My 1979

Chapter 938 Industrial Development

"Right, brother, listen to me, save money, and buy a car when the time comes." The man saw that Li He was well-dressed and had a beautiful watch on his hand, and then shook his head and said, "No, as soon as I saw you... Those who have made a fortune should hurry up and buy something while they have some money. If there is plenty of work, they will not be afraid of not being able to get any work."

"Thank you, I will." This reminded Li He that there is a local industry that can be developed.

That is logistics and moving, both of which can be classified as transportation.

It is right to say that this industry is labor-intensive, because it does need people. It is also right to say that it is a capital-intensive industry, because cars are very expensive and cannot be invested by ordinary people.

However, they do do a lot of logistics and moving in this place, and basically many people have freight vehicles.

And in fact, the development of their local industry is not bad, and it has a place in the country.

"Here, it's just a bit cowardly." After smoking Li He's cigarette, the man handed another one to Li He.

Li He took it and chatted casually with him for a while, feeling a little weird.

He feels very confident in investing in this area. He already has industries like Oriental Express and BMW in his hands, which can have a linkage effect and save a lot of effort.

However, he was very confused because he really had no confidence in the local people!

Honesty and simplicity are nothing more than a cover-up for the "information asymmetry" and "poverty of knowledge and language" caused by "low education."

It is a reality that fellow villagers cheat fellow villagers and bring tears to their eyes.

Even his brother Li Long and Li He cannot say that he is of good quality. People like Li Zhaokun, Li Hui, and Chen Yongqiang all do business for the same reason. Making money is their skill!

Bullying students and killing customers is simply commonplace, even for so-called "honest people" like Liu Laosi!

They rejoiced for days with the money they gained from each such transaction!

They also exchanged their thoughts on how to change the originally agreed price midway and how to manipulate the scrap collection scale.

Li He reprimanded them several times. Although they were not bad people and had good intentions, it was useless to talk sincerely about honesty!

Such is the environment!

In the logistics industry, their area developed early, but in the end they still lagged behind.

In this industry, the effect of "passing on from one person to another" is very good. After the first batch of people who "went overseas" to do logistics and transportation made money, there was a second batch and a third batch.

Relatives help relatives, neighbors help neighbors, each household leads a village, and a village leads a township. Logistics, moving, and even Guangchang's logistics army in Guangdong, the country's number one logistics county, is like a spring tide. They flock to economically developed areas such as the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta.

It has become a force that cannot be ignored in the logistics market along the eastern coast. I just didn’t expect that after the advent of the e-commerce era, the giants began to look at the logistics industry with their peripheral vision. Idleness is idle, not to mention that this is not a mosquito leg, it can Those who make money, start conquering cities and territories!

These early logistics people who "only know how to drill" but not "operate" can only stand aside, lamenting that business is not doing well, and the last ones laughing are the Tonglu people.

There is no doubt that there are not many bad people among his fellow villagers. They usually value friendship and are willing to help others. Even Li Zhaokun is not a bad person. They all have a kind-hearted and cute side.

They are all good people.

However, good people are not necessarily honest people, and bad people are not always trustworthy people. In fact, there is not much correlation between a person's goodness and integrity. In fact, many bad people or villains have achieved success because they pay attention to integrity in business or politics. A great success.

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