert hall just now. It seems to be a national solo competition, and most people are not allowed in. We didn't go in either."

When they heard that they were students, Liu Yibo and others showed no interest in it. As for girl movies, they didn't even have the hobby of being an intimate uncle. As for Meng Jianguo, he kept his eyes on the shoes without raising his eyelids.

Mu Yan said, "No, no, just call us by our names."

Wen Fang said, "You haven't had lunch yet? Let's have lunch together and get acquainted again."

It is not the style of a few people to lose face to a girl. After looking at each other, they found a seat at a round table in a nearby small restaurant.

The restaurant is just a small restaurant, mainly catering to nearby students, and the price is not expensive.

The men and women who had a good understanding of each other sat crosswise and sat separately, forming just four teams.

The four girls are all outstanding in appearance, good at dressing up, and have lively personalities. There are constant topics of conversation at the table.

The girl next to Li He was very graceful and she forgot to remember her name when introducing her.

Liu Yibo seemed to be having a good time chatting with the person next to him, making the girl cover her mouth and chuckle from time to time. He was obviously more interested in the girl next to him, but as soon as he heard that he had a partner, he started to say everything he said.

The girl next to Meng Jianguo was a fast-talking girl who kept asking if it was okay or not. Meng Jianguo's nodding speed could not keep up with her speaking speed.

When paying the bill, several girls insisted on asking for AA, but Li and the others didn't insist, and it only cost 2 yuan per person.

After breaking up at the door of the restaurant, Wenfang took the initiative to leave Mu Yan's contact information and said she would hang out with him when she had time.

Liu Yibo said, "I have a good impression of you. This is an opportunity."

Mu Yan smiled and shook his head, "You thought you met an elegant and noble princess. You chased her with all your life, and you were pampered like a treasure. But in the end, you found out that it might just be a vase that is only suitable for admiration."

Liu Yibo turned around and asked Meng Jianguo, "How is it?".

Meng Jianguo sighed and said, "What, what's the matter? The girl's movie is boring. Go back quickly."

Such a boring episode for a few people was not in vain.

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