My 1979

Chapter 730 Society

As for the dishes, invitations, and the full moon wine process, Li He left it all to Guo Dongyun and Xiao Xiaoquan. Although the speakers are not very reliable in the movie, in terms of eyesight and hospitality, few people can match it.

Li Zhaokun's business was good today, so he deliberately finished work early and came back with a load of small yellow croakers. His yacht was parked near the fishing village every day, and it became his regular customer spot. Every day, he and Old Man Zhang rode a worn-out bicycle back and forth, never forgetting to bring Come back with some seafood or some braised food.

Occasionally, when the mood strikes, I will cast a few rods myself, and there will be no shortage of fish and the like.

When Li Lan saw Li Zhaokun coming back, he walked over to meet him from afar, grabbing the fish bucket and not letting go.

"Then you carry it obediently." Li Zhaokun simply handed it over to Li Lan.

Li Lan glanced at his own father who was resting on the couch at the door with his eyes closed. Seeing that he didn't respond, he boldly raised his chest and struggled to lift the fish bucket to the back of the house. He put his hand into the bucket and teased him. Play with the fish, and at the same time prevent Rhubarb from stuffing his head into the bucket and taking a few bites at the fish.

Li Zhaokun sat down on the stone bench in the yard. When he saw his eldest daughter-in-law coming, he rolled up his shirt on his chest. Then in front of his son, he took out a handful of dimes and coins from his pocket, one by one. Count them carefully one by one.

After the count was clear, he took out a rubber band from another pocket and twisted the banknotes several times firmly.

As for the coins, he kept them to give change to guests or buy snacks for his grandson. Although He Fang repeatedly objected to him giving snacks to his children, he, Li Zhaokun, didn't care. Who was in his way if he bought snacks for his grandson?

Besides, he spent the money he earned!

Li Lan's little mouth never stopped working from morning to night. He ate a lot of ice cream, cakes, and lollipops, but not much serious meals.

Li He looked at Li Zhaokun's grinning mouth and could guess that he had a good income.

"Business is good?"

Although he doesn't care about his father, it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about his father. After all, he lost money to coax his father into this business. From the yacht business license to the venue rental to the insurance, he lost money on everything. .

You can only make money by building a yacht on a large scale. What's the use of relying on one or two speedboats?

The little money he earns is not even enough for depreciation.

"It's OK." Li Zhaokun said, "Give me the key to the boat at the door. It's a pity to park it at home. That boat is so big, and the rent is even higher."

He had long thought of expanding his business, but when he inquired about it, a speedboat cost RMB 500-600, and the yacht at his doorstep cost several millions. He couldn't afford it, but he happened to have one at home. It must not be wasted.

"That one can't be rented. Most people can't drive it well and it's easy to capsize. Who's to blame if something goes wrong?" Li He couldn't agree. He was originally given two boats just to tease him. How could he make it bigger? "If something goes wrong, there will be a 'bang' sound, an oil leak, and the ship will explode. Can the person still be alive? If the person dies, will you go to prison or me?"

He is bluffing.

"How can it be scary if it's not there?" Li Zhaokun thought about it and thought it was really possible. He has watched many Hong Kong movies, and he has definitely seen the scene of the yacht exploding. Seeing that his son was serious about what he said, he stopped mentioning it. With an income of more than 1,000 yuan a day and more than 300,000 yuan a year, he should be content.

He calculated that when he returned to his hometown soon, there would be no one in Hongheqiao who was as wealthy as him!

The aunt made Li He a cup of tea and showed no intention of leaving for a while. She just stood in front of Li He blankly, rubbing the corners of his clothes.

Li He raised his head and saw that she hadn't left yet, so he smiled and asked, "Sister Jiang, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Li, I" Sister Jiang still couldn't speak.

Li He pulled out a cigarette and said with a smile, "Sister Jiang, you have been in our house for more than a year or two. You know my temperament. If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Mr. Li, you are a good person, I know that." Sister Jiang knelt down after saying this, "Mr. Li, I beg you to save my son!"

Tears rolled down my face.

Li He lifted her up and said, "Stand up, otherwise, I will be really busy."

"Mr. Li, my son is a good boy! He was just confused for a moment!" Sister Jiang was frightened by Li He's words and stood up, but her tears still kept flowing.

"If you have something to say, don't cry first." Li He still couldn't figure out the situation.

Sister Jiang hurriedly wiped her eyes with her sleeves and said, "My son is not up to par. He only wants to study in Form 4 and can no longer study. He is filial. My husband left early. When he saw me working hard, he went out to the tea restaurant. He has been doing this for several years, but he has a lofty ideal and no ability. He somehow went astray and was led astray by those bad guys. He has no home at all. He worships some kind of big brother and works for him all day long. He's in the spotlight and has nothing serious to do. No matter how much I try to persuade him, it's useless."

Li He said, "What about now?"

"He injured someone and was taken to Yau Ma Tei. But I promise it's not my son's fault! Someone stabbed my son with a knife first! I know this well. My son was chased and he was found halfway at the construction site. The iron rod was used to fight back. My son came back covered in blood and had not been lying at home for a few days. He went downstairs to buy cigarettes and was kidnapped. There is no news now."

"Yau Ma Tei?" Li He frowned and asked, "Have you called the police?"

"Mr. Li, the police have been called." Sister Jiang nodded, "The police asked me to wait for news, but it has been a week. Later, my son's friend told me that the police were perfunctory. Mr. Li, please, I I only have one son, and I really can’t think of a way! I can only ask you! Please save my son! He won’t make it out of that kind of place!”

After saying this, she knelt down again.

"I really won't help if this continues." Li He didn't stop her this time, but looked at her. Seeing that she was only half-crouching, not kneeling down, he continued, "What's your son's name?"

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