My 1979

Chapter 788 Great Hall

Moreover, he himself has never photographed this thing, so he might as well jump on the trend.

Although taking wedding photos has been around for a long time, cameras have not been popular since the Republic of China, let alone wedding photos. The poor are very poor, and only the rich will take wedding photos. The photos at that time often have a clear imitation color. .

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, very few people took wedding photos. Most of the wedding photos were half-length photos of people wearing military uniforms or workers' and peasants' uniforms. Most of the more sophisticated young men wore Mao suits or dull suits. Girls generally wore bangs and two braids, wearing More fashionable clothes.

The two of them each had a red flower on their chests, and their heads were tilted to the middle. The master clicked the shutter, and several black and white photos were developed in the darkroom. Even the wedding photos were a bit like the two-inch photos on the marriage certificate.

In the 1980s, people of their generation no longer needed to swear an oath to Chairman Mao for their marriage certificates.

Along with the process of reform and opening up, people's material life has been continuously enriched, and fashion concepts have made a qualitative leap.

The biggest change is that society has become more Hong Kong and Taiwanese or Western-style. Many big cities have photo studios that specialize in taking wedding photos. Wedding photos have become popular and are highly sought after by the younger generation. Wedding photos are hung on the bedside day and night. Being together is the happiest and most showy thing for newlyweds.

However, the popularity is still limited. Women have more material requirements. Only if the three turns, one beep and one click are complete, it will be considered respectable. As for everything else, it's optional. It's okay for the woman to hold a banquet at the man's house and have to take the bus two or three times.

By the early 1990s, the raging flame of free love had been burning, and everything had been reformed and opened up, and everything had developed!

The rapid commercialization of society gave birth to the first group of people who made a living by photographing weddings and planning weddings. Wedding photography is gradually becoming industrialized. Many general photo studios in the past have been transformed into professional wedding photography shops, and they only take wedding photos regardless of their size.

He Fang was very happy when she heard that Li He agreed, and dragged Li He to the photo studio the next day.

She chose a pure white dress, Li He chose a suit and tie, and his leather shoes were polished.

The makeup artist put some foundation on He Fang's face and drew some eyebrows. He also wanted to put foundation on Li He, but Li He refused in a hurry. He didn't want to be that kind of skin grinder, so naturally it was best.

He Fang said, "Wipe it a little, otherwise it won't look good when the light shines on it."

Li He shook his head, "That's it."

Standing among a bunch of green plants indoors, leaning against a picturesque background wall, I readjusted my tie.

The photographer was about to take a photo. He Fang looked at the big red flower on her chest and the white magnolia in her hand. She looked awkward and asked Li He in an unconfident low voice, "How about this?"

"Do you want to tell the truth or lie?"

"Of course it's the truth."

Li He said, "Tacky, so tacky!"

Photography is like an assembly line, with no personality at all.

"Then I won't wear them." He Fang put down the big red flowers and white magnolias.

"Raise your hands, don't fold them like that." The photographer asked He Fang to put on a charming pose.

"Just leave it like this." He Fang folded her hands in front of her, unwilling to pose.

Li He also just lowered his hands and stood upright.

The photographer had no choice but to finally press the shutter.

After coming out of the photo studio, He Fang's face was not as happy as Li He imagined, so she said, "If you are not satisfied, I will hire a good photographer. What a big deal."

As long as you have money, there are many photography teams at home and abroad.

"As long as you have it."

"Really?" Li He tried to distinguish the truth from her expression.

"of course it's true."

"But I feel like you're unhappy."

He Fang rolled her eyes and said, "Why am I unhappy? I just want to take the photo when we get married. Wouldn't that be better?"

"It's all the same, it's not too late to make up for it."

"How can it be the same? Look at my crow's feet." He Fang said a little discouraged.

Li He said, "It looks mature and more attractive."

Mature women may not necessarily be beautiful, but they definitely have a flavor of their own. After all, there are only a few women who are naturally beautiful, but acquired temperament can be shaped and cultivated. Beautiful women are eye-catching, and women with unique temperament are endlessly memorable.

He Fang smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliments. Let's go home and have dinner."

Within two days, Li He was dissatisfied with the wedding photos taken by the photo studio because they looked ugly. The suit obviously didn't fit him well. When his arms were drooping, the cuffs were past the tiger's mouth. When the suit was put on him, it looked baggy, careless, and not dignified at all. It was so different from what he had imagined!

He Fang said with a smile, "I feel pretty good."

Only she captured that atmospheric and beautiful feeling. Li He stood next to her, giving people the impression that a good cabbage was being sucked by a pig.

"I must take another photo." Although he is not handsome or dashing, he must not take another ugly photo.

He thought about taking her to Hong Kong for photos in the future.

The day before the National May 1st Labor Medal Award Ceremony, He Fang also began to give Li Heer some advice. She was really afraid that Li Lao Er would make a mistake at a critical moment.

Li He said angrily, "I'm not a fool!"

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