My 1979

Chapter 899 The ignorant are fearless

Professor Wu chatted with Li He for a while longer, then looked at his watch and said, "I will have a meeting later, so I won't tell you more. I will inform you of the time of the speech in advance, so you can prepare it if you have time."

"Okay, I will prepare carefully." Li He shook hands with Professor Wu and left the office.

Walking around the School of Physics, the learning atmosphere is as good as ever. Many people are studying with real scientific ideals. Because of their outstanding IQ, many of them have good academic results, even if many of them will eventually Choose to go abroad.

Li He was not surprised that there would be outstanding scientists among them.

In fact, sometimes he seriously thought that maybe he had delayed He Fang. After all, this bitch was so awesome that she was busy destroying analytical mechanics and statistical mechanics in her freshman year. She had already made some achievements in quantum mechanics in her sophomore year. Achievements.

And what about Li Laoer?

I can only answer questions!

He can't stay too long. The longer he stays, the deeper his sense of powerlessness will be. Don't say anything about being crushed. He shouldn't even have the inferiority complex of being crushed!

Some tires have tread gaps that are so big that they can't crush ants, okay?

The gap between humans is sometimes greater than the gap between humans and dogs.

I also made a special trip to the Chinese Department to see how Liu Yibo was doing.

Not finding him in the office, Li He found the phonetic research room of the Institute of Languages ​​after being given directions.

"Are you in trouble or something?"

Liu Yibo was unshaven, with books as tall as a person on his left and right, and a quilt next to him, which shocked Li He.

"What are you doing here?" Liu Yibo moved a chair for Li He and lit the flue as usual, "I have been working on a project recently and I am very busy."

""Research on the Usability of Chinese Speech Synthesis System"?" Li He picked up the paper and couldn't understand it. Then he put it down with interest and said with a smile, "This seems to be about computers, right? Are you doing linguistics?" What does it have to do with?"

"Can they fly or something like that if they study computers? Of course, it cannot be counted as a computer. Computers are too general. Specifically, they can be classified into compilation systems. Without those of us who are engaged in language to provide the basic design of the Chinese grammar corpus system, What do they do? The National Joint Academic Conference on Computer Linguistics has been held several times." Liu Yibo has long been accustomed to layman's misunderstandings about linguistics and the Chinese Department. He really wants to yell at those who don't understand and pretend to understand:

The Chinese department does not teach writing!

Not all teachers in the Chinese department can write articles!

Those who can write articles are not necessarily qualified to be teachers in the Chinese department!

If he didn't care, he wouldn't even bother to explain, "Since 1986, the country has begun to engage in information processing of Chinese characters. This is an emerging interdisciplinary subject involving computer science, linguistics, and philology. , an interdisciplinary research field of mathematics, logic, cognitive science and other disciplines, do you understand?”

"I understand, I understand, I am ignorant and fearless, so there is no need to be so angry, right?"

Li He felt Liu Yibo's helplessness, so he hurriedly made a compromise. Individuals need recognition. If a work is not recognized by others, everyone will be angry.

Of course, the usual jokes are jokes. Although Liu Yibo is a typical Pujiang native and a mom's baby, Liu Yibo's academic efforts are obvious to all. He understands French, English, and Russian. Li He was surprised by him when he first arrived at the single dormitory. God.

Liu Yibo's main direction is linguistics. The so-called linguistics is nothing more than comparing various languages ​​in the world and finding out their commonalities and characteristics.

This is almost common sense.

But common sense requires a lot of efforts and attempts from a person. According to him, if he doesn’t know a few foreign languages, he would be embarrassed to say that he is engaged in linguistics when he goes out.

And as far as Li He knows, the most glorious period of the Chinese Department was in the 1950s, and the luckiest students were the students in the 1955 and 1956 classes. At that time, the Chinese Department brought together Wang Li, Wei Jiangong, Zhou Zumo, Cen Qixiang, Lin Tao, and Gao Mingkai Waiting for a large number of China's top scholars.

Liu Yibo rejected Li He's dinner invitation and continued to immerse himself in his work, so Li He had to go home.

