My 1991

Chapter 31, will not refuse

Zhou Jingni looked at him speechlessly, thinking, I am here just for your monthly exam results, why are you leaving after eating my breakfast for nothing?

Seeing through this woman's thoughts at a glance, Lu An rushed to say before she spoke:

"Teacher, I want to go to the Municipal People's Hospital for a check-up. I have already made an appointment with the doctor."

Sure enough, Zhou Jingni temporarily suppressed the matter about the monthly exam and turned to ask:

"Check for a headache?"

The bus happened to arrive at this time, Lu An said yes and hurried over.

Zhou Jingni thought for two seconds and then moved.

After getting in the car, Lu An touched his pocket and secretly yelled, "Oh no." This morning I took a shower and changed my pants. I forgot to change the money. I immediately whispered to the conductor who collected the money:

"Two of us, my wife will give it to us from behind."

After saying that, Lu An went inside without looking back.

The conductor glanced at Lu An, then at Zhou Jingni who had just stepped on one foot, and found that the clothes of the two did not match at all. One was dressed like a poor boy, and the other was exquisite and decent. It would be a shame if they were a couple.

But the conductor ignored this and stared decisively at Zhou Jingni, who was obviously not short of money.

Zhou Jingni was extremely familiar with this bus route, so she took out 5 cents and handed it over: "Go to the Municipal People's Hospital."

The conductor grinned: "Not enough."

Not enough money?

Zhou Jingni thought the price had increased for the first time, but when her eyes turned to Lu An, she thoughtfully found another 50 cents from her pocket.

After Zhou Jingni walked over, an aunt next to her couldn't help but mutter to her companion, "Can these two young people really be a couple?"

My companion said: "It's hard to say, young people today are no more playful than we were back then."

Since it was outside the morning rush hour, there were not many passengers on the bus at this time. The seat next to Lu An was empty, and Zhou Jingni sat there.

Neither of them spoke at first.

Lu An concentrated on looking at the street scene outside. Every time the bus arrived, he would automatically draw out Baoqing in his memory for comparison.

Zhou Jingni, on the other hand, was watching him quietly, as if looking for the answer to the confusion, and seemed not to let go of any clues on him.

In her eyes, the change in the student in front of her was too great.

In the past, I had good grades, high IQ, and good looks. These were all advantages.

The disadvantage is that he is introverted and not good at interpersonal communication.

So at that time, although she was wary of Lu An's premature love, she wasn't that worried.

But these days, his appearance has not changed, his IQ is still high, but his grades have turned upside down.

English and Chinese go straight to the heavens. Even after-school teachers joke in private: They may not be able to pass Lu An if they give the same test paper and the same time.

However, mathematics and geography, which used to have mostly perfect scores, are hovering around the passing line, which is very puzzling.

What worries her even more is: Lu An seems to have awakened and can talk. If he deliberately deceives girls, how can she guard against it?

Therefore, in her opinion, Lu Ansheng's good looks are a problem.

The huge difference between before and after gave Zhou Jingni a headache, and she almost had a heart attack these days.

Looking at his profile, a thought suddenly popped into her mind: Is this still her student? Is it still Luan? Isn't it possible that someone has changed the skin and changed the bag?

After driving for a while, when the bus stopped at the intersection and waited for the red street light, Lu An withdrew his gaze from the outside and turned to look at Lao Ban.

Said: "Teacher Zhou, you are staring at me like this, I have been worried just now."

Zhou Jingni subconsciously asked: "What are you worried about?"

Lu An said with a confused look on his face: "I have grown so old, and I still don't know how to refuse the opposite sex's confession?"

Suddenly hearing these shameless words, Zhou Jingni's pretty face twitched slightly, her red lips slightly opened, her eyes rounded, and she stared at him in disbelief.

Taking a breath, Zhou Jingni tried to calm herself down, and after a while she asked:

"Luan, who did you learn this mess from?"

Luan said: "Rape flowers."

Zhou Jingni continued to glare at him, thinking to herself, are you kidding me?

Not to mention, this old Zhou person is beautiful, looks both angry and coquettish, and has a certain taste.

It's just a pity that people can see it but not bite it. I don't know which pig will be cheaper in the future.

Lu An explained: "Spring is here and the rapeseed flowers are blooming. This is a natural law."

Zhou Jingni was amused by him, and the slender fingers of her right hand hooked the hair beside her ear and asked, "So is it natural for you to suddenly become attracted to the opposite sex?"

Lu An nodded, put his right hand on his chin, looked outside and said: "There is a blind man in our hometown. He has been stupid since he was a child. He has never been to school and has never touched a woman's hand.

But when his father spent a lot of money to get him a daughter-in-law, he learned it from scratch and got her pregnant that month. This was also the law of nature. "

At this time, a half-grown boy in front suddenly turned to Lu An and asked curiously: "Could it be that the blind man's father helped?"

As soon as this was said, the people in the three rows nearby burst into laughter.

Seeing that everyone had misunderstood what he meant, half of the young man's face turned red and he hurriedly defended:

"Don't laugh! Don't laugh! I mean, does the blind father teach him step by step at night? It's not him, he teaches!"

Everyone laughed even more heartily.

Lu An gave him a thumbs up, and really wanted to say to him: Young man, you have the essence of the gray man, and you will have a future.

Zhou Jingni had no expression on her face, dusted her bag with both hands, and just looked at him.

Guifei Lane is not far from the Municipal People's Hospital, so you can get there soon.

On the second floor of the outpatient clinic building, when Lu An walked into Meng Qingchi's office, the latter had just treated an old woman.

When the other party sent the old woman away, Lu An shouted: "Sister Qingchi, I'm here."

Meng Qingchi once went to No. 1 Middle School to deliver clothes and food to Lu An, so he was naturally familiar with Zhou Jingni and said hello:

"Teacher Zhou, you are here too, please take a seat."

Taking the herbal tea from Meng Qingchi, Zhou Jingni took a sip and then put it down and said, "Dr. Meng, what examination are you going to give Lu An today?"

Meng Qingchi said: “Today’s main electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram examinations are to check whether Xiaoan’s brain and heart function are abnormal.

After the winter vacation, I have to take him to Changsha Hospital for Doppler ultrasound, CT and other imaging examinations to rule out whether there are cranial lesions. "

Lu An was a little moved when he heard that. He held a cup and wanted to say: Sister Qingchi, no need, I should be fine already.

But in the end, the words were not uttered.

To be honest, he suffered from mental weakness for a long time in his previous life. This time he wanted to see if his illness was cured after his rebirth?

Hearing this, Zhou Jingni looked at Lu An, then at Dr. Meng, and fell into silence.

She did have many questions to ask, but the person involved was at the scene, and she was afraid that Lu An would be hit by asking about her pain points.

ps: Please read it!

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