My 1979

Chapter 733 Admit defeat


The two people were about to continue moving forward when they heard a loud shout. However, they still squatted down and covered their bodies without haste, bent their waists, and stretched out their heads to look down.

A house converted from an old container is brightly lit at the moment, and you can still see the remaining dishes on the table and the wine bottles scattered on the ground.

Seven or eight people rushed out of the house, blocking the door and looking around.

All the speakers had been discovered and it was no longer possible to pretend to be mute, so he led a group of people out from the back of the container where Ding Shiping was standing.

"All speakers?" A man with a narrow face walked out in the lead. His forehead was sparse, but he was wearing a suit and tie. He looked a bit weird among a group of shirtless men.

"Oh, eldest brother Cheng, long time no see, he's still so handsome." Xiao Xiaoquan stepped forward to straighten his tie for eldest brother Cheng, then walked into the room and sat down with his legs crossed as if there was no one around.

There was a person tied up in the room, his whole body was wrapped with hemp rope, his mouth was stuffed with rags, he was curled up on the ground, whining non-stop.

He squatted down, lifted the person's eyelids, turned his face over and over to take a closer look, and then thought about Sister Jiang's face, and found that it was indeed different.

"Are you Gu Xiaohua?"

"Uh-huh." The man on the ground nodded desperately.

"Xiao Xiao Quan, are you staying awake in the middle of the night?" The eldest brother Cheng sat down opposite Xiao Xiao Quan and said, "Are you looking for trouble?"

The people behind him glared at Xiaoquan even more angrily, and the people behind Xiaoquan were not to be outdone.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, can't we catch up on old times?" Xiao Xiao is not afraid of his elder brother at all. In terms of qualifications and seniority, he can completely ignore him. Unless Xiang's brother comes in person, otherwise who will he be? The account will not be sold easily.

"It's different for you to set up a stick by yourself. Don't think that I'm afraid of you if you climb the big water pipe!" The eldest brother looked straight at the speaker.

He knew Yu Dehua, and Liu Daxiong didn't even fall in love with Yu Dehua, let alone him, so he didn't dare to offend Xiao Xiao to death.

"We are all just juniors, we just make a living, why do we need to be outstanding?" The speakers all lit up their cigars and crossed their legs.

The eldest brother Cheng Ye took over the fire from his younger brother, puffed out a smoke ring and said, "You are in Central and I am in Cai Qing. We are not in conflict with each other. If you have any farts, let them go!"

"I want to take him away!" Xiaoquan pointed at the tied man on the ground with his cigar.

The eldest brother Cheng gave Xiaoquan a cold look and said, "Do you know what he did?"

Then he stood up and said loudly, "He broke my brother's bones! My biological brother!"

"Hey, that's not death, right? Besides, after a few months of training, your brother is still alive and kicking?" Xiaoxiao said indifferently, "You draw the line and do whatever you want, I will continue, but let him go! "

"I want him to die!"

Xiaoxiaoquan smiled and said, "I'm afraid this will be difficult. As long as I'm here, you really can't touch him."

"He belongs to He Shenghe, so it has nothing to do with you, right? Xiaoxiaoquan, you are just a dog meddling in other people's business!"

"Hey, I am also entrusted by someone." Xiaoxiaoquan pretended to sigh, "Let me put it this way, if something happens to this person, Brother Xiang will not be able to protect you."

Before he could finish his words, there was a snap, and a loaded gun was pressed against his head.

Then there was a crash from both sides, and the sound of a gun being loaded.

"Quick Panasonic!"

"Put the gun down!"

"Put down the knife!"

"You let go first!"

"Why don't you let go!"

No one is willing to give in.

Xiao Xiaoquan was very nervous. After all, his eldest brother, Cheng, was always willing to kill people whenever he asked. He did not dare to use provoking methods or resort to empty city tactics. But he still held on, and just as he was about to speak, he heard another scream, the gun on his forehead was gone, and a string of blood beads hit his face.

A knife flew past his eyes and chopped into the iron container. The tassel of the knife's handle was still swinging from side to side.

The eldest brother Cheng dropped the gun in his hand on the table. He covered his bleeding right hand with his left hand. Regardless of everyone's panic, he rushed out the door and shouted in a high voice, "Who! Get out!"

There was still no movement outside, so he turned around, picked up the gun from the table, and fired randomly toward the sky and toward the container opposite.

Xiaoxiao wiped the sweat off his head and felt relieved. He also looked outside, but he didn't see Ding Shiping and his two brothers.

