My 1979

Chapter 91 Give in?

The biggest news on the school bulletin board these days is that experts from the American Jeep Motor Company are coming to the school to give a speech.

Li He knew the inside story and was unwilling to meet these arrogant Americans.

At this time, he probably went to Beijing to discuss the establishment of a joint venture automobile factory with Beijing.

The arrogant Americans met the closed-minded Chinese, and finally reached a compromise and built China's first joint venture automobile factory.

Yes, everyone knows that the United States, with its authoritative education, advanced medical care, perfect social system and a group of politicians who lie without blinking an eye, always displays an arrogant posture on the international stage.

The same is true for ordinary Americans. There is disdain for the Chinese, and there is also pity for the Chinese. Li He used to call this attitude American arrogance.

Some people in the United States are indeed arrogant and ignorant.

This is an era when people from other countries around the world will kneel down and lick the green paper.

These are all real scenes in history.

Although Li He was a bit nationalistic in his heart, he must also admit rationally that this was a history of the introduction of foreign intelligence with Chinese characteristics. If China wants to progress and develop, it must move closer to the West.

Speaking of which, in the 1980s, when almost all the people were undergoing knowledge reconstruction, they were suddenly allowed to contact relatives overseas, with translators, and this theory, that theory, and this and that knowledge came in.

This also causes many people to change very quickly.

Well, this is a characteristic of the 1980s.

Li He didn't want to listen to the speech this time, but he couldn't stand the cold eyes of Zhang Shusheng, the head teacher and counselor, as if he said, don't you dare try.

In the auditorium, the seats for two thousand people were filled to capacity. There were no seats left, and the corridors were crowded with people. Not only science majors came, but also many liberal arts majors came.

First, the accompanying leaders of the municipal party committee made speeches on the stage, followed by the school leaders.

Finally, the protagonist appears. The protagonist is an "authentic" American professor: yellow hair, blue eyes, pointed chin, white skin, long hair...

"Mr. President, classmates, teachers, ladies and gentlemen: I would like to thank the President for the invitation, which gives me the opportunity to visit the prestigious Capital University.

I am very happy to be able to gather with young friends to discuss how mankind can meet challenges and create a better future in the new century."

"This month, we have visited the brocade factory twice. Brocade has always been famous because of the huge demand for exports. The factory is now being expanded. The production process is very modern. The card punching method is used to guide the machine to weave brocades of various patterns. .

This method has been adopted fifty years ago, and it is the same theory as using electronic computers and card punching methods to guide machine operation.

When we went to Huaqing University, we visited the factory run by the school, which can produce original 'integrated circuits' for electronic computers and 'precision' electronic testing instruments."

Li He heard it clearly. He used the word "beautiful" and deliberately paused. He spoke very strongly and did not use "precision".

"Although China has made great progress in recent years, and we have also seen gratifying changes, with China's economic structural advantages, it is difficult to complete the transcendence of industrialization."

“The automotive field where I work has experienced a huge wave of revolutions, but developing a new device in the field of scientific research is more than ten thousand times more difficult than it appears, without making the slightest mistake.

For example, for a car engine, the data map alone weighs more than ten tons, tens of thousands of pages, involves dozens of scientific and technological fields, hundreds of industrial accessories, and thousands of technical details.

It requires tens of thousands of hardware and extremely complex software supporting systems, and once the car is on the road, every piece of hardware and software must work properly and have zero bugs, otherwise major accidents may occur.”

"The comparative advantage is that fair trade can benefit both parties. China does not have the conditions for industrialization at all, but China has rich mineral resources and agricultural resources. At the critical point of famine, the substitutability of agricultural products is actually much higher than that of industrial products. of.

For a big country like China with such a population base, advanced technology cannot be imported.”

“European and American industries are developed, but there is still a lot of duplication of construction, homogeneous products, and vicious competition. However, international market demand is quickly becoming saturated one after another, resulting in serious overcapacity.

China's basic raw materials, textiles, clothing, shoes and hats, household appliances and even so-called emerging industries have backward production capacity and low efficiency. They are simply unable to compete with similar products in the international market, which will eventually lead to a waste of resources.

This is obviously advocating for China to de-industrialize and focus exclusively on OEM work for Europe and the United States, acting as a little brother.

Li He clenched his fists. The more he listened, the more harsh it became, and the more he saw it, the more he felt it was an eyesore. He wanted to rush forward and beat someone.

"If a manufacturing manufacturer can complete the supporting work in half an hour in the United States, it may take half a month to complete it in China. In foreign trade competition, a more complete industrial system can reduce the cost of industrial supporting production and is conducive to high-quality production Cheap products strengthen the competitive advantage of domestic products in international trade.

Due to the influence of globalization, many raw materials, semi-finished products, products, etc. are more advantageous to import from abroad than domestic production. Therefore, it is unnecessary to maintain a complete industry, but it will increase the cost of products.

Many Chinese enterprises are nationalized, which has also seriously increased government costs and reduced capital efficiency."

After the speech, there was constant applause, and the professor felt that his body suddenly grew many times taller.

The atmosphere was very lively.

Even the leaders on the stage were nodding frequently, and everyone gathered around the professor to praise him.

Li He could not help but feel angry after experiencing this argument again. The Americans have made it very clear that we only want your market and your resources. As for industry, scientific research, and innovation, you Chinese cannot do it.

At this moment, Li He was struck by anger. If this argument of deindustrialization is allowed to become popular, he doesn't know how harmful it will be.

At this moment, Li He no longer cares about the overall situation, what does it mean to be low-key.

Being low-key doesn't mean you give in.

Li He was trembling with anger. He just wanted to rush forward and crush this American bastard to death like an ant.

City leaders and school leaders are not afraid of themselves either.

He Fang noticed something strange about Li He, looked at Li He's trembling body, and nervously held Li He's hand, "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Li He shook off He Fang's hand, stood up and shouted loudly, "Mr. Walter, I don't agree with your point of view."

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