My 1979

Chapter 90 Busy

Li He rubbed his eyes, put on big pants, a vest, and slippers, and opened the door.

I yawned and stretched, but I didn't feel hot at all. Early morning is the most comfortable time of the day in summer.

Old Li Tou was full of energy and had already been busy, "Girl He is right, people like you must be sent away to remember the bitterness and sweetness, and be reinvented. What is the old saying, if you want to be an official, you are afraid of too many things; if you want to eat, Afraid of cleaning up the pot."

Li He said with a smile, "I really don't know how to play chess, calligraphy and painting, but I'm tired of doing laundry and cooking."

I searched around the house again, but couldn't find a toothbrush or towel. I guess I didn't know where the nest was when I moved.

Turning around and going to the kitchen, He Fang was putting salted duck eggs into the porridge pot. Li He looked a little greedy and said, "Put a few more, I can eat them."

He Fang saw Li He looking around on the window sill and said, "Your toothbrush and towel are next to the wellhead. You are not allowed to use tap water. You need to pay."

The mouth of the well was not big. Li He pulled down all the moss on the edge of the well and looked around. It was at least 20 meters deep.

I fetched a bucket of water. The well water was very cold. I washed my face and felt instantly refreshed.

Looking up at a lush grape trellis, the green grape leaf garden is in full bloom. The grapevines pull out their branches and climb up along the support rails. Many leaves have pits and gaps, which are attracting insects.

A few bugs on the leaves is nothing, it won't have much impact.

I picked a green grape and put it in my mouth, and immediately spit it out with a sad face, which made my teeth sore.

There is also a living room and dining room in the backyard.

On the door pages on the right side is a couplet of dragons and phoenixes dancing.

The first line is "Sit quietly if you have nothing to do", and the second line is "Read if you are blessed."

Look at the door and see the words "I would like to hear my faults" on the eyebrow.

"The pride of Qi and the richness of rhyme are typical of the layout of a jingshe. You also know that Lao Yutou's great-grandfather was a paper maker and knew something about yin and yang, so the house coincides with the Zhouyi Bagua; Qijiao pavilion, four trees A giant tree, as powerful as the Tianyuan constellation." At this time, Old Man Li came in and interjected, "You have made a lot of money in this house. Okay, stop wandering around, wipe all your red sandalwood furniture with wax oil, don't let it stain. A little water."

Li He currently has at least 300 pieces of expensive furniture. The fifteen rooms in the front yard and back yard are filled to the brim. They are arranged according to Old Man Li's instructions and are placed in a meticulous manner.

Old Man Li was holding a purple clay teapot in his hand, sipping tea and rubbing it with his hands.

Li He looked at the teapot as if he had never seen it before, and said curiously, "Uncle Li, I only have a dozen teapots. I don't remember having this."

"You can collect it, but you don't want me to collect it? I paid for it myself. I really like this teapot. I can't get a few pieces with my little money."

Li He rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Uncle Li, you see I pay and you are always troubled. How about you go out and collect it for me? Don't worry, I won't let you work in vain."

Old Man Li was stunned and said, "I'll take it for you, it's not impossible. I don't want your benefits, so you take care of my food and housing, and I feel benevolent. The key is how much money do you have?"

Li He chuckled and said, "Don't pretend to be confused, you old man. I don't believe you didn't see my big jars of money? It must be more than a hundred thousand at least. If it's not enough, Mingzi still has some money that we can't share." According to the account, there are more than 200,000."

"Okay, as long as you don't feel bad if I spend the money." Old Man Li blushed, and then whispered, "Do you know about the warehouse in Beiji Temple? There are a lot of people watching, and there are a lot of things piled up there when the Four Olds are destroyed, listen. He said that there is also Zhang Bojun’s collection inside, and as long as you have money, you don’t have to worry about not being able to complete it.”

Li He was shocked when he heard this, "It's all up to you. If you don't care about the money, just say it if it's not enough."

After breakfast, Su Ming also came, and then they started working on their own.

Old Man Li just stayed in the basement and couldn't come out.

Li He and Su Ming used a long bamboo pole with a handful of thatch tied to one end, and brushed away the cobwebs and dust on the roof and walls over and over again. Dust suddenly flew into the house, and people became disgraced.

Wait for the dust to settle, then use a feather duster to clean the dust on the door frames and window sills, and wipe the glass thoroughly and brightly. Finally, sweep the debris and dust on the floor again and mop it clean.

He Fang started unpacking and washing the quilts and sheets early in the morning, drying the bedding, washing the curtains and cleaning every corner of the room. Wipe the furniture piece by piece again.

The tidied house suddenly became much brighter and felt like home.

The heat at noon was a bit unbearable, so I poured a basin of cold water on the hot cement floor at the door. After a while, it turned into a puff of steam and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The sun sets in the west, and the tired people are at the end of the world.

After a day's work, Li He was so exhausted that he had no energy at all.

But this is just simple cleaning, and the walls have not been painted yet. It seems that it will be arranged for next time.

The dinner was very sumptuous, and several people were able to drink. He Fang all picked up a cup, and Old Man Li did not show any weakness. The four of them exchanged cups, and it was very lively.

After sending Su Ming away, Li He originally wanted to go to bed directly, but the weather was too hot and a good night's sleep became a luxury.

Many people occupy favorable terrain on both sides of the alley to enjoy the cool weather.

Some use wicker chairs, and some use mats on the floor.

Looking up, on both sides of the alley, you can see at a glance the traffickers and soldiers, all kinds of people from all walks of life, sleeping in various forms. Of course, it’s mainly men. Some people sleep until midnight and then go home and sleep again.

Li He didn't go into the house either. He pulled a wire in the yard, changed a big light bulb, and moved a deck chair to enjoy the cool air in the yard.

One hand was holding the teapot, and the other was reading the house deed sent by Su Ming.

Looking at the red official seal, even Li and himself couldn't help laughing.

I already have 6 houses in my hands, at least I won’t have to worry about houses in this life.

He Fang pouted. "I see you are becoming more and more like a miser now."

"I'm not greedy for money, I just love collecting RMB." Li He asked again, "I remember you are also a householder with ten thousand yuan, don't let the money go in your hands, listen to me, and hurry up and buy one too. You can't live in this village." This is the store."

There should be no shortage of households with 10,000 yuan. Newspapers have been overwhelmingly promoting the glory of getting rich. The term "household with 10,000 yuan" has been publicized since 1979 and has become a household name at least now.

Of course, most of them make a fortune in silence and will never show off.

For example, later Li Shufu from Jili Automobile, Gaode Fu from Boss Deng down jacket, and Lu Guanqiu from Wanxiang.

Li Hezai guessed that they should be hiding in the room counting money like him.

Getting rich is glorious - the slogan of the era of reform and opening up.

Making a fortune at this time was said to be glorious in newspapers and public opinion was supportive, otherwise Idiot Guazi would not have made the headlines in 1983.

He Fang said uncertainly, "Then I also buy one? But after graduation, the unit will also be divided into rooms?"

Li He pursed his lips, "How can I get a room when I first graduate? I just give you a dormitory, but the room is not as big as our kitchen. What's the use? Buy it quickly, buy it, buy it. Even Su Ming, I will give it to you." He bought two sets."

Li He's words moved He Fang's heart. Who doesn't like to live in a spacious and bright house, especially women.

He Fang gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. I'll take the next week off to look at the house."

Early the next morning, Li He took He Fang to school on his bicycle, and began his life in the classroom and dormitory again.

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