My 1995 Small Farm

Vol 3 Chapter 760: The true face of Lang Bazi [3]

 “Where’s the wolf? Where’s the wolf?”

The police, hunters, and Wang Lixian rushed over in a hurry, carefully searching for traces of the wolf.

But apart from the gathered crowds and flocks of sheep, there was no sign of the wolf.

When I walked up to him and pushed myself to the front, I saw Chen Ling holding a whip to beat a wolf that was smaller than a native dog.

The little wolf cub looked very fierce. He bared his mouth full of sharp teeth and kept demonstrating at Chen Ling.

But the strange thing is that it neither avoided Chen Ling's whip nor pounced on Chen Ling.

"What's going on? Is there a little wolf hiding in the village?"

Then he saw the old man next to him with his face covered in blood, and felt confused again.

"Fellow, did this little wolf hurt someone just now?"

"Yes, this wolf cub was hiding under the belly of the sheep. When he saw the fifth grandpa passing by, he threw the fifth grandpa to the ground and opened his mouth to bite the fifth grandpa's neck.

Fortunately, Grandpa Wu reacted quickly and blocked it with a pipe pole, otherwise he would have been dead right now. "

"No way. Such a small wolf is two times smaller than a dog. Can it knock down someone?"

Everyone was surprised. The first thing they felt was that they didn't believe that such a small wolf cub, no matter how fierce it was, could still have some strength.

It can be thrown away by a casual swing, right?

"Fugui, are you going to train this wolf cub and take him back to raise him?"

Wang Lixian didn't see what was going on. The two Yangtougou hunters behind him also frowned, wondering what Chen Ling was doing.


Hunters also have ranks, some are ancestral hunters who know more, and some join the hunt halfway and have little experience. They only use hunting as a means of making a living outside of farming, and do not rely on this as their main occupation to make a living.

The less you experience, the less you know.

Only then did Chen Ling stop his whip, turned his face and said to everyone: "This is not a wolf cub, but a wolf cub!"

"What??? Wolf?!"

Everyone was suddenly shocked.

Wolf Bazi, that's an old monster in the mountains.

In their old age, the mountain people spread word of mouth that there was an old wolf that became a spirit deep in the mountains. It could stand up on two legs and walk like a human being. The mountain people were enjoying the cool air in their courtyards on summer nights. This old wolf spirit came down the mountain and dragged people away.

Later, he was called Lang Bazi, and he was a monster as scary as the donkey-headed wolf and the mountain yellow in the eyes of the mountain people.

But there is another saying that this wolf Bazi is a very small wolf in the wolf pack, much smaller than the wolf, smart and very human.

If you sneak into the flock of sheep and eat them on the hillside, and are discovered by the sheep herders, you can whip them with a whip.

Every time he was whipped, he would show his teeth.

At the same time, he lay on the ground and did not dodge.

It won't run away until the shepherd stops fighting.

This is because Lang Bazi understands human nature and knows that he has done something wrong and will never fight back, which is why he behaves so strangely.

Although he doesn't fight back, Wolf Bazi is more vindictive than ordinary wolves.

And they are more ferocious and smarter than ordinary wolves.

Although it is small in size, it can do more damage than an ordinary wolf.

Even holding a grudge can last a lifetime.

The revenge of parents is avenged on their children.

Of course, many people don’t know this latter statement.

According to the mountain people, if they have been passed down for a long time, they will only pass down the kind of mountain spirits and ghosts, because they are more frightening.

Even Chen Ling wouldn't have known about this if he hadn't read the county annals.

"Don't be afraid, the wolf cub is not a monster, just think of it as a wolf cub."

Chen Ling turned around and whipped the wolf on the ground, then reached out and pulled out a rope from the side pocket of the horse's back.

Then, when Wolf Bazi closed his eyes and fell to the ground, he grabbed Wolf Bazi's ears, and when he screamed and howled, he slapped him to the ground with his other hand.

Then he quickly tied its mouth, tied its four legs, carried it with one hand, and climbed onto the horse.

"Okay, it's okay. You guys pack up and go to bed early. Just now I thought you Yangtougou would stop. Now that you have found this wolf, the matter has been solved. As long as you don't provoke the wolves again, It’s nothing.”

Chen Ling was riding on his horse, pointing his riding whip at the wolf carcasses piled up at the foot of the mountain, and said with a smile: "With so many dead wolves, it is estimated that no wolf will dare to come here again in the next three to five years."

At this time, none of these people, whether they were from Yangtougou or Chenwangzhuang, had yet to recover.

As a result, Chen Ling acted so resolutely and had to call it a day.

That's a wolf, brother.

And you killed an entire pack of wolves by yourself.

Why don't you express your thoughts after finishing the fight?

"Brother Fugui, why don't you go back now and stay in the village for one night? We will prepare a banquet for you tomorrow."

"That's right, that's right. How many lives have you saved in our village? It's not enough for you to go all the way this late at night. How can I just let you go back? This is so hot. Didn’t even drink the tea.”

"Hahahaha, don't drink anymore, don't drink anymore. Although our two villages are not close to each other, there are still many people who are related to each other. There is no need to be so polite. Whenever you have time, just send me the wolf skin and wolf meat. …”

Chen Ling laughed heartily. He had a great time hunting wolves today, and he even captured the legendary wolf. He was in an extremely comfortable mood. Isn't it hearty?

After saying that, he didn't wait for anyone and left.

"So this is Chen Fugui, just like the general in the storybook."

"What general? He's a hero!"

A group of people talked with admiration and envy.

Especially the young people, they all followed him for a long distance with their mouths open, their necks stretched out and their eyes glued to him.

