My 1979

Chapter 724 Visitors


Li He liked this domineering and revealing word very much. Compared to 'trust', 'cartel', and 'concern', syndicate was quite powerful.

It is also a monopoly. Under the influence of many years of TV, movie and cartoons, the Syndicate has been promoted as an organization with criminal attributes. It is engaged in major events that divide the world in a literal sense. All the big people appear.

They are usually mysterious villains that the decent protagonists must fight against.

He wanted to put it on his face and say that this structure was very similar to his company, but in fact, it would be difficult for him to build a syndicate like Lloyd's without spending ten or even twenty years. It operates with the same precision.

Shen Daoru said, "What the insurance industry values ​​​​is reputation. As long as the reputation is there, they will turn around very quickly."

Li He asked, "As a foreign investor, and the amount is such a huge amount, there are no restrictions, right? Is there a lot of foreign investment in the UK?"

Shen Daoru said with a smile, "The first thing Thatcher did after coming to power was to lift foreign exchange controls and welcome and encourage foreign direct investment. In addition to the defense industry, investment can be made in basically every industry. Currently, it is the country that attracts the most foreign investment in Europe." The country is the largest capital importer in Europe. There are six free trade ports including Cardiff and Liverpool alone. There is a lot of foreign investment. Among them, Americans are the first, accounting for half of the total. The second and third are the Netherlands and France, and finally Japan Benzene. Of course, there is also a lot of investment in Hong Kong, and Li Chaoren has port investment and a large number of properties here."

"Is there a lot of Japanese capital?"

Shen Daoru nodded, "Of course there are many. Nissan, Canon, and Sony have all set up factories here, with more than 130 at least. However, they mainly invest in televisions, audio-visual equipment and auto parts. They are all very large, accounting for 10% of the UK's total. About 15% of industrial output.”

Li He did not expect that Japanese capital would have such a heavy influence in the UK. No wonder it was said to be a developed country. At this time, the gap between China and the UK was already obvious.

As for the Chinese, except for a few Chinese who open restaurants, Li He has not yet seen his shadow in other industries.

Even if the country wants to import daily necessities ceramics to the UK, it is still subject to the UK's ceramic quota restrictions on communist countries, which means that you can only sell so much in a year, and you don't have to think about more.

In the next few days, Shen Daoru saw Li He and acquiesced in his investment behavior. His investment behavior became even more crazy. He traveled from London to Manchester, then to Cambridge and Liverpool, buying land and properties with a total value of 700 million US dollars in one go.

He also bought a villa originally owned by the municipal government on the Thames River.

As a result, Li He moved again.

The villa is located in the West End of London, which has always been a traditional wealthy area in London. It is next to Waterloo Underground Station.

After moving in, except for the three security guards, there were only Li He and Ding Shiping. As for Guo Dongyun and Shen Daoru, they were naturally busy.

Li He stayed at home all day. Apart from occasionally answering the phone and signing autographs, he didn't go anywhere. He didn't have much interest in visiting the retro-renovated buildings in London. I think back then, Comrade Hitler took turns bombing for more than 76 days and nights. The roof of St. Paul's Cathedral was ripped off. If the anti-aircraft guns at Buckingham Palace were not too dense, the British Lord Buddha would have to flee. There would be no chance to follow him. The third cousin got married.

As soon as he got up in the morning, he and Ding Shiping started drinking wine over peanuts. Drinking was their only common hobby.

The two of them drank very straightforwardly, one drink for you and one for me, two boxes of German beer, and they drank it all effortlessly.

"Practice like this is just to practice resisting blows, and have some strength in your feet." Ding Shiping looked at the cherry tree in the yard that had been kicked to pieces by Li He, and then patted the thick muscles on his chest and said, "You can't learn martial arts. You need to have the understanding, and it is a long-term effort. If you can't get started in ten or eight years, it is better to work hard and learn some fighting and Sanda skills. If you are serious, you can develop abdominal muscles and arm muscles in three months. , knows how to pin and lock people, hit them wherever it hurts, and deal with a few people to death."

Li He said disdainfully, "How many people do you think I can't deal with now?"

The key point is that he doesn't have the patience to learn it all over again now. He can only do that by practicing the strength of his legs and feet.

Ding Shiping chuckled and said, "When you encounter someone who uses a knife, your leg and leg skills will definitely come in handy."

After drinking, he couldn't help but joke about Li He.

"You would be a fool not to run."

As soon as Li He finished speaking, a tall security guard came in and handed over a banquet invitation letter from the embassy.

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