My 1979

Chapter 734 Fight

Li He went up to the second floor and was about to push the door open but stopped because he suddenly couldn't sleep. He went straight to the rooftop and lay down on the beach chair.

There was no noise or quarrels at night, only the sound of the waves slowly hitting the beach and the occasional chirping of insects. These were the accompaniments for him to be in a daze.

Listening to natural music, staring at the twinkling stars, and starting to think wildly. In the end, I don’t know what I should think about, and if I forget what I want to think about, I will be in a daze.

He is becoming more and more contented. As the first RMB player in China, he naturally does not need to work hard to buy equipment like others. He can just spend money to buy things that he likes.

However, his warning to himself is: use its light lightly, it will cause injury if you move it, and it is a murder weapon; it is hidden deep and clumsy, and it can be used when the opportunity arises, so it is a sharp weapon.

Moreover, as the old saying goes, a benevolent person can make big things seem small. There is no need for him to drag him to the same level every day. That is not his character.

Often, kind-hearted people always think too much about others, while narrow-minded and selfish people always think too much about themselves.

The more a person shows off something, the more he lacks something in his heart. The poorer a person is, the more he likes to pretend to be rich. The less capable he is, the more willing he is to pretend to be capable. The richer, on the other hand, he is really low-key.

He doesn't cause trouble and is not afraid of trouble. After all, he is fine and he is very comfortable.

When he woke up in the morning, he found that there was an extra blanket on his body. He looked sideways and saw He Fang sitting next to her with her daughter in her arms, like a tall and upright poplar, with bright eyes and white teeth, looking forward to her beauty, and her every frown and smile. The charm of a mature woman, her waist is her waist, her hips are her butt, she is as vivid as an apple, and she can't wait to be bitten.

The slender legs are plump and well-proportioned, and the entire line is soft and dynamic.

Even though they were an old couple, Li He's eyes still lit up when he looked at her, like a burst tire, and every joint was rattling.

If it weren't for the fact that she was still in confinement, Li He would have loved to hold her in his arms and play a show. He could only sadly recall her coiled around his waist like an ivy, and slowly recall it.

"Get up so early?"

"Where did I think you went?" He Fang said with a smile, "Let me discuss something with you. I heard from Zhou Ping that Chen Dadi is getting married. Should we ask her to pay the money on her behalf, or should we send her a gift?"

This is Li He's friend. She is not easy to make the decision and always seeks Li He's opinion.

She has asked less and less about Li He in recent years, especially with the arrival of Li Lan and Li Yi. She believes that a woman must maintain her independence and a man must have his own space. When she reaches middle age, she does not have the same anxieties and uneasiness as others. She knows what she wants and what she cares about.

"Call Xiao Wei and ask him to deliver a full set of household appliances." Li He rubbed his eyes and waved his hand, "Forget it, I'll call."

He brushed his teeth and washed his face. After breakfast, he was about to read the newspaper when Sister Jiang led a young man to stand at the door. Since the young man entered the yard, although his body is strong, his eyes have never been free, and he is always looking here and there inadvertently.

"Mr. Li." Sister Jiang left her son at the door and arrived in front of Li He first.

"Sister Jiang, is your son okay?"

"Very good, very good. Thank you, Mr. Li. Thank you, Mr. Li. I brought this little bastard to Mr. Li today to express my gratitude. Mr. Li, please take the trouble." Sister Jiang hurriedly thanked him. When he saw Li He's approval, he hurriedly said something to the outside. The ugly young man said, "Don't come in yet."

"Mr. Li, thank you!" Gu Xiaohua received the order and ran in immediately. However, he did not kneel down to Li He as instructed by his mother, but only bent down and bowed. He already felt uncomfortable when his mother was working as a nanny for others. But for the sake of saving his life, he still wanted to express his gratitude.

"You're welcome." Li He stared at it carefully. The bronzed skin impressed him deeply. He never expected to meet another star. At this time, it seems that Gu Xiaohua is just a newbie, cynical, with a pair of long hair.

