My 1979

Chapter 723 First

Guo Dongyun's Hong Kong Silver Island Trading Co., Ltd. and financial advisor Aberdeen Asset Management formally submitted a non-binding letter of intent to acquire ARM at a price of 5.55-5.95 pounds per share. If ARM spins off its Aikang Computer business, the price of the letter of intent will be It is 4.8-5.1 pounds per share, and requires ARM to provide materials to understand and evaluate its situation and performance.

At this time, Guo Dongyun has reached an agreement with the Italian Olivetti Group. Once Hong Kong Silver Island Trading succeeds in acquiring ARM, it will invest in Omnitel, a subsidiary of the Olivetti Group, and work together to operate mobile communications.

This was the last condition put forward by the Olivetti Group. The rapid expansion of the entire industry chain, coupled with the gold-swallowing behemoth of Omnitel mobile communications, has already overwhelmed Olivetti.

At the same time, Hong Kong Silver Island Trading Company paid US$9 million to the American Apple Company to acquire 20% of its shares.

As for VLSI, a small company that is still in a workshop state, Guo Dongyun directly purchased it with a total investment of 6 million US dollars.

After hearing this, Li He thought it was a hallucination, which meant that he might obtain VLSI technology.

The so-called integrated circuit, to put it crudely, is to find a way to stuff tens of thousands or even tens of millions of transistors and diode devices into a single semiconductor chip, turning it into a chip with specific circuit or system functions.

Before the use of integrated circuits, so-called electronic devices were stupid. The world's first computer, ENIAC, appeared in the United States in 1946. It weighed more than 30 tons, occupied an area of ​​more than 150 square meters, and was composed of 17,468 electron tubes, 60,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors and 6,000 switches.

Integrated circuit technology can be used to "integrate" an electronic subsystem or even an entire electronic system on a chip to complete multiple functions such as information collection, processing, and storage.

Therefore, with the advancement of technology, various electronic products are becoming smaller and lighter in size.

Fairchild Semiconductor, which commercialized integrated circuit technology for the first time in 1959, has spawned many industry giants including Intel, AMD, National Semiconductor, LSI Logic, Intersil, Altera and Xilinx.

Similarly, VLSI Technology is also derived from Fairchild.

There are not many companies in the world with very large scale integrated circuit technology, including VLSI.

However, there is no general who is always victorious. Having the power to make waves in the past does not mean that it can become a permanent overlord. After that, the semiconductor industry has experienced fierce competition. Except for manufacturers such as Intel and Memory, most of them are half-dead. VLSI is just a flash in the pan. It has not even been the number one. nec has been squeezed out of the top ten.

Li He is very afraid that his joining will bring big changes to VLSI. He doesn't care whether VLSI dies or not. He doesn't care if it dies early or late. What he cares about is whether VLSI can eventually develop VLSI technology!

Major shareholders have basically nodded in agreement to Hong Kong Yindao Trading's acquisition of ARM. ARM's management had to express its willingness to explore the acquisition. After all parties signed a confidentiality agreement, relevant materials were provided to Yindao Trading, and the management made the company Introduction of the situation.

ARM held its regular annual shareholder meeting, and some small and medium-sized shareholders reduced their holdings and wanted to increase the offer to 6.2 pounds per share.

But Barclays, ARM's M\u0026A financial adviser, said at the continued board meeting that the cash offer price of £5.91 per share was a fair price from a financial perspective.

The fairness opinion issued by Barclays put most of the dispute to rest.

The final closing conditions for the completion of the merger include the approval of the shareholders' meeting, and in addition to the equity acquisition of 45 million pounds, Silver Island Trading also needs to provide ARM with 130 million pounds of debt financing.

In the financial war with Soros, the whole UK and even the whole world have already known that there is a lot of money in Silver Island Trading. It would be unreasonable for ARM not to take advantage of the opportunity and make a big move.

Not to the surprise of Guo Dongyun and others, Li He all agreed. At the same time, he generously provided options of no more than 10% in total to the founders and researcher shareholders.

Continue to keep ARM's basic business unchanged, retain the existing management, and provide licensing business models to external chip design companies.