Mr. Wu and others didn't care about being polite, they all got in the car and chased Chen Ling away.

When they reached a river outside Changle Township, Chen Ling stopped and let the little green horse drink water before they could catch up.

"Master, what is a wolf?" "I have never seen such a small wolf."

"Yes, yes, we asked Lixian and the others just now, but they didn't know either."


Chen Ling smiled and shook his head: "I can't explain a sentence or two right now. Let's talk about it later when we get back to the village."

Then he said: "You go back first, otherwise I will leave you behind soon. I will have to wait for you when I get to the village."

"Okay, let's go back first."

Mr. Wu and the others reluctantly returned to the car and left one after another in cars and tractors.

Before leaving, he left one sentence: "I didn't expect the little green horse to be so powerful. Even those wolves can't stop its hooves."

When the little green horse heard this, he bared his big white teeth and was so happy that he snorted and dug hard into the soil with his hooves.

"Okay, okay, have a good rest."

The little green horse ran too fast just now and got into a fight. He had to rest for at least ten minutes before drinking water.

Stopping for water halfway was a helpless move. Who made this guy sweat so much? His pants and coat were soaked.

After the little green horse finished drinking the water, Chen Ling let it run back slowly.

The little green horse has an amazingly good physique. For it, jogging is equivalent to taking a walk and taking a break. After running for a while, it starts to speed up.

When they returned to the village, Mr. Wu and the others just happened to call out all the people who were getting married. They turned on their car lights at the entrance of the village, shining brightly, and everyone was waiting eagerly for his return.

As soon as he arrived on horseback, the crowd seemed to explode and they all surrounded him.

"Fugui, where's the wolf Bazi, where's the wolf Bazi, let me see what the wolf Bazi looks like in the ghost story?"

"Uncle Fugui, I heard that you killed more than fifty wolves by yourself. You are so majestic. Can you take me with you next time?"


Good guy, Chen Ling's ears hurt from the noise they made.

There were also those who were having a banquet and drinking at the wedding party, shouting and moving forward, the smell was simply awesome.

"Get away, get away, go to the brigade. The brigade is a big place. Turn on the lights in the brigade yard, and I will show you the wolf."

Chen Ling waved his hand to prevent them from being crowded here.

He is really effective when he talks now. As soon as he finished speaking, people rushed to the brigade.

When he was riding a horse and driving his wolf's head over, several electric lights were turned on in the brigade's yard, and a large open space was left for him in the middle.

Chen Ling didn't show off at this time. He walked over and threw the wolf's head into the open space for everyone to watch.

"Huh? Why are you so small?"

"Have you not grown up yet? If you grow up, you will become a monster and stand up and walk like a human being?"


The crowd gathered around and made a fuss, turning over Lang Bazi's body, which was a strange sight.

The result is that the more I look at it, the more confused I become, and the more I look at it, the more problems I feel that this wolf has more problems.

But they argued for a long time and couldn't figure out the reason.

Finally, Mr. Wu told them to stop talking and asked Chen Ling himself:

"Master, just tell us what this wolf is, we are all very curious."

"Yes, yes, just tell us about Fugui."

"Li Xian and Professor Zhao just said that the wolves behaved very strangely. They were completely different from the wolves in our village the year before last. Even if you killed them to the last one, the wolves still refused to run away.

Even though I'm so scared of you, I still refuse to run.

It must be the evil spirit like Lang Bazi who is causing trouble. "

"Yeah, such a weird thing, don't really grow into a monster in the future. It's so powerful now, and it won't be able to go to heaven in the future."


"Okay, I will tell you the true face of this wolf. You don't have to be afraid. This thing is not a monster."

As Chen Ling spoke, he asked the crowd to go away, and once again brought Lang Bazi to his feet: "This thing looks like a wolf, and it is also called Wolf Bazi. In fact, it is not a wolf. It should be called 'embarrassing', which means that it is embarrassed. "

"What? Is this embarrassing?"

"Isn't that right, Master? Didn't it say that the front legs are too short to walk? It needs a wolf to carry it on its back, so it can command the wolf to do bad things."

"...The one you are talking about is a male. The male lies on the wolf not only to command the wolf, but also to mate with the wolf. It is said that the male is sexually promiscuous. The great tonic for men recorded by Li Shizhen includes the male medicine."

Chen Ling said: "In addition, you must have heard that there is a saying that when a tiger gives birth to three sons, there must be a tiger.

As for wolves, it is difficult for a thousand wolves to get out of trouble.

This beast is also divided into male and female. Both male and female are bad things, and they can command the wolves. It sounds really evil.

This is a miserable pack of wolves, and the alpha wolf must obey them.

I'm not making this up. According to the information Professor Han gave me, someone in Shanxi saw it with their own eyes in the 1960s after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

It was winter and the transport truck broke down two kilometers away from the village.

Only one person was left to guard the car, and the others went to the village to find someone to help.

As a result, a group of wolves discovered the broken down truck and came over after smelling the human scent. They surrounded it and refused to move away. It was useless to hit them with guns. They shined headlights on them and used horns to scare them, but they couldn't drive them away.

However, there was enough ammunition in the car, and the wolves were unable to jump on the car to eat people for a while.

It was howling not far away.

After waiting for a while, two wolves ran away from the pack, and soon ran back, bringing another wolf with them.

It is said to be a very tall female wolf carrying something that looks like a wolf but smaller than a wolf on its back.

As soon as this thing arrived, the wolves became extremely ferocious, and the wolves suddenly looked like soldiers. They lined up in a row and took turns to hit the door and glass of the truck. The scene was extremely scary.

Fortunately, every village had guns at that time, and the militiamen arrived in time to scare them away. End of chapter)

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