"Brother, if you have any orders, just tell me, and I will definitely repay you for saving my life!" If there is a big boss to climb, Gu Xiaohua will naturally not let him go. People like him are like crucian carp crossing the river in Hong Kong. When they see a broken straw sandal, they have to nod and bow. Not to mention the red sticks and white paper fans, as for sitting in the restaurant, they have no chance to see them.

And just yesterday, he saw the central talker Xiao Xiaoquan, which stirred his heart. The legend of Xiaoxiao Quan in the world has been around for more than a day or two! He had only heard rumors about this person, but he had never thought of being in contact with him.

Not to mention that I could save his life.

He was saved at this time because his mother had a nanny at the Li family, and the owner of the family fished him out easily.

Since the owner of this family can have a big boss like Xiaoquan as his younger brother, naturally his status will not be low!

Gu Xiaohua shook out all the muscles on his face and smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled out, the meaning of pleasing is self-evident.

"You are worthless!" Sister Jiang was so frightened that she quickly slapped her son on the shoulder. Her son was worthy of calling Li He a brother-in-law.

Li He lit a cigarette and said with a smile, "Nothing, nothing, it's better for the child to be more lively."

Gu Xiaohua always felt a little weird when facing Li He, who was only a few years older than him, but still called him his child.

Sister Jiang said, "Mr. Li, don't blame him. He just has this temper, but he doesn't have bad intentions. I don't know what I would do without your help this time."

"What are you doing now?" Li He ignored Sister Jiang's apology and just asked Gu Xiaohua.

Gu Xiaohua said, "Brother Quan took care of me and asked me to follow him to film."

How dare you talk about making a salty and wet movie in front of my mother?

"It's very good. It has a bright future. Do it well." Li He finished speaking and took a sip of tea.

"Then Mr. Li, you should rest first." Sister Jiang has stayed here for so many years and understands Li He's temper. At this moment, she hugs her son and leaves quickly. She can't say any more.

After the two left, Li He called Xiao Wei and asked him to deliver electrical appliances to Chen Dadi's home. Xiao Wei kept responding and was about to ask when Li He would return to Beijing, but Li He had already hung up the phone.

Old Man Li used Li He's relationship to borrow 5 million from the Commercial Bank to reopen a jewelry store and invited Li He to attend the opening ceremony. In order not to affect his son's business, his new store opened in Central.

The opening ceremony was very lively, most of them were friends of Old Man Li, and most of them were unknown to Mr. Li.

Li He and Old Man Tang were sitting on the same seat. Old Man Tang kept asking when Yang Huai would come.

Li He smiled and said, "We can get there before school starts."

He himself didn't know why Old Man Tang cared so much about Yang Huai. Is it just because Yang Huai's Dutch was the best?

Old Man Tang said, "I fell in love with this kid. I did everything with him when I was a child. I thought he was like me, going out to study at the age of seven or eight, which made me feel so sad. You don't know, my father gave me a gift when I was seven or eight years old. I went to Hankou to study, walking on water and dry roads, and I burst into tears. Later, I was relatively capable, and went to Hankou Normal College, a good school. But within a few days, I couldn't stand the booing, and I fought against warlords, dictatorships, and dictatorships, and I became a big soldier. , Whoever pays you with food and salary will help fight whoever! He participated in the Central Plains War in a confused manner. Later he fled to Peking and inexplicably became enemies with Li Shubai. He has been confused all his life. Now, he can be a little more disciplined. "

After talking, a glass of white wine slipped into my stomach.

"Everyone has his own way of living." Li He clinked a drink with him.

Old Man Li interjected, "Qiu Xi, for the sake of your belly, you have no shame, you white dog!"

He and Old Man Tang were enemies themselves, and they never spoke politely.

"What did you say! If you dare, say it again!" Old Man Tang stood up directly and faced Old Man Li with the wine bottle. He seemed to have a serious taboo against the word "baigouzi". He shouted at the top of his lungs, "I didn't hesitate when I beat the Japanese Japanese!"

"White dog!" Old Man Li said clearly this time.

"Fuck your mother!" Mr. Tang directly took the bottle and smashed it at her.

No matter how fast Old Man Li reacted, his shoulder was cut open.

He was annoyed.

