My 1979

Chapter 893 Li Yan comes to Beijing

Group life provides an environment for children to learn from each other, which is difficult to create in a family environment, no matter how awesome Li Laoer is or how good a student He Fang is.

There is a writer who has compiled his own textbooks and has taught his son at home since he graduated from elementary school, claiming to be against modern school education.

Regardless of the results of this approach, first of all, the purpose is wrong. If the child does not go to school, does not integrate into the group, the child has no classmates, and even has little contact with the opposite sex. This is an emotional lack, and all possibilities for the child's future will be lost. Due to the limitations of parents' concepts and limited resources, this really becomes "child, crawl slowly."

So in the long run, collective life is definitely beneficial to children's growth.

"Okay, then you tell Master Bo." He Fang has no reason to object, and her demands for Li Lan are never-ending. Although Li Lan has already written good calligraphy at a young age, in her opinion , that is far from enough.

"Then leave it to me." Li He agreed with a smile. He decided to donate a sum of money to Beiji Temple to improve the temple's education. Monk Bo adopted many abandoned babies and orphans. Now he and Li He There are five or six young novices of the same age.

He Fang suddenly said, "Oh, by the way, Third Uncle just called and said that their Yanzi came to the capital to work."

"Li Yan?" Li He frowned, "When did you come? Why didn't I know?"

He Fang nodded, "It's been half a year. I ran away in anger after a quarrel with my family. I just sent a letter to my family a few days ago, and my third uncle and the others didn't know about it."

Li He asked, "Do you have her address?"

He Fang took out a piece of paper and handed it to Li He and said, "This is what Third Uncle reported to me according to the address on the letter."

"Hey, I'm really familiar with this place." When Li He looked at the address, it turned out to be the area in Wang'er Mountain. He had lived there for several years, so he was naturally very familiar with it. He put the note in his pocket and said , "Don't wait for me for dinner, I'll go take a look first."

He Fang said, "Don't be so anxious, just go tomorrow."

Li He shook his head, "I'm not worried, so I'd better go and have a look. Keep it in mind, otherwise you won't be able to sleep at night."

This is his cousin, no matter what, he has to go.

He went to the old house of Yu Dehua's family next door and called out Dong Hao and Zhang Bing and said, "Come out with me and call Da Kui and ask him to bring a few more people and drive a few cars." .”

Although there is a specific house number on the address, he is worried that it still does not count. If he wants to find someone seriously, he will still need a lot of help.

"I'll fight now." Dong Hao nodded, closed the door with Zhang Bing, and followed Li He out. The two of them now live in the old house of Yu Dehua's family.

Dakui and others arrived very quickly. As soon as Li He's car arrived at Old Summer Palace, seven or eight cars of them followed him up.

Li He found the place according to the address, but when he arrived, he found that it was actually a post office. It seemed that this girl just didn't want her family to find her, but she still left an address in order to prevent her family from worrying.

Zhang Bing said from the side, "The road name and house number are correct, which shows that she is familiar with this area and must live nearby."

Dakui said, "Brother, what's your name? Let's go door to door and go to the factory to look for him. I'm sure we can find him. Brother, this is the walkie-talkie I brought here. Let's each take one so we can keep in touch."

"The Yan named Li Yan, Mu Zi Li, Yan Zi, let's look for it in different directions." Li He took the lead and started to inquire along the nearby residential areas. He was confident that he would find Li Yan, who must be working in a nearby factory. "Just ask from other places. Just ask people, locals don’t need to ask.”

A group of about ten people dispersed and asked each other.

"Sister, is there anyone named Li Yan here?"

"Brother, I want to ask you about someone!"

"Hey, buddy, don't leave, ask me something."

"Hey, you deserve a beating, right? What's your attitude?" Dakui and others blocked up the gangsters wandering around.

Facing the tall Dakui and the large group of people, the gangsters had no choice but to bow their heads.

I just beat the little gangster's face up and swollen, but still found nothing.

It was almost getting dark, but Li He didn't say it was time to call it a day. Everyone still had to continue to inquire and report their progress through the intercom.

"Boss Li, come here."

Dong Hao's voice came from Li He's walkie-talkie.

Li He asked directly, "Where? What's the situation?"

Dong Hao said, "On Tianxiu North Road, a little girl looked wrong. When I mentioned Li Yan, she was very wary. She might have misunderstood us."

Li He asked, "Where are the people?"

Dong Hao said, "I'm following you secretly."

"I'll go over now and report the location at any time." Li He found the car and immediately went in the direction of Dong Hao.

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