My 1979

Chapter 701 Returning Hometown

Looking at the young and even pretentious faces, as expected, as Manager Song said, there were mostly girls, and Li He couldn't help but feel a sour taste in his heart. There are more than 1,690 people standing down here!

They are insignificant cells, and countless such cells make up a living country.

The hard work of this generation of people cannot be said to be unprecedented, but it is certainly unprecedented.

However, after their golden period, the group of female clothing workers was gradually forgotten. The originally prosperous industrial economy has shrunk in a short period of time, and those who once participated in it will soon be forgotten or regarded as "obsolete".

It doesn't matter if the working environment in the workshop is poor, because you can survive; it doesn't matter if the food in the canteen tastes bad, because you can send money to your parents; it doesn't matter if the accommodation conditions are poor, because you can send your younger siblings to school; it doesn't matter if you are wronged and scolded, because you can See a little glimmer of hope. Staying up late and working overtime is not a problem because you can make money.

They are full of hope for a life of enduring humiliation and burden.

There is a saying that goes, "The big river has no water and the small river is dry."

This sentence vividly tells everyone a truth. No matter how strong the "small river" of an individual or a small group is, it is impossible to make a difference without the "big river" of the entire country; only the "big river" of the country can maintain its momentum. Only when the great current never dries up can the "small river" of individuals and collectives maintain strong vitality and development potential for a long time.

If this country was as powerful as it was in its prime, they could stay in school happily and carefree, instead of suffering here just to survive.

Silence is the normal state of a tired life. Children who should love to play and get together can only work day and night, prematurely pulling up their own weak sails in the stormy waves of the adult world.

Li He once heard a saying, "The development of a country is sometimes like an enterprise. It needs to go through the primitive accumulation stage of capital. At this stage, it is often accompanied by the plunder of the environment, the plunder of resources, and even the plunder of people." "

This sentence sounded relaxed to him, but when faced with it, he felt it was too cruel.

National and personal poverty are the original sin.

"Mr. Li, do you want to say a few words?" Manager Song was cautious towards Li He.

The big table in the conference room was also moved out, and it was covered with a bright red tablecloth, which was very festive.

Li He stood up and shouted into the microphone, "Hey, hey, hey."

The workers outside the field looked at him silently.

Li He said, "Hello everyone, my surname is Li. Here are a few words, mainly about a new student aid policy launched by the factory."

He didn't talk too much nonsense and just put his thoughts out directly.

But a dozen or so leaders in the factory looked confused. When did there be a student aid policy?

They all looked at Manager Song. Manager Song shook his head firmly, expressing that he didn't know.

They only heard Li He said, "Everyone comes to work here for various reasons. There may be many who regret coming to work and hope to continue studying in their hometowns. The initial policy in the factory is this. Anyone under the age of 16 Yes, you can apply for the student aid funds provided by the factory. If you can go to junior high school, the factory will support you until junior high school. If you can go to high school, the factory will support you until high school, or even university. It just depends on your own ability."

The factory workers in the audience did not respond, as if they were listening to something that had little to do with them.

They would never believe that the factory would be so kind!

This is a trick to fire people!

After being sent back to my hometown, is there still a chance to come back?

Will there still be job opportunities?

They were afraid that the police would check their ID cards, so they hid in factories and dormitories all day, not daring to go anywhere. Otherwise, they would have to be sent to Huizhou and deported. Isn't this kind of suffering just for this job and making more money?

But the leaders in the factory believed it. As for these thousands of people, if they really did this, the collapse of the factory would not be far away! But they can only act in a hurry.

Seeing that the people below him were motionless, Li He just continued, "If you are willing to go back to your hometown now, I will buy a ticket immediately and give you 1,000 yuan. If you are willing, you can come forward now."

Of course he would not use Jinlu Textile's money. He urgently wanted to set up an education fund to integrate the Dida Experimental Middle School and Jinlu Experimental Middle School to provide more people with educational opportunities through a business model.

Just relying on major group companies to donate tens of millions every year is not of much use.

After he said this, there was still not much movement in the audience.

Li He sighed and said to Manager Song, "Look at how much cash you have in the factory. Move it all out for me. I'll lend it to you."

These children, at such a young age, are so defensive.

Manager Song just hesitated and then waved his hand to the person next to him. After a while, the people from the finance office came over with a big box and put it all on the table according to Manager Song's instructions.

Li He poured out all the cash in the box, pile after pile, in RMB, Hong Kong dollars, and US dollars, in various colors, estimated to be more than one million.

