My 1991

Chapter 135, No. 8 House in South Garden (Please subscribe!)

Carrying a toothbrush, an enamel basin, soap and a towel, Lu An was suffocated as soon as he returned to the dormitory.

Damn, this is still a dormitory. This is a pure exchange meeting for smokers.

The smoke was lingering and the smell was overwhelming. Even Fang Yun, who couldn't smoke, joined in the fun in order to join the group.

At this point, everyone in the dormitory has arrived. Seeing him entering the door, all five people looked at him.

Meng Jianlin was more active and immediately extended his hand to introduce everyone: "This is Lu An, from southern Hunan."

Then he asked one of the new faces out of the blue: "How's it going, Lao Liu? Can Lao Lu be able to compete with Lao Li for the male lead?"

Old Liu's full name is Liu Jiaquan. He is from Harbin in the northeast. He is tall and tall. Sitting there, he is almost as tall as Fang Yun who is standing.

And the old Li in Meng Jianlin's mouth is called Li Yiran. He is tall, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a high nose bridge. His face is like a knife carving it, with sharp edges and corners. The corners of his mouth are slightly raised with a smile. He has a hunched head like Chow Yun-fat, which is perfect. man.

To be honest, with this appearance, whether it is now or in future generations, he really scorns a lot of movie and TV stars. No wonder they say he is the leading male lead in TV series.

Seeing Lu An, Li Yiran, who was smoking, secretly took out the plastic round mirror under the pillow and put it in his hand. He glanced at Lu An, then at himself in the mirror, and finally took a puff of cigarette.

Meng Jianlin was talking about the same topic, and everyone in the dormitory was curiously comparing the two of them. It was really boring.

After waiting for a while, before the sound came, Meng Jianlin urged: "Old Liu, can you do it? Aren't you known as a sharp eye? Come on, talk quickly. We agreed to treat the loser to dinner tonight."

Liu Jiaquan slapped the table and said boldly: "Forget it, I admit defeat, I'll pay for this meal. I really can't tell who is the male lead between the two."

Fang Yun was also someone who didn't take things too seriously. At this moment, he took advantage of the situation and said, "It's simple. Whoever finds his girlfriend first, Lao Lu or Lao Li, will be the male lead."

Tang Ping said: "What if we find them at the same time?"

Fang Yun said: "Then it depends on the quality."

Meng Jianlin clapped his hands and applauded: "I think it works, it's a good idea."

"Li Yiran from 322! Li Yiran from 322! Someone is looking for you downstairs."

Just as Meng Jianlin was energizing the atmosphere, the horn in dormitory 3 rang, and the dormitory aunt was calling someone downstairs.

Hearing this, Li Yiran jumped out of bed with a whoosh, put on his shoes and prepared to run away.

Liu Jiaquan asked: "Lao Li, where are you going? We're going to have dinner soon. Are you coming together?"

Li Yiran took out 100 yuan and stuffed it into Liu Jiaquan's hand: "Didn't I agree to treat you to dinner before? Don't grab it, you guys. If I can't come back in time, don't wait for me. Just eat."

The shot was 100, and everyone in the dormitory was stunned by this generous move.

After Li Yiran ran away, Meng Jianlin came to his senses and screamed: "Oh no! You are indeed a local rich man. 100 is just a joke. That's how much my monthly living expenses are."

Liu Jiaquan stood up and asked everyone: "How to deal with this money?"

Lu An looked at this person and almost fainted. His grandma was so naughty, she was almost a head taller than him. She was only 1.9 meters tall?

Taking the cigarette from Liu Jiaquan, Lu An asked him: "How tall are you?"

Liu Jiaquan said: "188."

Luann asked, "Shoes or net height?"

Liu Jiaquan looked down at his own feet: "Of course it's the net height."

Fang Yun, the shortest one, immediately quit: "Old Liu, let's discuss it. From now on, when we go out together in the dormitory, don't leave me."

Liu Jiaquan reached out and touched his head: "Hey, I'll walk bent over from now on."

Fang Yun slapped him away: "Fuck you, if this ruins my reputation, how can I find a girlfriend in the future?"

After some discussion, everyone decided that Liu Jiaquan, who had lost the bet, would treat the guests to dinner. He was not picky about expensive food, so he ate it in the cafeteria.

As for Li Yiran's 100 yuan, everyone said with gritted teeth that they would kill him severely when he comes back in the future.

Lu An was actually very full after eating cold noodles, but in order not to be disappointed, he still went with it.

On the way to the cafeteria, Lu An met many large teams with young faces like this, and at a glance he knew they were freshmen who had just reported.

Only freshmen can be so united. After half a year and a year, unless it is a special day, the dormitory will basically form its own small circle based on different factors such as personality, hobbies, family background, etc.

The cafeteria is opposite the dormitories in Buildings 2 and 3 of Taoyuan.

