My 1979

Chapter 731 Chinese

"Gu Xiaohua, my son's name is Gu Xiaohua! Ancient people's Gu, big and small small, gorgeous Hua." Sister Jiang was afraid that Li He wouldn't understand, so she repeated it several times in succession.

"Gu Xiaohua?" Li He read it silently, and then said to her, "As long as he is still there, I will try my best to bring him back for you."

He didn't say too much, but he was very confident in bringing people out from Kowloon Walled City. This was a confidence he had never had before.

"Thank you, Mr. Li! Thank you, Mr. Li!" Sister Jiang cried with joy. She also knew that Li He was never a boastful person.

"Your situation is not good. You should go back and rest for a few days. Leave me a phone number. I will inform you as soon as possible if I have news." Li He guessed that she didn't have much thought about work, so he asked her to be let go. A few days off.

"No, no need, Mr. Li. I'll go and get busy first." Only by staying at Li He's house could she get the fastest news. Although she was panicked, she did not lose this sense of propriety.

After Sister Jiang left, Li He made a call to the speaker without thinking. Speaker Quan kept beating his chest to ensure that there was no problem.

Just as the old lady Yu said, Old Man Li came and took a pink and tender little girl out of the car as soon as he got out of the car.

The little girl was held by him in his hand, and when she saw Li Lan holding a bucket against the wall and sticking his butt out, she was about to break free.

Old Man Li let her go and said, "Play with your brother well and don't bully him."

"I will not bully my brother." After the little girl made her promise, she ran directly to Li Lan.

"Your little granddaughter?" Li He didn't wait for Old Man Li to come over, so he went over and looked at the little girl's back carefully, but he had never seen her before. Seeing the two children having fun together, he didn't bother to scold his son who was playing in the water.

Old Man Li was wearing a short coat and was tugging on his shoes. However, the soles were unnaturally thick, and it looked like they had been replaced. He nodded cheerfully, "Can you tell from the mold? Of course it's my granddaughter. She only took it over a few days ago, and she's quite playful with your son."

Li He stared at Old Man Li's oily pointed head for a long time, then smiled and said, "I really can't tell, but my Chinese is pretty good."

"Nonsense! I have worked hard! When this girl was born, I taught her how to talk all day long." After finishing speaking, Old Man Li couldn't help but sigh, "But there's nothing I can do. I just sent her to Shenzhen the day before yesterday."

"Why send it to Shenzhen?" Li He was confused. Now that the whole family is gathered in Hong Kong, it would be perfect to have children and grandchildren at his knees. "Aren't you already studying in Hong Kong?"

Old Man Li dusted off the dust on the stone seat out of habit, then sat down and said, "That child originally only knew Thai and English, and in Chinese, he only knew 'hello' and 'goodbye'. This made me anxious. You won’t be able to learn a few words with me at all, and you will forget what you learn today and forget tomorrow. I was just brought to Hong Kong, but I didn’t expect it. The class was in Cantonese. Fortunately, I still knew a few words and a few sentences in Cantonese, but I couldn’t speak Chinese. He still doesn’t know a word, so I have no idea. I’ll send him to a school in Shenzhen, so I’ll have to work harder and pick him up and drop him off every day.”

He is very stubborn in asking his grandson to learn Chinese. He is not opposed to foreign languages. He simply believes that since he is Chinese and his grandson is not a foreigner, there is no reason why he should not speak his own language. Although he had put a lot of effort into his grandson in Thailand, his grandson still did not make any progress. It was not because he was not good at teaching, nor because he lacked patience. But his grandson was conflicted in his heart, and the grandson and grandson obviously had no feelings for each other, so it would be strange to be convinced.

If this was someone else's grandson, Old Man Li would definitely not be lenient, but this was his own direct grandson. He owed his son and grandson something fundamentally wrong and had no reason to discipline him.

He can only tolerate and get used to it, but it is not easy to implement stick education.

However, in front of him, his grandson was getting older and older, and he had to worry. He was most afraid that his grandson would turn into something half-baked, neither completely like a Chinese nor completely like a foreigner. He could only discuss with his son that he should send his grandson to study in the mainland. It didn't matter if he couldn't learn the skills, but he had to be able to speak Chinese.

My son and daughter-in-law would definitely not agree. Many people would not be able to escape in time, and there would be no one willing to jump into the fire pit.

Old man Li tried his best to persuade me, but he didn't do anything.

He became ruthless and paid back all the capital he had taken from his son to start a business. He collected his own money and started his own business!

After setting up his own business, in addition to a jewelry store, he also had a balance of tens of millions! And his son’s impossible connections!

He said harsh words, and for the sake of his grandson, he dared to sever the father-son relationship with his son!

Li Jiasheng saw that this was not going to work. The purpose of coming to Hong Kong was to prepare his son to inherit his father's legacy! I came here in the middle of the show, it was like a chicken flying over an egg!

His wife said it was a joke. Who else could the family property be given to except his son?

Although he didn't grow up with Old Man Li, he has been with him for so many years, and this old man's temper is so bad!

One word!


Does he have a sister?

If his father is cruel, he will definitely give it to his sister.

Although he also loves his sister very much, he also raised her with his own hands. But, he has no reason to take advantage of his brother-in-law.

