My 1979

Chapter 768 Kindergarten skipping a grade

This area of ​​Xicheng should be regarded as one of the places with a relatively high concentration of primary and secondary schools, including Kongzhi Kindergarten, Public Security Kindergarten, Mianmian Hutong Kindergarten, and No. 13 Middle School, all clustered together in one area.

On the first day of school, there will be crowds of people and traffic jams are inevitable.

Parents are not allowed to enter the classroom. They can only put their children at the door. The teacher will take an attendance sheet and write down their names before coaxing them in.

Li Lan looked at Li He and then at Mrs. He, but he still didn't want to go in.

Li He touched the left side of his pocket again and again, took out a piece of chocolate, handed it to Li Lan and said, "Take it, go in."

Li Lan secretly hid this in his pocket, and Li He forcibly found it in the morning. This age is the period when deciduous tooth decay is most common, so you can't eat too much.

Li Lan was finally led in by the teacher and stood among a large number of slightly older children.

"You can't bully him." Mrs. He, like many parents of students, scratched the cracks of the door, hunched over, squinting, trying to see how their children were doing.

But to the unsuspecting eye, these sneaky figures look like human traffickers waiting for an opportunity.

"Then you have to ask your daughter." Li He also took a look inside through the window. He did seem relatively small among a group of children because this is a middle class.

According to the step-by-step plan, Li Lan should continue to study in small class this semester, but He Fang was more insistent and asked Li Lan to be promoted to middle class. Then in the fall semester, he can go directly to large class, and then he can go to elementary school when he is five years old.

The children in the middle class are all one or two years older than Li Lan.

In terms of children's education, Li He has no say, so He Fang can do as he pleases. Kindergarten is all about play anyway, and there is no difference from playing in small class to middle class. Although kindergarten also has homework, the impact of skipping grades is not big.

"It's not good to put too much pressure on the child." Old Mrs. He also had no right to speak, and she couldn't explain it to her daughter.

"It's okay, that's how it got here." Li He thought it didn't matter. It would only be bad if the children had no pressure to study. Education, under the surface of equality, is an extremely sophisticated hidden tool for creating class differentiation and maintaining class solidification.

They all advocate so-called quality education. Students should be happy, start from their interests, and reduce their burdens. There is nothing wrong with these, but exam-oriented education should not be despised.

There is no problem with exam-oriented education. In any country in the world, if you want to get into higher education, you have to look at your grades.

Don't talk about studying hard, nerds, one plus one equals two, it must be the standard answer!

Quality education is like a communist utopia, without even a standard or connotation. It is more like a beautiful slogan than a truly reliable exam-oriented education model.

Not only He Fang was disdainful, but Li He was too lazy to look at it.

The world seems to be particularly cruel to poor children. Only rich people have the right to say, "Child, take your time."

Those who are rich and powerful do not need to rely on education to counterattack. If you are lazy in studying, just be lazy. After all, you can still go abroad to earn gold.

Of course, Li He is rich, but he still has the same goals as He Fang and still depends on his children's test scores.

However, many students at the bottom have also been deceived into being confused, self-paralyzed, self-destructive, cheering, and using the so-called heavenly classrooms abroad they speculated to justify their stupid and lazy lives.

That's really hopeless.

In today's era, it is unfortunate to be born poor. Plus being stupid, he didn't even know he was being betrayed. If you are lazy, you are hopeless. Without him, he is just lazy and stupid.

Li He was stubborn, but he still stood at the door of the classroom for a while. He didn't leave the school until the school started to drive away the parents.

When he got home, Li He thought of finding a reliable person to take his children to and from school.

It's easy to find someone who can pick up and drop off children, but it's hard to find someone who can drive. Ping Song, Lu Bo, and Xiao Wei can drive, but Li He doesn't know how to go find them. That's a small talent that goes a long way.

Li He thought for a long time and had no idea, so he called Xiao Wei over to discuss.

Serena Wei hesitated, "There is a suitable one."


"Brother, don't overthink what I say." Seeing that Li He was about to get angry, Xiao Wei hurriedly said, "It's Yu Yao, she can drive, but don't worry, brother, I have no contact with her now."

