My 1979

Chapter 907 Criticism

"As for the nearest ones, let's look at Zhongguancun and Shenzhen. There are many wealth myths. Everyone knows this guy standing at the corner of the door with his arms folded. Although he doesn't look very good, right?"

There was another burst of laughter, and following the direction of Li He's hand, everyone saw Liu Lenovo grinning.

He didn't take Li He's teasing seriously and even felt it was a bit honorable.

Li He continued to smile and said, "He is not good-looking, with a small nose and small eyes, but when everyone looks at him, they think he is the kind of domineering and rich man.

Mr. Liu Lenovo's new computer company has just been listed in Hong Kong. Mr. Liu has successfully become one of the people who got rich first. He has also proved to everyone that science and technology are the primary productive forces. Science and technology can directly create wealth. Technological progress and Scientific and technological innovation is the decisive factor in developing productivity."

"After you graduate, you may continue to study abroad, or you may enter various industries and become leaders in various industries. But whether you can make money depends on the company. Some companies will only talk to you about dedication, and they must talk about selfless dedication. I think this kind of idea is inappropriate and should not be promoted. More work will result in more and less work will result in less. This is already a social consensus."

Li He lamented that the treatment of top scientific researchers is too low. The environment and conditions for doing scientific research are really painful. It is impossible to retain top talents. Those who go abroad are reluctant to come back. In his opinion, this is normal. .

“We need to face up to the gap with international advanced technology and first-class enterprises.

Let me not talk about anything else, 70% to 80% of the laboratory equipment in our school are imported from abroad!

What can we make ourselves?

We can make these beakers, tweezers, tongs, and stirrers. More advanced ones, such as gas chromatographs, visible spectrophotometers, and microscopes, are all imported. Some things are also made in China, but they are not that easy to use. It's over.

Some people say that if we support domestic products, we cannot use Japanese products. This is unpatriotic, but I want to say that this has nothing to do with whether we are patriotic or not.

When it comes to scientific research, we cannot be careless. If your product works, then it works, and if it doesn’t, it just doesn’t work.

The same is true for other products. For example, cameras are better than domestic ones. This is a fact. If they all spend the same money, anyone who is not stupid will choose Nippon. Only when I am in a tight situation will I give priority to or consider domestic products.

There's nothing wrong with this, right?

So when you run a business and make products in the future, don’t complain that others don’t choose your products, but think more about the gaps, accept criticism from others, and correct yourself.”

After Li He finished speaking, the audience was still silent, with no applause and no words.

"The Year of the Rooster, 1994, is about to come, and many newspapers and news media are predicting the eight or ten most popular and profitable industries in the future.

Ranked first, what do you think it is? "


"It seems to be a taxi."


People in the audience gave their guesses one after another.

"It seems that someone has also read the newspaper. Yes, it is taxi. The most popular one is taxi. It is said that buying a car for rent takes this amount per month!" Li He gestured with his index finger, and then continued, " More than 10,000 yuan! Incredible, a lot. Small and medium-sized taxis in big cities are making a lot of money, especially after my country joins the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, this industry will become more prosperous.

They went on to predict that educational tutoring, vocational schools, tourism, entertainment, lawyers, pets, catering, psychological consultation, etc. will be the most popular and profitable."

The people in the audience laughed again, and they recognized Li He's teasing tone.

Li He was indeed laughed at inexplicably, "We won't say whether their predictions are correct or not, but what I want to say is that these industries are not industries with explosive growth!

If you want to enter the industry in the future, the best choice is an industry with explosive growth. Which industries are likely to have explosive growth in the future?

You can refer to the United States, because our current development is based on the United States, which is number one in the world. Although Japan and the United Kingdom are better than us, we are not the ones we are catching up with.

As we all know, the representatives of American high-tech are Nasdaq and Silicon Valley. One is a financing place for high-tech companies, and the other is the location of high-tech companies. Companies that have repeatedly hit new highs in market capitalization are in computer and software-related industries, with Oracle, Dell, Microsoft, Apple, and IBM being the best among them.

What is the second trend?

It's still related to computers. What everyone knows right now is that the computer, modem and telephone line are connected in series with each other, and it is the Internet.

The future must be the Internet era, and in the Internet era, everything needs to be reconstructed."

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