My 1979

Chapter 314 Preliminary Examination

Just when several people were about to forget this episode, Wenfang came to Mu Yan again with a few girls.

Mu Yan was agitated and stared at Li He. Li He said, "Don't look at me, I won't go, I'm writing a letter. Go downstairs to look for it. There are many singles downstairs, and they are eager to find a flower girl to show their courtesy." .

Just as Meng Jianguo was about to wave his hand not to go, he was dragged out by Mu Yan, "No one can hide, there are four girls, how can I cope with it alone?"

Liu Yibo went to find a partner, and Li Ke had to go to a meeting. Mu Yan had no choice but to go downstairs and grab two single teachers. They pushed and pulled them, so they made up four people.

Li He listened to the noise in the corridor, smiled, and began to continue writing.

Recently, for some unknown reason, he suddenly had a stalemate with Zhang Wanting on the issue of the meaning of life.

Zhang Wanting wrote and asked him what his dream was?

Li He was very casual in everything he did, and he replied straight away, saying, "My dream is to marry you, make a lot of money, be happy with you, do what you like, and feel happy." Get up, the meaning of dreams is to have fun.

Zhang Wanting wrote back and asked, how to realize the dream?

Li He said, take it one step at a time.

Zhang Wanting wrote back and said, how can you not plan your life? How can there be no plan? In your previous life, you had to take it one step at a time. Whatever choice you made, you would always choose the one that was most comfortable and least strenuous. If you keep choosing like this, you will definitely have finished choosing all the easy and pleasant options soon, leaving you with nothing left. They are all hard bones that cannot be chewed.

Seeing that Zhang Wanting was serious, Li He hurriedly wrote back to apologize, and then said, I will definitely change it. Please believe me, I will change it seriously.

Zhang Wanting wrote back and said, you used to spend most of your life on maintenance, and you slept peacefully without any regrets. I am worried for you.

Li He felt that Zhang Wanting was right, but he was unable to refute.

There are thousands of words in his heart, but he can't write a single sentence.

Li He finally followed the principle of "everything my wife said is right" and replied to the letter.

The general idea is that Zhang Wanting was stunned and asked who was in the hall. Li He shouted, "Honey, I was wrong. He still thinks that women can just coax him."

After finishing the letter, I proofread it carefully several times before carefully copying it onto the letter paper. I learned this trick from Zhao Yongqi. If I get scolded by Zhang Wanting for typos or frivolous words, I will be in trouble.

After I went to the mailroom and mailed the letter, I felt much more at ease.

Li Aijun and Li Xiaomei came over again, saying that they would take the college entrance examination next month and wanted to see what Li He had to say.

Li He said, "Just relax, eat on time, and go to bed on time. Just do two sets of questions every day. The state must be in good condition. The principle is not to add any extra points, and focus on the subjects with the biggest score difference."

After the two people left, Li He remembered that it was already June and his sister would take the college entrance examination next month.

I didn't even bother to send a telegram. I hurried to the phone booth under the dormitory and dialed the village committee directly. It took a long time for someone to answer, "I'm Erhe."

"Hey, Erhe, right?" Liu Chuanqi answered the phone. The phone was newly installed this year. For fear of someone secretly calling, it was always locked in a box like a treasure, leaving only the hole for the phone cord. "Are you looking for your father?" It’s still your brother, let me shout.”

"Call me brother, it's okay if my sister is here."

Then on the phone, he could hear Liu Chuanqi shouting into the loudspeaker, "Li Laosan, come and answer the phone, Erhe is calling, Erhe is calling."

Li He quickly put the microphone away from his ears.

"Erhe, hang up now and call back in ten minutes."

Li He said, "It's okay, I won't die."

The signal is not good, so it is not easy to call once. If you hang up now, it will not be so easy to call later.

"Hello, brother," Li Long shouted breathlessly on the phone, obviously running over to pick it up.

"Hey, let me ask you how did the fourth grader's preliminaries go?" Li He asked directly without greeting on the phone.

"Grilled fish? I can't hear you clearly. Say it again."

Li He knew that any further words would be in vain, "Okay, she will take the college entrance examination next month. Give her some more money, and then find a way to give her some milk, fruit, etc., do you hear me?"

"Oh, it's the college entrance examination, I understand. My eldest sister went to the county yesterday. Don't worry, it's very good."

"Then I'll hang up."

Li He hung up the phone, feeling very anxious. Although he was confident that he could pass the fourth grade preparatory exam, he still felt a thorn in his heart not knowing the result.

After 1980, provinces, cities and autonomous regions with a large number of candidates should conduct pre-selection before the unified examination. Those who do not meet the pre-selection score will not be able to participate in the college entrance examination. It is the same as the elimination mechanism of the World Cup. A group will be eliminated first. Usually, they will take the preliminaries in May. At least 50% to 60% of the students must be eliminated. Those who cannot take the college entrance examination will either graduate or have to repeat and compete. It's very cruel, so from this aspect, the college entrance examination admission rate is really shockingly low.