Suddenly, a black shadow rolled down from the container. Without even a buffer, a gun was placed on the forehead of the eldest brother Cheng.

This person is none other than Ding Shiping.

All the men under Brother Cheng pointed their guns at him.

Zhang Bing also jumped off the container carelessly, snatched the gun from his eldest brother Cheng's hand, blew on the still smoking muzzle, "Can you shoot?"

Then he put his knee on the eldest brother Cheng's stomach. The eldest brother suddenly became a shrimp.

"I'll play with him." Zhang Bing pushed Ding Shiping away and helped his eldest brother Cheng Dao, "Shall we play a game? Death Revolver? Is that okay?"

"I'm afraid of you!" The eldest brother Cheng's eyes were already red and he gritted his teeth at Zhang Bing.

"Is this gun yours? You must have it fully loaded. The M29 has 7 bullets. You seemed to have fired 4 bullets just now, so now there are only bullets left. Between the two of us, each of us takes turns to shoot 1 bullet in his own temple. , you can't spin the wheel again after shooting. Whoever dies will be unlucky." Zhang Bing saw that he was having difficulty listening to Mandarin, so he spoke into the loudspeaker again, "Translate for him."

Everyone saw Ding Shiping smoking leisurely next to him, so he had no choice but to translate Zhang Bing's words.

Zhang Bing asked, "Who comes first?"

"You come first!" Big Brother Cheng chuckled, because the bullets in the roulette wheel are all in order! In other words, no matter how you shoot later, it will be real bullets! Unless 3 rounds are fired, there won’t be an empty magazine!

"Oh, I'll go first." Zhang Bing aimed at his head without hesitation.

"Brother Zhang!" The speaker was not stupid at all, and he hurriedly looked at Ding Shiping, "Brother Ding!"

Ding Shiping ignored him.

When everyone saw that Zhang Bing was about to pull the trigger, they were already imagining the scene of brains bursting and heads bleeding. The timid one has already closed his eyes.

But only a click was heard, the trigger was indeed pulled, but Zhang Bing was still fine.

"Okay, here you go, you continue." Zhang Bing threw the gun to his eldest brother Cheng, who was still in a dazed state.

"This" eldest brother, Mr. Cheng, feels like something is wrong!

Where are the bullets?

Where did the bullet go!

His pistol was loaded with 7 rounds!

How could there be an empty shell!

He put the gun to his forehead with a slight trembling, and glanced at the younger brother next to him.

"Brother!" Finally a sincere younger brother came up to stop him.

"Get away!" The eldest brother Cheng held up the gun with his blood-stained right hand and nervously straightened his tie with his left hand. Sweat was already forming on his forehead.

However, the trigger has not yet been pulled.

He was lucky enough to think, could this be a scam? Could it be that all the magazines inside are empty?

He has been around the world for a long time, and he has never seen such bluffing tricks before!

However, he soon denied it, because the gun was his own, and even if Zhang Bing took it away, he never saw Zhang Bing remove the magazine.

In other words, there must be bullets inserted by him himself!

There was more and more sweat on his forehead, almost covering his eyes. The salty sweat made his eyes feel achy and painful.

"Hurry up!" Zhang Bing was a little impatient, "I'm still in a hurry to go back for supper."


The gun in eldest brother Cheng's hand finally fell to the ground.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Take this person away, I won't play anymore."

His life is still precious, although he does not take other people's lives as his own.

Of course, there is no need for Ding Shiping and Zhang Bing to explain to each other. They have already arranged for their younger brother to release Gu Xiaohua.

Gu Xiaohua couldn't wait for the rope to be completely untied. As soon as he untied one head, he tried his best to open it and came out of the rope loop. He glanced timidly at his elder brother Cheng, and then hurriedly thanked Xiao Quan and Ding Zhang. .

He himself didn't understand where this Bodhisattva came from. How could he, a forty-nine-year-old boy, be able to alert his eldest brother to someone who recognized a bear and came to rescue him!

Xiaoxiao didn't even exchange greetings with him. He pushed him aside, put the gun on the ground into his arms, and said to his elder brother, "You also know the rules. One code will return to the other, no matter where it comes from."

The eldest brother is too shameless to talk anymore, he will be carried tonight!

It’s embarrassing in front of so many younger brothers!

But having said that, face is not as important as life!

He couldn't even figure out where a ruthless person like Zhang Bing came from.

Looking at the car with its horns all turned on and waiting for people to drive away, my face was filled with uncertainty!

Gu Xiaohua looked at his elder brother Cheng getting farther and farther behind him, and finally breathed a sigh of relief!

