My 1979

Chapter 774 Border Trade

"How has the border trade business been in the past two years?" There was mud under Li He's feet. The longer he stood, the deeper he sank in. When he saw a pile of straw next to him, he pulled his feet out of the mud and said, "Go. Over there.”

Dong Jinjin also followed Li He and said as he walked, "The ruble has depreciated. Even if you get it back, it's just useless paper. I've made several losses."

"It's not easy for you either." Pan Song had never said these words to Li He, "But one thing is, do what you can, and don't do what you can't."

"Don't worry, Boss Li." Dong Jinjin said, "Without you, I wouldn't be here today!"

The lamb-roasting stove borrowed by my sister-in-law is already smelling of fragrance.

I borrowed four more large tables and spread them on the mud floor with hay. They were placed in rows, covered with white wine, and some peanuts were placed on the plates. Those who were supposed to sit sat down.

After Dong Jinjin got Li He's guarantee, he completely lost his temper and shouted, "Whoever doesn't win me over today, I'll piss off!"

He brought six people over. Seeing the boss showing off his power, he couldn't stand it, so he also followed suit.

Relatives of the He family and Fang family have provoked the neighbors to be more reluctant to embarrass themselves. If they can't accompany you, they are not considered human beings! They all keep getting mad, no one is afraid of whom! After having a few glasses of wine, I became more and more drunk and refused to let anyone go!

Talking and drinking become more and more carefree!

The brigade secretary of Fangjia Village even said bluntly to Dong Jinjin, "If you can't drink well, it shows that we men in Xishankou are incompetent!"

When people drop words, he has to answer them.

Just drink indiscriminately, and if they don't crawl out after you drink, they are useless! And no one is better than anyone else these days, life is in a mess, and drinking brings out the unhappiness in me!

Many people don't even have the money to buy alcohol, so they take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy their alcohol addiction.

Eleven grown men, rotating tables, taking turns clinking glasses, three jars, more than 30 kilograms of liquor are almost not enough!

Even though Li He was not a bad drinker, he was still sweating!

In the end, he couldn't drink anymore, so He Long resisted a lot for him.

There was really no other way, so Li He had no choice but to escape and recognize the bear. He couldn't afford to offend the Northeastern man.

He hurried back to the room, smoked a cigarette, secretly stuffed 10,000 yuan under the pillow, and lay on the bed pretending to be drunk. He had never been so cowardly at the wine table. Later, I fell asleep in a daze.

When he woke up, he found that it was already four o'clock, the group was still drinking, the women had joined in, and the five jars of liquor were gone. Dong Jinjin was already lying on the table, his eyes were red, and he was waving his hands.

Li He smiled and said, "Go back to the house and lie down for a while."

"No, no, I have to go back." Dong Jinjin almost forgot that the road was still muddy.

"Then lie down." Li He lit up his cigarette and looked at him with a smile. "You are crazy, let's see how crazy you are!"

At six o'clock, everyone was almost sober from the alcohol. The cold wind started blowing, and we were just waiting for the road to freeze. It was not until eight o'clock, after drinking potato porridge, that everyone was ready to set off.

The eldest son of the Fang family was willing to follow Dong Jinjin under the initiative of the old lady of the Fang family. The old lady of the Fang family has cataracts and her eyesight is not very good, but her words are fierce, just like Uncle Fang and her aunt are decisive, "Go out and stay at home for the rest of your life and don't make a difference."

The uncle of the Fang family wanted to take away all the money Li He had given him in the afternoon to his eldest son, but was stopped by Dong Jinjin, "Don't worry, you don't need to bring anything. If you have one from me, you can't live without him."

In tears, the eldest son of the Fang family took a new pair of shoes and left with Li He and others.

The He family's house in the city was not small, but Dong Jinjin and others were unwilling to live in the He family, so they went to a hotel nearby.

When no one was around, Mrs. He said to Li He, "I really delayed you this time."

She was grateful for her son-in-law's measured approach and openness in doing things. At least it didn't embarrass her.

"Auntie, you treat me like an outsider." Li He didn't listen to her words, washed his face, and slept on the same bed with He Long.

He had never slept so peacefully.

He feels at ease.

When I got up the next day, the first thing I saw was the eldest son of the Fang family making porridge in the kitchen. The old lady hadn't gotten up yet.

"Quanzi, why don't you get some sleep?" The eldest son's full name is Fang Quan. Li He saw that the rice porridge in the pot had yellow spots. Maybe the rice had been left at home for too long and was a little moldy.

"Brother-in-law, I'll serve it for you and you can drink some."


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