Maybe it was because it was the first day of school. There was a wide variety of food, but the dishes were a little less interesting. I felt that the chefs were all local chefs, and many of the dishes were a bit sweet.

But it can’t be difficult for Lu An. After all, he spent so many years in Guangdong Province in his previous life. As long as it’s not sweets, it’s not as delicious as chili.

After the meal, several people were full of curiosity about NTU where they would spend the next four years, and started to hang out.

Starting from the east side of Zhongda Road, we went to the library, Eryuanbi, and the small auditorium.

Later, we passed the auditorium, the Monument to the Revolutionary Martyrs, Pearl Buck’s former residence, Rabe’s former residence, and viewed the teaching building.

For the last stop, everyone went to the sacred South Garden.

The reason why Nanyuan is called a sacred place is because of the thoughts instilled by the seniors who led the way at the beginning of the school year. They said that the most beautiful female college students in Jinling are in Nanyuan, and the most beautiful girls in Nanyuan are in Nanyuan.

Although this statement is suspected of being exaggerated, it can also reflect a phenomenon from the side: Nanyuan is indeed the favorite place for all NTU male students.

Turning around and entering the South Park, the first thing that catches the eye is the South Park fountain surrounded by greenery, followed by the display windows and various blackboards on both sides of the road.

Lu An took a general look and found that this was an information area. Notices such as lecture schedules and club information would be posted here.

"Shhh! Come and see, what do you think I saw?"

Suddenly, Meng Jianlin, who was walking on the far right, suddenly waved to everyone and pointed at a man and a woman sitting on a stool among flowers on the right.

Fang Yun was close and had the best eyesight, "This man, isn't he Lao Li?"

Lu An leaned over and said, "You read that right, it's Lao Li."

Liu Jiaquan followed and whispered: "No wonder this guy ran away so fast, he turned out to be on a date with someone."

Tang Ping arrived late, glanced at her, rubbed his eyes and looked again, and finally said, "That girl looks familiar to me."

Liu Jiaquan tilted his head: "Your classmate?"

Lu An denied: "It can't be classmate Lao Tang. A freshman wouldn't dress up so exquisitely."

Then he asked Tang Ping: "She's the senior, right?"

Tang Ping nodded, "Brother Lu has a good eye. That's the senior who took me to register this morning."

Meng Jianlin seemed to have caught some great gossip and asked excitedly: "Really?"

Tang Ping confirmed: "Although it's dark and I can't see clearly, I can't admit my mistake. That senior is from the student union."

The next five people hid behind the bushes, whispering about whether the two of them would hold hands at that point. Will you kiss?

Speaking of kissing, everyone looked at each other and smiled ambiguously.

However, the result was destined to disappoint them. After chatting with his senior, Li Yiran moved his position, making it difficult to follow several people.

Of course, out of quality and image, no one will follow him.

After all, a chance encounter is just a joke, but stalking is too much.

When you come to Nanyuan, of course you must visit Nanyuan No. 8.

Everyone smiled at several girls. Unfortunately, the girls were all blind. Not to mention they were attracted to them. Several girls even regarded them as hooligans. When they passed by a few people, their pace involuntarily quickened and they soon disappeared. into the dormitory building.

Although they were ignored, the five people still watched with gusto. Sometimes when they met a pretty girl, they would secretly comment on it.

But there are always exceptions, such as Chen Mai.

When Chen Mai and a group of girls walked over, everyone's eyes lit up. Meng Jianlin and Liu Jiaquan looked at each other and said in unison: So beautiful!

When he saw Chen Mai in dormitory 322, Chen Mai also saw Lu An in the crowd. His eyes without any emotion turned around him and left.

I didn't expect that this girl was really a freshman at Nanjing University. It seemed that she was the same as me yesterday and got on the welcome bus of the Normal University.

Later, we saw several girls with outstanding looks, but everyone felt that it was a pity, not enough, and none of them could compare with Chen Mai.

After staying for more than ten minutes, when a group of boys in the front left left, the animals of 322 were very aware and left with them.

We are all NTU top students with both good character and academic performance. We must not let ourselves be labeled as "perverts" at the door of Nanyuan No. 8 dormitory.

They say that the Dharma does not blame the public. If the "public" leaves, there is nothing you can do, you have to follow them.

When turning to leave, Lu An met Ye Run, who was walking with two girls.

One of the girls was very tall. From a visual inspection, he felt that she was no less tall than him.

After looking at each other for two seconds, Lu An turned his head away first, pretending not to see the other person.

Ye Run pursed his lips and did not expose him.

As they passed each other, some fat girls whispered to the two roommates: "The boy in striped short-sleeves just now is so good-looking."

The tall girl turned her head and looked back, "There are two people in striped clothes, which one are you talking about?"

The fat girl said: "The black and white striped one."