He finally escaped and ascended to heaven!

I patted my chest fearfully and thanked Xiao Xiao Quan and Ding Shiping.

"I'm really grateful to my brothers for saving me! I will definitely support these brothers in the future, without any regrets! I will do my best! Die without regrets, never give up!"

"Stop!" He was interrupted by the loudspeaker. "It's over. If it weren't for your mother's sake, no one would bother to talk to you. Why are you a 49-year-old?"

"My mother?" Gu Xiaohua still didn't understand.

The speaker had no time to pay attention to him. He just turned to ask Zhang Bing, the co-pilot, "Brother Zhang, your trick is really good! But why are you so sure that you can win? When it comes to empty boxes, I didn't even watch you withdraw bullets." .”

He has played this kind of trick himself, but in most cases the gun is his own, without a single bullet, it is purely a bluff. Occasionally when he felt bold, he would figure out the other person's character and think that the other person would not dare to shoot, so he dared to risk his life for this trick.

But when his eldest brother is so stupid and bold, he wouldn't dare to give him a hundred courages. If my eldest brother says he wants to hit someone in the head, he will never hit him in the neck.

Gu Xiaohua was also listening, and he was equally curious.

Zhang Bing chuckled a few times, then fumbled around in his pocket, and threw what he took out directly to Xiaoquan Quan.

"Bullet?" Xiaoquan couldn't believe it! He hurriedly took out the gun from his waist, took it apart, and found that there was indeed no bullet. "Brother Zhang, what did you do to quit?"

Zhang Bing smiled and said nothing.

Ding Shiping said with a smile, "The speed at which he can change the magazine with one hand has broken the entire military record. The fastest time was less than one second."

Xiaoxiaoquan and Gu Xiaohua were dumbfounded.

Zhang Bing said modestly, "I haven't touched a gun for a long time, so I have regressed a bit. I just used it for two seconds. Now I can only play with knives."

Gu Xiaohua said hurriedly, "Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang, please teach me. Do you think this speed is used for drawing cards?"

The more he thought about it, the happier he became. He didn't want to learn how to shoot a gun, but if he used it on the gambling table and became a ghost player, there was no reason why he wouldn't win.

"Have a fucking dream!" Xiao Xiaoquan gave Gu Xiaohua a slap in the face unceremoniously. He didn't even dare to think of such a good thing, how could he give Gu Xiaohua an advantage. He said angrily, "You know the rules! I came all the way to win over someone to show off! I also offended Xin Ngigan, what do you think?"

Gu Xiaohua said with a playful smile, "Brother Quan, if you say one word, you can go up mountains of swords and down seas of fire. If you frown, I will be your son of a bitch!"

"I don't have a son as old as you!" Xiaoxiaoquan looked at Gu Xiaohua's square and lively eyebrows, smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "Your physique is suitable for salty movies! Report to me tomorrow , give me the horse fee!"

"Really? Who is the heroine?" Gu Xiaohua's eyes lit up! "Kobayashi Hitomi? Kida Ayami?"

He saw the sinister smile on Xiao Xiaoquan's face getting heavier and heavier, but he still held on to hope and said, "If things don't work out, Mariko will come eventually, right?"

"I was thinking that it would be your turn?" Xiaoxiaoquan chuckled and said, "The vengeful female corpse! Do you understand?"

Gu Xiaohua said, "Hey, it's a female corpse in the movie anyway, but it must be a living person in reality. It doesn't matter if the makeup is ugly, as long as the person is beautiful, I will reluctantly do it for Brother Quan."

Speaker patted him on the shoulder and said, "You have to wear makeup anyway. Who can tell the difference between beauty and ugliness? Just hire an old lady from Bolan Street for only 1,000 yuan."

"Brother, you can't play with me like this."

Xiaoxiaoquan didn't reply to him this time because Zhang Bing was on the phone.

Zhang Bing turned back to Gu Xiaohua and said, "Get off the bus here and take a taxi back. Your mother is waiting for you at home."

"Ah." Before Gu Xiaohua could react, he was pushed out of the car by the loudspeaker.

He could only helplessly pick up the hundred dollars thrown from the car window and sigh at the butt of the car.

Halfway through, Xiaoxiao Quan also got out of the car and got into his own car, which had been following him.

When Ding Shiping and Zhang Bing returned home, Li He was still sitting in the living room watching TV.


Ding Shiping smiled and said, "A few gangsters won't waste a lot of money."

"You are tired too, go back to sleep." Seeing that the two of them had returned safely, Li He went upstairs with confidence.

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