But Li He has different opinions on investing in Omnitel.

He didn't want to be just a small shareholder, he asked for a controlling shareholding, and Olivetti naturally refused without hesitation.

He then proposed that Omnitel can provide guaranteed loan funds to help carry out large-scale telecom mergers and acquisitions in Europe and compete with telecom giants such as Odyssey, Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom, Telecom Italia, and Vodafone.

In his mind, the most valuable thing is Omnitel's telecom operation license, and he is a drunkard who doesn't care about alcohol. When he suddenly thought of a Finnish company from mobile communications.

He was so frightened that he almost forgot about Nokia, which was currently on the verge of bankruptcy and later became the world's largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer.

He needs to use Omnitel's shell to acquire Nokia.

With such favorable conditions, Olivetti had no reason not to agree. They sold 70% of their shares for US$49 million.

Benarditi, chairman of Olivetti, also serves as general manager of Omnitel.

Li He provided a guaranteed loan of US$900 million to Omnitel Mobile Communications in the name of his wholly-owned enterprise Latvian Dartz Automotive, with funds provided by UBS.

From beginning to end, it has nothing to do with China.

After getting rich, Benarditi personally went to Finland. He was also very interested in the GSM mobile phone produced by Nokia.

He was full of confidence here because Guo Dongyun had assured him that as long as he could acquire Nokia, no matter how much money he spent, it would not be a problem.

ARM founder Hoser annexed VLSI company under Guo Dongyun's arrangement, and then signed an intellectual property cross-licensing agreement with Russia's Bedelev chip factory and negotiated an foundry agreement.

His confidence was swollen and his appetite was voracious. He was arranged by Guo Dongyun to go to the United States without any resistance. He held a lot of money in his hand and swung his knife at Nvidia!

He has more confidence in the graphics processor than anyone else!

Li He's current goal is to be the number one in the chip and telecommunications business!

He can't guarantee the chip business. After all, there is no big advantage, just more money.

But he is somewhat hopeful about telecommunications and telecommunications equipment. If Omnitel can acquire Nokia, it will be his trump card, and he also has Sun Softbank's trump card.

If he had a chance to meet Ren Huawei in the future, he wouldn't mind handing over Omnitel to Ren Huawei.

Guo Dongyun is busy, and Shen Daoru is not idle either. The reason why he took the initiative to follow Li He here this time is because the main purpose is to buy land and buildings. After he tasted the benefits of real estate, he became more and more unwilling to let it go.

Moreover, this pound crisis is a rare bargain hunting opportunity for him.

In his first move, he bought the Lloyd's Building, a landmark building in the City of London, from Lloyd's Insurance Company, the UK's largest insurance company, through a real estate broker for 126 million pounds. The company's headquarters.

Li He asked him with a smile, "For such a large insurance company, the annual premiums should be three to four billion U.S. dollars, right? Why did you sell the headquarters?"

In the world's insurance industry, the insurance company with the greatest reputation, the greatest reputation, the deepest funds, the longest history, and the most money is the British "Lloyd's" insurance company. How can it possibly survive as a seller?

Shen Daoru said with a smile, "Their family has been unlucky in the past ten years. Starting in 1983, 28 of the passenger planes they insured had accidents, which resulted in a loss of 300 million. The next year, they made repairs for three American communication satellites. Contracting, this time it was even more unlucky. The satellite launch failed, all three failed, and the insured amount was 1.8 billion! Full compensation! During the Iran-Iraq war, they also paid for oil tankers entering and leaving the Persian Gulf! This time was not easy either, and they paid nearly 1.8 billion in compensation. 600 million! There is also an American computer company whose computer failed, and they also compensated 400 million according to the loss!"

"It's worth losing money to buy reputation." Li He was a little impressed.

He took a piece of information from Shen Daoru's hand and looked at it carefully out of curiosity.

What interests him most is the very unique organizational structure of this insurance company, because this company neither belongs to an individual nor is it a joint-stock company in the usual form, but is composed of 430 syndicates, covering 50 countries around the world. A consortium of enterprises in multiple countries with more than 26,000 members.

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