Li He suddenly thought that he had Bian Mei's address book, so he was not afraid of disturbing others. He would obey the authority when the matter was urgent, and just owe it to him if he owed a favor. He hurriedly went upstairs to find his address book, and said to his dormitory, "I'll come back later and continue calling, and we'll calculate the money for you together."

After returning to the dormitory, I rummaged through the cabinets and found the dusty address book under the bed.

He quickly found the phone number of Bian Mei's work unit, copied it on the paper, and hurriedly went downstairs.

Bian Mei received the call and said, "I said you wouldn't come to me if you were fine. Don't worry, it's a trivial matter. I'll go find your little sister later. I've seen her before, so of course I know her. Okay, let go." A hundred hearts."

Li He said hurriedly, "Thank you, sorry for the trouble."

When I went to the office, I saw that Yang Hao was so absent-minded that he almost overturned the glass of water. He was completely out of state, and the way he looked at Li He made Li He a little scared.

Li He secretly asked Chen Yun, "What's going on? I feel like I'm covered in hair."

Chen Yun snickered and said, "I can call you Associate Professor Li soon. What do you think?"

"Whoever has an adverb, I'm in trouble with." No matter what the job title is, having an adjective seems to make people laugh. Li He said, "Then what's going on with Teacher Yang?"

Chen Yun said, "Look at your moral character. Think about it, there are only a few positions for professional titles in our department, and you have taken up one of them. Of course, Teacher Yang will feel uncomfortable. Think about it, he dreams of being evaluated for professional titles."

Li He felt uncomfortable, thinking that Teacher Yang was conscientious and down-to-earth, and it was not easy for him, while he himself was purely opportunistic. He felt a little embarrassed and said, "Why don't I don't want this quota for the time being? I'm young anyway." Sooner or later, there will be opportunities, and Teacher Yang's teaching work is much better than mine."

Chen Yun said disdainfully, "You are just stupid every day. Do you think you don't want this place, so it will fall on Teacher Yang? He can't think of the problem himself, so he can only blame you. You don't need to think too much."

Li He thought about it, even if he didn't want this quota, it seemed that he really couldn't fall to Teacher Yang.

After dinner, Li He didn't go to play table tennis, so he stayed at the bottom of the dormitory waiting for the call.

Every time the phone rang, he would reflexively stand up to answer the phone, but it turned out that it wasn't him every time.

The dormitory manager said, "Sit down first. I'll let you know when I have your phone number."

He went to the door and burned several cigarettes before the dormitory manager asked him to answer the phone.

"Hey, I, Bian Mei, am calling from a public phone. I'll ask your little sister to answer the phone."

Li He heard the fourth child's voice and asked as soon as he came up, "How was the preliminaries?"

The fourth child said, "Very good."

Li He breathed a sigh of relief, but he could still feel the arrogance of the fourth child, "Have you applied for the application? Are you applying for a science and engineering college or a liberal arts college?"

He asked two questions in a series. At this time, he filled in his application form first and then took the college entrance examination.

The fourth child said, "Fill it in, it was filled in the day before yesterday."

"Where did you fill it out?" Li He was a little angry, but more angry with himself. How could he forget such a big thing as his college entrance examination application? He was not as qualified as Li Aijun, an elder brother, and asked anxiously, " What school did you fill in?"

"They are all in the same place as you. The first choice is Aviation University, and the second choice is Polytechnic University," the fourth child said happily.

"What? No one from the province." Li He became even more angry, this time with the fourth child.

The fourth child said, "Anyway, if the scores from your chosen college are not enough, you still need to adjust them accordingly."

Li He thought about it and still had too high expectations for the fourth child. In his last life, he was only a low-level medical college. As long as he was better than before, it was fine. He softened his attitude unconsciously and did not want to put pressure on the fourth child before the exam. "I I know, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If you don’t pass the exam, you may have to retake it next year.”

"I mean, Li Erhe, you look down on people too much, don't you?" Bian Mei was interrupting on the phone, and she could clearly hear the conversation between the brother and sister.

"That's right, that's right, Li Lao Er, don't look down on people." Lao Si imitated Bian Mei's tone and expressed dissatisfaction with Li He.

"Okay, I understand, just take the exam well. I asked your third brother to send you money tomorrow. If you need anything, just ask him. I'll give you the phone number, Sister Bianmei."

"Li Erhe, you agreed to treat me to dinner when you come back, and we'll take note of the bill first," Bian Mei said with a loud voice.

Li He said, "Thank you so much. You have worked so hard. I have delayed your work. If you are of use to me in the future, just give me your orders. I will wait for you to be dispatched."

"Okay, let's count on you to speak human words."

Mu Yan and others came back, looking exhausted.

Li Hechao smelled Meng Jianguo's body, and then said, "It doesn't look like he is taking care of everything."

Meng Jianguo said, "Grandma is a bitch. She uses us as laborers. After graduation, we help move dormitories."

Chemistry teacher Zhang Yue said, "Mu, you asked me to follow you all the way in vain. Tell me what to do."

Physics teacher Hu Yuanchao said, "The key is that he has a partner, so why bother looking for me?"

Mu Yan said something that made Li He sigh with emotion, "These girls are so ruthless. They are reluctant to use their own objects, but they are not willing to use other people's objects."

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