My 1979

Chapter 420 Dispute

When Chang Jing got off work in the afternoon, she found that her daughter was still lying on the table doing homework as usual, and Feng Lei was watching TV in the room as usual.

As for Mrs. Feng, she was lying on a chair with her eyes closed to relax.

It seems like something is wrong at home?

Every time she comes back from get off work, Mrs. Feng has already prepared the food, but today, it is extremely unusual. The pot is cold and the stove is cold.

She went to Mrs. Feng and asked softly, "Mom, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"It's time to get off work. It's okay. It's okay. I'm just getting older and I'm a little sleepy." Mrs. Feng originally planned to break down, but when she finally saw her daughter-in-law, she still couldn't. She has owed her most of her life, so why should she be embarrassed? He sneered in front of him and pretended to stand up, "I'll cook."

"Just rest." Chang Jing sat her down and scolded Feng Lei, who was watching TV in the room, "You only know how to watch TV, don't you know how to cook? I have to rely on your milk for everything. "

Feng Lei said with a playful smile, "I knew how to do it before, but now I have forgotten how to do it."

Chang Jing said, "If you can do it, you can do it. If you can't do it, you can't do it. How can you forget it?"

Feng Lei said, "My partner is so capable. She does all the laundry and cooking, and doesn't even leave me a chance to practice."

Chang Jing sneered, "Don't think I don't know what you are paying attention to, I tell you there is no way!"

Her attitude was still as determined as ever.

Mrs. Feng gave her grandson a helpless look. When Feng Lei saw Chang Jing entering the kitchen, he hurriedly stood in front of Mrs. Feng and whispered, "Mistress, your grandson's lifelong happiness depends entirely on you. You Don't give up halfway! If you want to see your great-grandson, you have to work harder."

Mrs. Feng slapped him angrily, "I want you to say it. You have to wait for me to find a suitable opportunity. Your mother is very angry at this time. If you say something, it won't cause trouble."

"Nai, you are the head of the family. If you are the head of the family, she still listens to you. Show your example."

"I want you to teach me while you play."

Old Mrs. Feng was used to being busy, but suddenly she was idle. She felt uncomfortable lying down and sitting down. She really felt uncomfortable.

During the meal, she smacked and ate half a bowl of rice.

"Mom, let me take your temperature to see if you have a cold." Chang Jing stood up to get the thermometer. She knew how much Mrs. Feng ate. Despite her age, she could still eat a bowl of rice in one meal. Yes, today’s appetite is definitely not normal.

"No, no, no problem." Mrs. Feng knew best whether she was sick or not. She just had trouble talking to her daughter-in-law about her grandson.

"Are you worried about anything?"

Mrs. Feng said, "Hey, it's just that my age is no longer useful. Seeing that the two children are so old, how can I not grow old? You don't have to worry."

Chang Jing said, "The bigger it is, the more people worry about it. No one can worry about it."

Feng Rui said unhappily, "Mom, if you are dissatisfied with me, please don't take me along with you."

Chang Jing smiled and said, "Look at me, no one is worry-free."

Mrs. Feng also said with emotion, "They are all very clever. I am happy to see them grow up. I have not let down your father-in-law and your man. When Leizi gets married, I will hold my great-grandson in my arms, and I will be able to live in peace even if I die." I am satisfied with my eyesight."

Mrs. Feng finally started to expand the topic.

"Mom, you are usually in good health. Don't think about the things you have and don't have. Lei is not a big kid. It doesn't matter if you wait a few years before getting married." Chang Jing felt sensitively that there was something in what Mrs. Feng said, so she said to the person next to her. The daughter said, "Have you finished eating? Go and do your homework as soon as you finish eating. How come you are not nervous at all in junior high school?"

"The homework has been finished a long time ago." Feng Rui stood up and ignored this, went to get an apple from the table, and went into the room to eat the apple and watch TV with Feng Lei.

Old Mrs. Feng continued, "I won't talk about Old Man Yu who is far away. Let's just say that the old Mrs. Qiu next door is usually in better health than me. She has no illness or disaster. One meal is worth two of mine, but not in summer. If you say no, it’s gone. Maybe you don’t even know if you kick your legs in the middle of the night. Lei Zi is already at the age of getting married, so how can he delay it? How many more years will it take? All the old guys in the alley agree with this. Well, no one came to marry me at the critical moment. You still don't understand what's going on? You really want to delay him. "

Chang Jing said, "You can't find someone from the country. Mom, I've had enough, let alone you! You've had enough of me, why don't you have to suffer from your grandson?"

Old Mrs. Feng said with a smile, "Marrying you into the family is a blessing to our family, not a drag. To say it is a drag, it is our family that is dragging you down. This family has relied on you all these years. Who makes you a man unlucky?" "

Chang Jing said, "Hey, it's a thing of the past, why are you talking about this?"

Old Mrs. Feng said, "We've all seen that girl before. We really don't have a choice. Are you just willing to let her go?"

Chang Jing smiled bitterly and said, "What should I do if I can't bear to leave? I have four brothers and sisters in my family. Not only are there two unmarried brothers at the top, but there is also an unmarried younger brother at the bottom. The situation in my family is similar to that of my family back then. Fortunately, it hasn’t been affected much yet. If it is, how can our family survive?”

She also specially asked her mother-in-law's brother to inquire about the family. There were three adobe houses. They were extremely poor. Not only was it difficult to marry a daughter-in-law, but it was also difficult to marry a daughter. Thinking about it made her scalp numb. .

Mrs. Feng said, "Can our family compare now with the past? Lei Zi has earned a lot in the past two years, and we have saved a lot, right? I think it is really going to happen, and we will be able to meet people's requirements. This money was originally intended to be used for him to find a wife, so why do you feel so distressed?"

If you have money, you can talk confidently. Not to mention that Feng Lei has made a lot of money, but she has made a lot of money selling rice wine and making snacks over the years.

Chang Jing said, "That's what I say, but in the future this will be a drag in the long run."

Old Mrs. Feng said, "According to me, we really can't count on girls in this city. Are you thinking about where to find a suitable one?"

Chang Jing shook her head, "It's just that there's nothing suitable right now."

Mrs. Feng said, "I'm not sure I'll be suitable in the future. Lei Zi finally found a match, and we have to force him to demolish it. We will regret it to death in the future. According to me, let's not accept it first. What about you? First, go and inquire about the situation of the girl's family and whether its reputation is good. If the family is a reasonable and right-wing person, it is understandable that we can help her. It is best to be the in-laws. If the parents are difficult to deal with, we will stay away. Let me tell you that you are not happy. If you are someone like your parents, don’t say you don’t agree, I will never agree to it.”

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