The two had old and new grudges, and they came together, and no one wanted to let them go.

Li He couldn't stop him.

What was a grand opening wedding banquet turned into a fight between two people, which no one could have imagined.

You chase me, I chase you. In the end, the farce ended because Old Man Tang lost a tooth and Old Man Li had a shaved beard!

"My surname is Li, I am not someone to be bullied!" Old Man Tang was still aggrieved.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Old Man Tang made trouble with him on his auspicious day, which made him extremely angry.

Li He quickly pushed Old Man Tang away, then calmed Old Man Li and said, "Okay, don't be angry."

"You're the one who embarrassed me!" He was naturally angry when he thought that so many friends were here and he had lost such a big face.

Li He was helpless.

Li Zhaokun watched happily. If it weren't for the fact that he was so familiar with the other two, he would have wanted to shout "Come on!"

On the way back, he said to his son, "The one named Li usually drinks well and has a good temper! The one named Tang usually looks languid, he's quite good!"

Li He ignored Li Zhaokun. He knew what Old Man Li meant. In fact, he was mainly targeting Old Man Tang! Avenge the turd of the past!

But then I thought about it, a scholar could not help but become a soldier.

Not everyone has the talent and luck like Mr. Zhu.

When he got home, he lay on the sofa and didn't want to move.

He didn't even open his eyes when the loudspeakers came to report the movie's box office to him.

"Mr. Li, the box office in the first week of release exceeded 30 million! This week's box office is second!" The speaker has no intention of claiming credit. It is just to reassure Li He that he still has the ability to control the film company.

He is not a loser!

"Yes, let's keep up the good work." Li He was tired of figures below 100 million and didn't have much interest. However, in order not to dissipate Xiao Quan's enthusiasm, he still said, "The film industry has great potential. Don't just focus on Hong Kong. Taiwan and the mainland are the future."

"Definitely! Definitely!" Xiao Xiao had a smile on his face.

"That's right." Li He did not forget to explain, "Don't treat any actor badly, especially Zhou Xingxing and Wu Ada. They haven't made any money in your hands for so many years."

"Yes. Yes." Everything Li He said was the highest instruction of Xiaoxiao Quan.

Ping Song called Li He about Xiong Haizhou and wanted to take the land on the third ring road, opposite Lubo Department Store.

Li He sneered, "Let him take it! Pre-sale? Let him have his dream! Let him get it first!"

He changed his strategy!

If Xiong Haizhou is not killed this time, his surname will not be Li!

He has never hated someone so much!

Even a little gritty!

While he was busy preparing full-moon wine for his daughter, Lao Wu got her into trouble.

When the police called her and told her that a girl named Li Qin was lying in the hospital, he was scared out of his mind.

He drove Wang Yulan and Li Zhaokun to the hospital. Looking at the weak Lao Wu lying on the bed wearing a plaster, he didn't know whether to scold or feel sad.

Wang Yulan threw herself on her little girl and shed tears. Li Zhaokun couldn't help but look at his little girl's expression, and kept trying to comfort him, "Who did it? Tell dad, damn him! Hack him to death!"

Lao Wu first looked at Li He's face, and seeing her brother's expression uncertain, she knew that Li Lao Er was really angry.

Li He just wanted to go over and ask her what was going on, but she burst into tears.

Seeing her acting like this, he knew that asking questions would lead to nothing, so he didn't try to embarrass her. He just talked a few words with the traffic police in the corridor and answered some questions, his face turned dark.

After the traffic police left, Xiaoquan, Yu Dehua and his son, Huang Bingxin, Old Man Li, and Old Man Tang all came.

Yu Dehua said to Li He, "I'm still asking people to find out the details."

"I just wonder where the money for my sister's motorcycle came from?" Li He said with a gloomy face, then stared at the driver, Master Wu, and asked, "Why didn't anyone tell me that she bought a motorcycle?"

Lao Wu plays motorcycles, but no one knows!

And his whole family became blind!

Only now did he understand why Lao Wu always went out at night!

Seeing Li He staring at him, Master Wu hurriedly said, "I haven't seen the fifth lady since her vacation. She always goes out by bicycle."

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