At this time, Lu An and the others were lined up in a row like Yakult. The tall girl took a careful look at her back and came to the conclusion: "They are a bit short."

Hearing this, Ye Run couldn't help but snicker, wondering if Lu An would be mad to death if he heard this?

The slightly fat girl looked at her roommate up and down: "Hehe, it seems so. It's really a bit short for you."

On the way back, everyone still refused to give up and searched everywhere, but still found nothing.

Dormitory 322.

The five of them lay on the bed and exchanged their impressions of the campus. They talked about the seniors they met when they came here, the girls they had seen at the door of Building 8 in South Park, and they were even more excited and full of expectations for the girls in the class they had not met yet.

Suddenly, Meng Jianlin, who was on the bed opposite, turned over and asked Lu An: "Lao Lu, on your terms, do you dare to chase that girl?"

Lu An was thinking about something and subconsciously asked: "Which one?"

Liu Jiaquan half sat up: "It's the most beautiful one I've seen tonight."

Lu An knew who the two were talking about, Chen Mai.

Thinking back on what that girl had done in the past two days, Lu An retreated: "I don't dare."

Fang Yun asked: "Do you think the other party's conditions are too good, so you don't dare?"


Luann said, "That girl is too cold."

Tang Ping rarely said anything: "I feel cold too. If a girl like this stood in front of me, she wouldn't dare to say anything."

Lu An was puzzled: "Old Tang, didn't you work part-time as a monk in Hengshan? You see so many pilgrims coming and going every day. You should be brave and talented. Why are you still afraid of life?"

Tang Ping touched his bald head with his hand: "I am a part-time monk. I am only responsible for refueling lamps every day and do not communicate with pilgrims."

Meng Jianlin asked: "Then what should you do if you meet a beautiful female pilgrim? Do you just look at her secretly and don't strike up a conversation? Can you bear it?"

This question made Tang Ping choke. After a moment of silence, a voice rang out in the silent dormitory: "Amitabha!"


This sentence of Amitabha made everyone laugh. The atmosphere in the dormitory reached a climax at this moment.

After 10 o'clock in the evening, Li Yiran came back.

When the door opened, the five people in the dormitory jumped out of bed tacitly and forced Li Yiran into the corner.

Lu An closed the door to the dormitory, pulled up a chair and sat down, saying, "Speak, you will be lenient if you confess, and strict if you refuse!"

Li Yiran was forced to have no choice but to hold his head and shout: "I said, I said, that's my high school senior. She once wrote a love letter to me. Today she found out that I came to report and asked me to have a meal with her."

Luan asked: "That's it?"

Li Yiran scratched his neck and said, "That's it."

Lu An said: "Brothers, it took four hours to eat a meal. This is a fool. I don't believe it."

"I don't believe it either." Liu Jiaquan said, relying on his height and strength, he hugged Li Yiran and kneaded him, and Li Yiran made it clear this time.

Li Yiran said: "It was my first time to come to NTU. She took me to get familiar with the campus, and finally I went to watch a movie outside."

Fang Yun suddenly said: "Is it a movie or a videotape?"

Li Yiran swore to God: "It's a movie, not a videotape."

After fighting for a while, Li Yiran, who took off his underwear, said angrily: "You just wait for me, I will see if you will become a monk for four years of college? I will avenge this."

Everyone turned a deaf ear to this and laughed and said their own things, which made Li Yiran faint.

It was the first time to meet everyone, the first time to come to NTU. I was so excited that I always had endless things to talk about, and I didn’t sleep until after one in the morning.

The next morning, a counselor wearing a floral skirt and high-heeled sandals came to the dormitory.

After checking the dormitory hygiene, he told everyone: "The school will start military training tomorrow, which will last for one month. You must be prepared."

Fang Yun asked: "Teacher, what should I do if I feel unwell?"

The counselor asked him: "What's wrong with you?"

Being stared at by the counselor, Fang Yun became a little weaker. He held his stomach and said, "My stomach feels uncomfortable."

The counselor saw through his disguise at a glance: "If you don't want military training, you can go to the hospital to get a certificate and apply to the school."

When Fang Yun heard that a medical certificate was required, he was completely shocked and did not dare to take any chances.

After getting rid of the problem, the counselor looked at everyone, his eyes wandered around Lu An, Li Yiran and Meng Jianlin, and finally said to Meng Jianlin:

"During the military training, you will temporarily act as the squad leader and be responsible for informing the boys on all aspects of matters."

Meng Jianlin asked: "Teacher, how many boys are there in our class?"

The counselor said: "There are 17 boys in three dormitories next to each other."

Meng Jianlin asked: "How many girls are there?"

The counselor said: "32 people."

ps: Please subscribe! Asking for a monthly ticket!

My major in March University was international trade, but I really didn’t like it, so I changed the previous economics to management. Hey, it’s such a versatile major anyway, so it doesn’t affect everyone’s reading.

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