My 1979

Chapter 767 He Long buys a new house

Old man Zhang smiled nonchalantly and said, "It's okay. Give me a week and I'll buy a house by myself."

With a huge sum of money in hand, there is nowhere to go.

Li He said, "Don't worry, even if you buy a house now, you still need to decorate it, right? It won't take a week to decorate it."

Old Man Zhang's son said, "To tell you the truth, 470,000 is enough to buy four houses in Liuliqiao! It happens to be not far from my work, so I will buy two houses first and live in one first. Water and electricity will take two days, and I will slowly decorate the remaining apartment. When the decoration is completed, I will move in, just enough to take turns decorating."

He is so proud of this transaction.

"It's done." Li He calculated that the Zhang family would not suffer any loss. Liuli Bridge was also the center of Fengtai, and there would be several houses worth tens of millions in the future.

And He Long will not suffer a loss. Not to mention the advantage of being in an urban area, such an old house in a hutong will cost tens of millions in the future, not to mention that it is in a school district. Although He Fang didn't like the location, it didn't stop it from being one of the best school districts in Sijiu City.

The Zhang family was very efficient. In fact, there was no need to wait for a week. They started moving on the third day. The whole family came together and moved them away on three pallets.

"Master Zhang, there's no need to be so anxious." Li He felt a little embarrassed.

"Here you the key." Old Man Zhang gave Li He another cigarette and said with a smile, "To be honest with you, I don't want to live in this damn place for a day anymore. I moved here long ago. I have to thank you." "

"Did you buy a house?" Li He didn't expect them to do it so neatly.

"I bought it and paid for it in cash. Why are there so many troubles?" Old Man Zhang chuckled. "We have all the water and electricity, and the house is clean. To be honest, it is much more spacious and bright than my old house. What a living person." Okay. If it’s not good, it’s because the heater isn’t connected, but that’s not a problem. It will be spring soon, and it will be over soon.”

A family of seven or eight people crowded into this dark and damp old house had long made him impatient. Although the newly purchased house could not accommodate so many people in the family, the freshness and new feeling made him feel unprecedented. .

This is an escape from shackles.

Li He said with a smile, "Master Zhang, go ahead and do your work. I won't delay you, but there is one thing. After the new home is decorated, we must have some fun. Remember to inform me."

"That's necessary." Old Man Zhang and his family left like this.

As soon as the Zhang family left, Mrs. He was more active than He Long and his wife. She was busy helping clean the house, muttering about what needed to be replaced and what needed to be repaired.

He Long and his wife had the same opinion and wanted to rent it out.

"No one comes to this house if the rent is too high. It's not worth renting if it's too cheap." Li He didn't want any more inexplicable neighbors to come. He smiled and said, "Is Brother Chunqiang still living in the hotel? Let him move here." .”

"How can my eldest brother live in such a big place by himself?" Wu Chunyan said modestly in front of Mrs. He, but she was still happy that her son's uncle could consider her brother. Her brother came all the way from his hometown over the years. She had been living in a utility room in the back kitchen of the hotel, which made her face look dull all the time.

"Didn't the eldest brother say that he will take over his sister-in-law this year? Then he won't have to rent a house outside." He Long immediately caught the pulse of his wife. Besides, although he paid his brother-in-law a salary, his brother-in-law was sincere and sincere. The local man helped him and let his brother-in-law live for free, which was not a loss for him.

On the other hand, he is Li He's brother-in-law, and Wu Chunqiang is his brother-in-law. If Li He didn't treat him badly, he couldn't treat Wu Chunqiang badly. Because of the power of example, he couldn't recognize Xiong.

When Wu Chunqiang heard that he had a free place to live, he was naturally happy, but he still pretended to decline in front of Mrs. He. It was not until Mrs. He tried to comfort her sincerely over and over again that he accepted it "reluctantly".

It's all a routine.

Mrs. He was not so serious about cleaning. Wu Chunqiang took advantage of the time when the hotel was not busy to clean the inside and outside of the house alone with a bucket.

Li He smiled and said, "Brother Angkor, come to my house to get something."

"No, no, I bought them all. They will be used for a long time. It's not a big deal to borrow them." Wu Chunqiang took the rag and didn't even let it go past the threshold. He made up his mind to take over his wife and baby when he had time.

He was very lucky to have a brother-in-law, and he was also very lucky that his brother-in-law had an older sister who cared about the family. Otherwise, people like him would have been deported as blind migrants many years ago.

Although there are many outsiders in the capital today, among the ten people, there must be one person who speaks with a foreign accent, but the majority are definitely girls, because there are far more jobs suitable for women than men. For example, girls can be nannies, Women can work as salespersons, waiters, or as factory workers, while men work as craftsmen, businessmen, or as part-time workers at construction sites.

They are collectively called "temporary population" or "blind flow".

"If you need help, just ask." Li Lan was playing with an ice pick there. The ice pick almost melted and his sleeves got wet, but Li He didn't care. The child is not that delicate.

"Hey, his uncle, I have to trouble you when the child goes to school. It's too late this season. I just need to be able to enroll in the autumn semester." Wu Chunqiang knew that he had to rely on Li He for this matter. Li He simply asked for a favor, so he begged shamelessly. For a moment, he didn't bother the second master about anything. If he told his sister, his sister would also go to Li He.

"What a big deal." Li He doesn't need to find anyone for such a small matter now, Xiao Wei can handle it easily.

"Thank you, then. If you have any favors, just say it. I will give out whatever I can get." To run a school for your children, you need to find someone, and to find someone, you have to spend money. Wu Chunqiang made up his mind not to do it. Li He loses this money.

"It's just polite to say this." Li He didn't care.

He Fang also called, for fear that Li He would forget to take Li Lan to the kindergarten to report.

Sure enough, if He Fang hadn't reminded him, Li He would have forgotten the day when Li Lan started school.

On the first day of school, the area around Deshengmen was packed to the brim with bicycles, motorcycles, and cars. Li He's sight was completely blocked by the jeep in front of him. He couldn't see anything, and he didn't know what was in front of him. How was the traffic situation? He realized that driving a small car was sometimes a disadvantage.

Li He had no choice but to turn a corner at the intersection in front of him and park the car into the Copper and Iron Factory Alley. Then he took Li Lan out of the car and said, "Just walk with me."

Li Lan was bloated, grinning and wanted to cry but didn't dare. He was obviously unwilling to walk.

"Oh, it's not far away, let me hold him for a while." Old Mrs. He was obviously a bit doting, and she would hold Li Lan no matter what.

"Then let me do it." Li He had no choice but to put Li Lan directly on his shoulders and let him ride. "Hold my head, don't fall."

Li Lan really held Li He's head tightly.

"Don't cover my eyes, I can't see the road."

Li He corrected Li Lan's sitting posture, then held his leg with one hand and freed up one hand to smoke.

He strode along the sidewalk, looking at the cars blocked on the road, feeling that he had made a wise decision.

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