My 1979

Chapter 787 Wedding Dress

Li He sighed again for his son.

During the meal, Shoushan came over and had two drinks with Li He, talking a lot about both. Shoushan kept hinting to Li He that he didn't have many days to live. Li He had heard this a few years ago and was tired of hearing it, so he didn't take it seriously.

After eating, Zhou Ping put aside the business in the store and went shopping with He Fang and the others. Li He naturally didn't want to follow him anymore, so he stayed in the hotel on the pretext of watching his son and daughter take a nap.

Physical work like shopping is not suitable for him at all.

A man's shopping attitude is very straightforward. If he wants to buy something in his mind, he goes straight to the department store and comes out after buying it.

On the contrary, if a woman wants to buy something, she may have to buy several other things after walking around in a department store!

As long as a store posts a "big sale" note, women's eyes will be immediately attracted and they will have to step in to take a look.

Not every woman is born a shopaholic, at least He Fang is not, but one thing Li He is sure is that most women are very picky and are born bargaining mad. They will never buy things or do business. I make decisions easily, and I am afraid of losing money if I don’t compare five or six stores.

This has nothing to do with IQ, it's just women's instinct. When it comes to shopping, they are far less decisive than men.

He Fang, Wu Chunyan and Zhou Ping went shopping until four o'clock in the afternoon, and then they chose two clothes for Li Lan and bought a skirt for herself.

When we returned, He Fang drove as usual.

Halfway down the road, she parked the car on the side of the road.

Li He asked, "What's wrong?"

This was an area that was being demolished, and the dust was flying, but He Fang still pulled down the window and pointed to a store next to it, "Remember that store, right?"

"Remember, we took pictures there." On He Fang's birthday, the two of them took a group photo together for the first time. The shop where there used to be long queues has been closed, the roof has been lifted, and workers are standing on the wall with hammers and smashing.

Only a shabby plaque leaning against the wall shows that this was once a photo studio.

Not only the photo studio, but also the once bustling grocery store and kerosene store nearby were closed.

"Just remember." He Fang said nothing more, started the car and continued to go home.

Since the old lady and Wu Chunyan were both there, Li He didn't ask much.

It was only after he got home that he asked, "What are you doing? Who messed with you?"

He Fang looked at the wall at home and said, "Don't you think there is something missing at home?"

Li He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Go buy whatever you need? We are not short of money."

He Fang shook her head, "I can't buy it alone."

"If you can't buy something by yourself, I'll buy it for you."

"We have to go together."

"Just tell me." Li He couldn't guess what He Fang wanted to buy.

He Fang glared at Li He, changed her low tone just now, and said with an accusatory tone, "Li Laoer, when we got married, didn't you think there were any shortcomings?"

"We got the marriage certificate, bought a house, a car, I didn't miss any betrothal gifts, and we organized a banquet." Li He counted on his fingers, "My relatives back home also brought you to see me, and we have a baby."

"Second Li!" He Fang was angry.

Li He quickly coaxed, "What exactly is missing? Just tell me, I really can't remember."

"We don't have wedding photos!" He Fang finally said it.

"What do I mean?" Li He suddenly realized. After all, when the two got married, no one thought of taking wedding photos. "It's not my fault. No one was into this when we got married. Why don't you go get it done tomorrow?"

In fact, he doesn't have to care about this. Since He Fang cares, he might as well accommodate him.

"Really?" He Fang suddenly showed the innocence of a little girl again, not believing that Li He could talk so easily.

"I said, it's not like you have to go up and down the mountain to take a wedding photo. I'll just accompany you." Li He took care of everything.

Women usually come up with whatever they think. If he dares to disagree today, it will definitely be endless in the future.

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