"I remember she's not working well in the gear factory? Will she be happy?" Because Yu Yang has been following Zhu Dachang in the car city project, Li He has met him several times and knows a little about his family. .

Xiao Wei said, "The gear factory has been unable to pay wages for a long time. She stays at home every day. If you ask her, she will definitely agree."

Li He sneered, "You don't care about others, how can you know that they stay at home every day?"

"Brother, you really wronged me! How far away can we live, how can we not pay attention to the people walking back and forth in front of her house every day? You can't talk nonsense! If that bitch named Yang You know, she has to tear me apart!" Xiao Wei said a little dejectedly, and Yang Fugui became fierce, much more cruel than him.

"Then you go and ask. If she is willing, I have no objection." Li He thought about it and found that this was a suitable candidate. "Two hundred yuan a month, you only need to drive to and from school, and you don't have to do anything else."

"Okay." Xiao Wei responded quickly, "I'll go now."

"Oh, that's right." Li He stopped him again, "Ask that guy from Zhu Dachang to send me a good car. The chassis must be high."

He had had enough of this Jetta that was full of wind.

"Got it." Xiao Wei put on her sunglasses and went to do it immediately.

Before Xiao Wei came back, Zhu Dachang and Yu Yang arrived in a hurry.

Li He didn't speak to him, only looked carefully at the car parked at the door.

"What kind of car is this?" It has a bulging shape and looks like a Volvo from the car's logo, but he has never seen this model before.

"There are not many Volvo 760s in the country. The 182-horsepower inline 4-cylinder turbocharged engine can accelerate from 0 to 100 kilometers within 8 seconds." Seeing Li He's interest, Zhu Dachang began to talk, "Not only It is equipped with ABS, airbags, etc., as well as a unique electronic traction system, air conditioning, audio, cruise control system, and sunroof.”

"Give me the key." Li He took the key, tried it out, and then said with a smile, "Good car."

In essence, this is a touring sports car. Li He thought that when the road conditions were suitable, he could drive this car back to his hometown.

"Brother, as long as you like it."

"How much? I'll give you the money." Li He put the key directly into his pocket.

Zhu Dachang said with a smile, "Brother, brother, that's a slap in the face. You pay for our car company, so you don't need to spend money to get your own stuff."

Li He said, "Can the accounts be reconciled?"

Zhu Dachang said with a smile, "Yes, yes."

If he doesn’t do it right, doesn’t he have to pay for it?

"Stop talking nonsense, how much is it?"

"750,000." Seeing that Li He was getting impatient, Zhu Dachang hurriedly spoke out.

Li He entered the house, and soon came out and threw a plastic bag into Pig Intestine's arms, "Light it yourself."

"No, this..." Li He finally counted the money carefully with a look on his face, "That's right, brother."

"How's the car city doing?" Li He threw him a cigarette and asked about serious matters.

"Brother Lu Bo came forward for me. The Dongcheng District Government basically agreed to the project plan. The total area is 120,000 square meters. In the Yaojiayuan area, there are currently more than a dozen automobile companies willing to settle in, such as Dongfeng, FAW, Jeep, Toyota, and Tano. , Xia Li, everything will definitely be fine." Zhu Dachang sometimes lamented the fickleness of fate. He thought that back then, he didn't even take people like Lu Bo seriously, but now, they are exquisite and majestic, and he is losing his hair. A phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, "It's just, brother, it costs a lot of money."

"Tianye?" Li He had never heard of a car factory with this name.

"Baoding Tianye Automobile Factory is also a state-owned enterprise." When it comes to cars, Zhu Dachang knows much more than Li He.

"The money won't cost you. We'll do it in advance. If you don't leave beforehand, just go to Lu Bo to discuss anything." After Li He finished speaking, he said to Yu Yang, "You stay here for a while."

Li He left Yu Yang alone, and Zhu Dachang left reluctantly.

"Brother Li, what do you want from me?" Yu Yang was also very worried. He was afraid that Zhu Dachang would become suspicious and snitch on him.

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