In the end, Old Man Li won. He personally selected a school for his grandson and sent him to a school in Shenzhen. A driver would take him back and forth every day. And he just took it for granted and gave all the family property he earned in the past few years to his son.

It’s also a win-win.

"Very good." Li He didn't expect Old Man Li to be so awesome, but this was also his character.

"Am I being that kind of person?" Old Man Li felt a little embarrassed after saying this, but what can he do for the sake of his grandson?

"You made the right move." Li He said with certainty. Even for the children of his old Li family, he would never let them give up their advantage in Chinese. He joked, "Every fifth person in the world will Among the individuals, there is one who speaks Chinese, so how can I do it in the future if I can’t speak Chinese?”

"That's right." Old Man Li was very pleased to see Li He agree.

After the two of them, they somehow talked about Old Man Zhu again.

"Man, after all, he has to reach this point, and his ashes will return to his ashes. However, he will not suffer any loss in his life. He became famous at a young age, was full of heroism, and has never suffered any serious crimes. How is he like me? Although I was born into a wealthy family, my family is in the middle. I was left with nothing but poverty and torment for the rest of my life. I lamented that my brother was also a man of great enlightenment, but it was a pity that he was addicted to tobacco. Even if he quit later, he was exhausted and could not survive more than a few years in Thailand." Old Man Li sighed. He said, "When I go back during the Qingming Festival, I will burn some paper."

"Tell me, what should I do with the things he gave me? Can they be seen in the light?" This is what Li He is worried about.

"Are you short of money?"

"Of course there is no shortage."

"If you don't need it, just keep it for yourself. Why do you need to see the light?"

Li He said with a smile, "Let's not talk about jade and porcelain. Let's just talk about the few orphan copies he left behind. It's a pity that they have not seen the light of day. They should be left to future generations to study, just in case they have any historical or literary value. maybe."

"The collection is for yourself to see, not to show off. Why show it to others. As for those books, you can print a few of them at will, find a place to throw them away, and people who understand will naturally keep them." Old Man Li looked at it very much. clear.

"Then it's up to you." Li He thought about it, this was the best way.

In the evening, Old Man Li had dinner here, but the main character accompanying him was Li Zhaokun. The only reason Li Zhaokun likes Old Man Li is because he feels refreshed by drinking! So cool! Very refreshing!

And Li He's drinking capacity is nothing compared to these two, whether it is a surprise battle or a protracted battle, he is still not good.

Only Ding Shiping can compete with these two people at the wine table.

Old Tang was not bad either. Li He suddenly remembered this old man. Since Yang Huai returned to his hometown, this old man has hardly come here.

"汱,汱鸡!" As soon as he got drunk, Li Zhaokun completely forgot his Mandarin and no longer had to deliberately suppress his voice.

Old Man Li's little granddaughters Li Qiong and Li Lan were sitting on a small bench, facing each other, holding rice bowls. Neither of them was eating carefully. You put a piece in my bowl, and I added a piece in yours. That's polite. very.

The whole room looked amused.

Li He opened a bottle of beer for Old Man Li and said with a smile, "You are quite lucky to be my daughter-in-law."

Old Man Li chuckled and said, "It's not that easy to marry my granddaughter."

"You're being pretentious." Li He didn't take it seriously.

"It's such an age, there's nothing to talk about." He Fang gave Li He a bowl of rice. She was a little unhappy that Li He was talking nonsense. Although the two families were familiar with each other, she couldn't say that.

Although she was unhappy, it didn't show on her face.

After the dinner was over, Old Man Li and Old Mrs. Yu's cars left. Just as Li He was about to go upstairs to take a shower and go to bed, Quan Quan's phone rang.

After cleaning up the kitchen, Sister Jiang, who had been anxiously staying at the door of the hall and pretending to wipe the door frame, also tilted her ears, as if she could hear it with effort.

"Have you found the person?" Li He asked directly as soon as he heard the sound of the horn.

"Found him, he was tied up in Kwai Tsing." Xiaoxiao was a little breathless when he spoke.

"Can you bring it back?" After Li He asked this question, Sister Jiang finally couldn't bear it anymore and boldly stood beside Li He, looking very anxious.

"Yes!" Xiaoxiaoquan said with certainty, but he only said, "It's just that Xin Ngee'an doesn't give face. They just passed up several actors and screenwriters they banned. If you are angry, you have to use force."

"As long as no one is killed, you can do whatever you want. I just want to see the person tomorrow." After Li He finished speaking, he hung up the phone and said to Sister Jiang, "Don't worry, we will bring him back as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Mr. Li! Thank you, Mr. Li!" Sister Jiang didn't know what to do except thank you.

Ding Shiping asked Li He, "Do you want me to go?"

His aunt usually does laundry and cooking for him. Although she paid for it, her feelings for him are genuine and he still has to help her if necessary.

Li He lit a cigarette, paced back and forth in the room, and said, "You can take Zhang Bing with you." He was still worried about the bad guys under Xiao Xiaoquan's hands. After all, when it came to fighting and killing people, Ding Shiping and Zhang Bingcai were Be professional. As soon as Ding Shiping came out of the threshold, he added, "I don't need to give anyone face, safety comes first."

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