My 1991

Chapter 30, On the Realm of Face

Luan didn't sleep much for the rest of the night.

First, I listened to the noise at No. 10 next door in the yard, and was relieved when I found that Widow Zhang and Liao Shiqi had no dispute.

When he felt relaxed, he suddenly realized: Unless the mother and daughter were fools, there would be no quarrel at all.

Otherwise, once the quarrel breaks out, how will the two of them get along in the future?

Neighbors came over to start a fight and asked why they were quarreling.

Could it be said that mother and daughter fell in love with the same man at the same time?

If this embarrassing incident reaches the ears of the neighbors, then starting tomorrow, there will be another good story in Guifei Lane: Do you know? Widow Zhang and her daughter fought in the middle of the night over the right to mate, and even used a knife.

If such rumors come together, then Lu An will definitely be deified, causing the people of Baoqing to argue behind their backs: How good-looking must Lu An be in Guifei Lane to make mother and daughter fight each other with swords and guns, fighting to take off their pants?

Or talk like this: I heard that Lu An in Guifei Lane was the reincarnation of Lao Ai and was able to pull a cart. This led to the quarrel between Widow Zhang and her daughter.

It is conceivable that Meng Qingchi would come over specifically to ask him: I heard the rumors about you, do you have anything to explain to me?

He knew that once this sister asked this question, the relationship between the two would never be restored.

Anticipating these terrible rumors, Lu An shook his head. Fortunately, he held it in, otherwise there would be big problems.

It started to rain lightly outside. Lu An, who couldn't sleep, opened his political textbook and prepared to recite it.

But I don’t know what happened?

Perhaps under the influence of Widow Zhang, after having tasted the taste of meat, he was a little distracted and couldn't see it.

He raised his head and stared blankly at the falling rain. At a certain moment, Lu An found a pen and began to draw sketches on the white paper. First he drew a picture of Meng Qingchi, and then he drew a picture of Teacher Zhou.

Painting Meng Qingchi is a subconscious instinct.

Teacher Hua Zhou simply felt that this woman was suitable to be a painting model. Her upper and lower body ratio was a perfect 5:8, her gait had a rhythmic rhythm, and her facial features and body had a three-dimensional sense.

Strangely enough, after he finished painting two paintings, he felt calm. Lu couldn't help but laugh at himself: Actually, we are all the same.

Among politics and history, politics is the most difficult to understand at first glance, but as long as you learn it and understand the relevant terms, politics is actually the easiest to score.

On the contrary, geography and history are more complicated.

After watching politics for three hours, it was already completely bright.

He was too lazy to go back to bed and continue sleeping. He simply took a shower, changed his clothes, and prepared to take the bus to the Municipal People's Hospital.

Just when he opened the courtyard door, he accidentally bumped into Teacher Zhou.

Seeing him staring blankly in front of her, Zhou Jingni, who had just arrived at the door and was hit in the chest, covered her sight with her bag and inadvertently took a step back and asked:

"Luann, where are you going so early in the morning?"

The familiar Lu An retreated into the courtyard, opened all the doors, and said sweetly: "I came here specially to pick up Teacher Zhou."

Zhou Jingni was not easy to fool, so she looked him over and asked, "I just washed my hair and changed my clothes. Are you going out to meet someone?"

Lu An said: "I dreamed last night about Teacher Zhou. You said to me in the dream: Lu An, the teacher will bring breakfast to see you tomorrow morning."

You see, in order to please you, I dressed up specially and wore my best clothes. "

Zhou Jingni stared at him for a long time, then asked with a smile: "Besides bringing you breakfast, what else did you do in the dream?"

Lu An opened his mouth and came: "Be my model."

Zhou Jingni was confused: "Painting model?"

Lu An nodded lightly, returned to the house and took out last night's sketch and handed it to her.

After a while, he asked Zhou Jingni, who was already fascinated by the painting: "How was the painting?"

"The painting is so good. Did you just rely on your imagination?" Zhou Jingni held the sketched portrait in both hands and looked at it for a long time before asking this question.

Lu An said: "Let's do this. I'll invite you to have breakfast outside, and we'll chat while we eat."

Zhou Jingni looked at the portrait for a while, put it into her handbag and said, "Based on this portrait, the teacher should treat you to breakfast."

Hey, just waiting for your words, Lu An followed happily out of the Royal Concubine Lane.

Then he casually suggested: "There is a beef noodle shop down the street. You can also order a separate portion of braised beef when eating noodles. I heard it tastes good."

Zhou Jingni's thoughts were detoured, "You're talking about the newly opened one, right? I've heard about it, but I haven't been there yet. Come on, let's go and try it together."

There are three types of beef noodles: large bowl, medium bowl, and small bowl. The large bowl is only 1.5 yuan.

But ordering a portion of braised beef alone is a bit expensive, costing 4 yuan, but the portion is sufficient.

Zhou Jingni was very generous. She asked for one portion each, but the 11 yuan disappeared with a wave of her hand.

The braised beef is ready and arrived quickly.

Zhou Jingni was a little confused. She always felt that Lu An was more interested in the beef than her. As soon as the beef was served, he broke it open and ate it with chopsticks, one piece after another, without stopping.

The business of this store is very good. In his previous life, he ate here once after passing the college entrance examination, and he remembered the taste deeply. It was the most luxurious meal in his entire high school career.

After eating half of the braised beef in one go, the beef noodles were also ready. Lu An pulled a bowl in front of her.

Greeting: "Teacher Zhou, don't look at me, you can eat too."

Zhou Jingni didn't eat much and had breakfast at home. Except for occasionally picking up a piece of chopstick powder and putting it in her mouth, she spent most of the time looking at him.

Several times, she opened her mouth probably to say something, but Luan kept talking, making her not sure how to speak?

"You're still too reserved and thin-skinned."

Lu An saw the mentality of the woman in front of him, but pretended not to know that breakfast was all deceived. If he didn't finish the beef, he would be sorry for the dead cow.

Seeing that he finished it with just a few chopsticks, Zhou Jingni pushed her braised beef towards him and said, "You eat."

Lu An raised his head and found a step for her: "Teacher Zhou, are you losing weight?"

Zhou Jingni said: "Actually, the teacher ate it and was not hungry."

When Lu An saw the meat, his eyes shone green, and he couldn't be polite. He took off his chopsticks and started eating.

When there were only three pieces of braised beef left in the stack, he stopped with his chopsticks, raised his hand and said to the shop owner: "Pack it."

The shop owner looked at the three slices of beef on the plate with a confused look on his face. He looked at Lu An, then at Zhou Jingni, who had a good appearance and temperament, and turned to get the lunch box.

Zhou Jingni stopped the boss who was about to turn around, quickly took out 4 yuan and handed it over and said, "The braised beef in your store is pretty good. Let's take a new one with us."

Only then did the boss smile, took the money and left.

Carrying the packaged braised beef, Lu An said to Zhou Jingni after leaving the noodle shop:

"This meal is ready. Thank you for the treat, teacher. I plan to go to the hospital. Teacher, do you want to go home?"

Zhou Jingni looked at him speechlessly, thinking, I am here just for your monthly exam results, why are you leaving after eating my breakfast for nothing?

ps: Please read it!

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