The audience was in a state of shock. They had never seen so much money. They whispered to each other and chirped.

Li He continued, "Those who are willing to return to their hometowns to continue studying can come up now to receive a thousand yuan and buy train tickets for you."

Even if these children receive the money on the front foot and run away without seeing anyone, he is still willing to be deceived like this. At least his factory won't give these children a second chance!

He really has no better way!

The girls and boys in the audience wanted to come forward but didn't dare!

"Hey, if you want to go home, hurry up and get the money!" Manager Song was impatient. He was delaying work in the factory like this. It was just when he was rushing to meet the construction deadline. He saw Li He standing aside with no objection, and then he boldly shouted He said, "If you don't come up in the last ten minutes, you have no chance."

Li He watched quietly for two minutes on the stage. In the end, only a boy and a girl walked through the crowd with their heads lowered.

They just stood quietly by the stage. Li He didn't say anything, and they didn't say anything either.

Li He continued to ask, "Is there any more?"

He still didn't give up, but he understood. Parents and elders seem to have confirmed the iron law that "young people should go out to work." For young people, "working without studying" has become a fixed pattern that needs no discussion, and there is no other choice.

As for the age at which they can go out to work, they don't know much about it and don't care.

The hardships of life force these children and their families to pay more attention to how to live better now than to plan for the future.

Li He waited for ten minutes, but no child was willing to come forward. One thousand yuan is just five months' salary. Everyone can do the math.

He nodded towards Manager Song next to him.

In the disbelieving eyes of the crowd below, a boy and a girl received one thousand yuan each.

But when the two people followed the leader into the factory office, some people began to believe that it was just an act, and these two unlucky guys would not get the money in the end.

Sitting in the office, Li He took the tea that was brought to him, gently blew the floating tea leaves, and then asked the two children, "Where are you from?"

But the boy grabbed the money in his hand tightly and asked seriously, "Boss, can I really go home and study? Boss, I will definitely study hard."

The girl also nodded, "I studied in the second grade of junior high school, but my father stopped letting me study. I also have a younger brother and sister studying, but my father said he had no money."

"Give them another one thousand yuan." Li He felt his desire for reading from his words, and some desires did not even need to be felt seriously.

Manager Song gave the two children an extra one thousand yuan each without hesitation, and took away the two workers, which did no harm to him.

Li He patted the two children heavily on the shoulders, "You go back first, and arrange for someone to buy you tickets tomorrow. Go back to your hometown and study hard. Only by studying can you be successful. Do you understand what I say?"

The two of them took another wad of money in disbelief and carefully walked out of the office with the money in their pockets. As soon as the boy walked out of the door, he suddenly turned around and boldly asked, "Uncle, what's your name?"

Li He smiled and said, "Li He, Muzi Li, 'harmony' means harmony brings wealth."

The boy said boldly, "Uncle, I will remember you."

"Go back and study hard." Li He still did not forget to tell the two figures from behind.

After the two children left, Manager Song complimented, "Mr. Li, you are such a kind-hearted person."

"This money is considered a loan from the factory. I will arrange for someone to send it over tomorrow." Li He did not listen to his flattery and just said, "But..."

"Mr. Li, just say it." Manager Song answered hurriedly.

"First of all, the hygiene of the dormitory area must be done well for me. Are there 12 people living in such a small dormitory? Is that realistic?" Li He saw that Manager Song was about to speak with a grimace, and waved his hands and said, "The dormitory is not enough, please continue to build it for me. I’ll give you half a year. If you can’t do it, I’m sorry, but I will ask you to leave.”

"Definitely, definitely!" From the attitude of Yu Dehua when he called him, Manager Song believed that Li He had this ability.

Li He continued, "When these children are growing up, the food should not be too bad. It should be meat and vegetables. At least it should be guaranteed."

"Mr. Li, don't worry about this. The food in our factory has always been the best among nearby factories." Manager Song said with certainty. "

"The last one is to organize a night reading class in the factory to give them some skills." Li He glanced at the leaders in the factory, "We all have children. What would you do if it were your child?" ?”

Manager Song said, "Mr. Li, don't worry, I will do it immediately. There is a vocational and technical school nearby, and there are people who are willing to go there to study. The factory will pay for them to go there."

Li He thought for a while, nodded and said, "This is the best."

He didn't mention raising wages. When doing charity, you have a charity model, and when you do business, you have a business attitude.

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