My 1979

Chapter 775 Leaving

Li He held the bowl and chopsticks, huffing and puffing, and drank the entire bowl of porridge without any effort.

"Brother-in-law, do you want more?"

Li He put down his rice bowl, lit a cigarette, and said with a smile, "If you don't want to eat, you can eat some."

"I've finished eating." Fang Quan was taciturn.

"Do you know why Boss Dong took you away?" Li He thought about it and wanted to communicate with the child.

"Because my family is poor." Fang Quan's head was lowered and his feet kept rubbing against the floor, "I want to go out and make money."

Li He smiled and asked, "There are many people who are poorer than you, why don't you bring others with you?"

"He's looking out for his brother-in-law. He won't take me without you." Fang Quan said it without any concealment.

"Yes, he only cares about my face." Li He did not deny it. He was also very happy that the child was smart. "The main reason is that you are smart. If you are a ungrateful person, no matter how much people look at my face, they will not worry about it." I'll take you out for my own sake. If you end up crooked, someone else will end up in trouble. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I understand." Fang Quan nodded heavily.

Li He continued, "There is actually no difference between the countryside and the city. It's just that the city is more fun, more profitable, and richer. But these people are all the same, they just care about face, and no one is deceiving themselves or others. ?As long as everyone is bright and clear in their hearts, there is no need to expose others until they fall out. No matter how you feel in your heart, you must be kind on the outside. If people respect you, you should respect others as well. Learn from Boss Dong in this aspect. .”

Now he no longer needs to give face to anyone, or look at anyone's face. He has this confidence, but it does not prevent him from firmly believing in this philosophy. People in sedan chairs carry people, that's it.


"You still have to learn to laugh." Li He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Smile, you are young and young, why do you have such a bitter face?"

"Hehe." Fang Quan smiled reluctantly.

"Forget it, just remember what I said, whether you understand it now or not." Li He continued, "Life is a journey of high mountains and long rivers. That is to say, if you are born and live, it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on heaven and earth. Today, Boss Dong gave me I don’t guarantee that you will give me face in the future. If you have more skills, you will be serious. If you want to go it alone in the future, I will lend you my capital."

"Thank you, brother-in-law."

Mrs. He got up and saw that the porridge was already boiling in the pot, so she praised Fang Quan.

Dong Jinjin came in carrying a bag of green onions and bean curds.

Li He rolled one for himself and said with a smile, "It's quite delicious."

Dong Jinjin asked, "Boss Li, are you leaving today?"

Li He still had to see what Mrs. He wanted.

The old lady hesitated for a moment and said, "Then go back. Staying here is just a waste of time."

Li He didn't care, but He Long breathed a sigh of relief.

Old Mrs. He said to He Long, "Since you are back, you can take advantage of the time to go to your second uncle and the others and run away without eating."

"Let's go together then."

Li He and He Long asked Dong Jinjin to drive to a nearby store and buy a lot of cigarettes and alcohol, and relatives in each family gave them away one by one.

They originally planned to leave after giving the gifts, but they couldn't stand the enthusiasm and drank heavily at noon.

When I got home, it was almost six o'clock in the afternoon, but I found that my uncle Fang was also there.

Uncle Fang said to Li He, "Erhe, this ten thousand yuan is yours, right? See why you are doing this."

After that, he had to give the money to Li He.

"I'll borrow the money, okay? You have so much land, but spring seeds and fertilizers don't cost anything?" Li He didn't plan to come back, so he said to Mrs. He, "Auntie, we'll leave after we pack it up."

After saying that, he went downstairs.

Uncle Fang wanted to give the money to Mrs. He, but Mrs. He was even more insistent and got into the car following her son.

Dong Jinjin pushed Fang Quan, who was still looking back, into the car, "Let's go."

The group of people came and went in a hurry.

There was no embarrassment on this journey, and it took less than four hours to reach Heihe.

The land of Heihe is revived and all things are renewed. The frozen HLJ has gradually torn apart, glaciers are blending in the shallows along the river, and incomplete ice and snow sculptures can still be seen on Daheihe Island, shedding tears to bid farewell to winter.

This is also the leisure season on the Heihe River. Vehicles and boats cannot travel on the river, and the customs is temporarily closed.

After reaching Heihe, it started to drizzle outside, and the moist air made people feel comfortable.

Everyone was thankful that they were not blocked by rain.

Dong Jinjin did not take them to the hotel, but arranged for them all to stay at his home.

Although the Dong family lives in the city, the house has a rural layout, with a large courtyard surrounded by a three-meter-high wall and fifteen or sixteen rooms in the front and back. It is indeed not as refined as a villa.

They are all bungalows, none of them is more than one storey, and the walls are almost flush with the roofs.

Dong Jinjin introduced Li He and others into the living room, and then found Fang Quan a room near the backyard.

"Eldest nephew, you will live here from now on." He pointed to his wife and said in front of Mrs. He, "If your aunt is at home, you can take a bite and eat what she eats. If your aunt is not at home, You can deal with it yourself. If you can cook, the house will be complete with pots and pans."

Although his home is large, there are only him, his wife, and an old woman who can stumble when she walks. As for his two children, he sent them to Bingcheng to study.

Fang Quan put down his luggage and said, "Thank you, uncle."

"Uncle, I'm really troubling you." Mrs. He looked at the clean house and was also happy.

Dong Jinjin said, "Old aunt, don't worry. As long as he lives up to his expectations, he can't do anything wrong in this corner. Even if God can't starve the blind bird to death, we are better than the blind bird."

Fang Quan hesitated to speak at the side. Li He probably saw something and said directly, "If you have anything to say, just tell me?"

"I want to call Tunli." Fang Quan hesitated, but still made the request.

Dong Jinjin laughed loudly and said, "What a big deal. The phone is in the next room. You can call me at will."

When Fang Quan saw Li He nodding in agreement, he went to the back room to make a phone call.

Dong Jinjin's daughter-in-law was a generous person. She set up a table in the yard with melons, fruit candies and other snacks. She also found a group of people to come over to accompany the wine. They sat in the yard, eating melon seeds, chatting, and playing cards, while the children played nearby. It was a great pleasure and very lively.

After the banquet was over, only Dong Jinjin and Li He were left.

Dong Jinjin carefully looked at Li He who was smoking leisurely next to him, and then said, "Boss Li, this place released an investment catalog and plan last year. There are quite a few opportunities. Do you want to take a look?"

"We'll talk about it when we get a chance." In the Northeast, apart from state-owned enterprises focusing on heavy industry, it was difficult for Li He to focus on anything else. Timber, foreign trade, these small things, he was too lazy to waste time on.

ps: There may be a misunderstanding. The taro mentioned by the old hat is sweet potato. . . Laugh and cry. ,

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