Li Yan, who actively went to work every day, stayed at home for three days in a row. He Fang was very curious, but she still resisted asking, otherwise the other party would think too much, and those who didn't know thought it was her sister-in-law who disliked her. It's causing trouble at home.

She still encouraged Li He and said, "Go and ask? I think she is not in good spirits, so don't worry about anything. Don't you care at all about your own sister?"

"Okay, I'll ask."

Li He actually knew what was going on, but he still wanted to care about it.

Li Yan was teasing Li Yi. When she saw Li He coming over, she smiled and said, "Brother, you didn't go out today?"

"No." Li He chased away a few pigeons that were wandering under the eaves, "Since I have time, let me take you for a walk? Let's go to the capital, not for nothing, right? To the Forbidden City or the Great Wall, whatever you choose."

Li He didn't take much care of the pigeons donated by Mr. Zhang's family at the beginning. He only provided them with food and left them to fend for themselves.

I don’t know if the popularity of the Li family is too strong. After so many years of reproduction and generations of free-range pigeons living together, there are already forty or fifty of them in front of me. They can’t help but eat a bag of corn a month. In the end, What's worse is that there is dense rain of feces, which has become a disaster!

A few days ago, when old man Zhang stopped by, he shouted, "What a sin!"

Some pigeons are inbred and mated early, so their appearance is very poor.

So Li He has authorized Old Man Zhang to dispose of these pigeons as he pleases, sell them or give them away, and he doesn't care.

It doesn't matter to him whether it's fried, stir-fried, stir-fried, deep-fried, cooked, pan-fried, simmered, simmered, baked, grilled, braised, grilled, smoked, steamed, stewed, stewed, boiled, or steamed.

The key is that he can't control it even if he wants to, and he has no ability to catch the pigeon.

Li Yan shook her head, "It's good to stay at home. I don't want to go anywhere."

"What happened?" Li He asked knowingly.

Li Yan said, "Something happened in our store recently. Maybe the boss is not right. A few days ago, there was not only a problem with the purchase of goods, but also a problem with the lease renewal. The boss was in a bad mood, but people from the tax bureau just happened to come. , I don’t know how the conflict broke out. I violently resisted taxes and beat up the state tax cadres. This is a crime of tax resistance. I will file a court prosecution and be detained for four months.”

Li He smiled and said, "You deserve it! This kind of person!"

"Are you still laughing?" Li Yan couldn't help but sigh when she mentioned the sad thing, "Hey, my salary is gone. It's really over now."

"It's better not to have any. Sister will find it for you. What kind of unit do you want to join?" He Fang, who had been listening attentively, finally interrupted at this time.

Li He also agreed, "Yes, let your sister-in-law find it for you. Don't underestimate your sister-in-law. She has a wider way to go through the back door than your brother."

"Tch, go ahead, why are you praising me and hurting me?" He Fang slapped Li He angrily, and then said to Li Yan with a smile, "What your brother said is right, but there are still some ways to go. It depends on what you want." Don’t want to go.”

Li He said with a playful smile, "Look, I was right when I praised you."

"Sister, I know you do good for me, but I have to have the ability to do it. If I don't do it well, I won't embarrass you. I'd better look for it myself. But, sister, I will continue to live here. You can't find me annoying." Li Yan smiled reluctantly.

Li He rubbed her head and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? My home is also your home."

"Yes." Li Yan nodded. She was not a fool, and she could naturally feel how sincere the parents-in-law were to her.

He Fang suddenly said, "Yanzi, do you want to continue studying?"

Hearing this, Li He also looked at Li Yan with hope. If Li Yan was willing to continue studying, he could help take care of her, whether it was a school at home or abroad.

Li Yan drooped her head and said, "I went to a teachers' college, and I didn't learn much in school, so what other school could I go to."

"Do you want to go abroad?" Li He felt that she didn't mean what she said.


Li He's jump in thinking prevented Li Yan from reacting.

ps: The votes have been falling out like crazy recently, and I’m filled with evil thoughts and schadenfreude. Can I ask for votes?

ps: Recommend "Global Pig Killer King", author: Write a book to amuse your mother

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