My 1995 Small Farm

Vol 3 Chapter 761: Awkward arrangement, providing benefits

 Chapter 761 Awkward arrangement, benefits for children in the audience

When everyone heard this, no matter men, women, old or young, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and the hair on their bodies stood up.

It's so evil that such a small thing can command a pack of wolves.

It's like a helpless child commanding a group of bandits to do bad things. The bandits are still afraid of him and don't dare to disobey his orders at all.

Even where this child is, he doesn't even dare to run for his life, and would rather die than be left behind.

How can there be such a thing in the world?

This is so counterintuitive.

They have lived in the mountains for several lifetimes. Even if they are uneducated and cannot speak the written word "the weak and the strong eat", they still understand the principle of "the weak and the strong eat" pursued by the wild beasts in the mountains.

Among beasts, the strong one is king. The more powerful one is, the better life in the mountains will be and the bigger the territory will be.

Just like wolves and jackals, once the alpha wolf or jackal king is injured or old, young and strong members will immediately challenge and become the new alpha wolf or jackal king.

Although wolves are not as ferocious as jackals, wolves are also synonymous with cunning.

They will not surrender to their master in any sense, not even tigers can make them surrender willingly.

Now he is surrendered to such a small thing, even afraid.

In the eyes of the less educated mountain people, this is no different from a monster.

At this moment, they even felt that the rumors of the older generation were true.

There really are monsters in the mountains.

So someone asked with a trembling voice: "Fugui, is this wolf **** just like the old pig spirit outside your village? He will grow up to be a man-eating monster."

"Oh, uncle, what I said just now was in vain, wasn't it? Didn't I tell you? It's all written in Professor Han's information, it's a conspiracy.

Although they are evil, they are flesh and blood and still eat, drink and **** like dogs. There is nothing to be afraid of. "

Chen Ling comforted him patiently.

The cultural level of the villagers is not high. If you talk to them about science, they will not listen.

They talked about praying to gods, praying to Buddha, and talking about mountain spirits and ghosts, and each of them became more convinced than the other.

At this point, Chen Ling felt helpless.

But there is nothing we can do.

He could only fight poison with poison and said: "Besides, our village is protected by Prince Turtle, so we don't have to be afraid of any monsters."

"That's true, we are protected by Prince Turtle..."

"However, I heard from people that Prince Turtle went on a tour to the Bastard Eatery, and I don't know when he will come back."

"Yes, yes, Boss Sun, and Bo Ming from the Li Xian family all said that Prince Turtle is over there. I heard that they also have a giant turtle, which was mined from the mine."


The villagers started a lively discussion.

When Chen Ling heard this, his heart moved: "Huh? There is also a big old turtle in the tortoise city?"

Thinking about it, the last time he went there to buy building materials for a greenhouse, he had heard the descriptions of those people, and there was still a big gap between them and his own garlic.

Of course, now is not the time to think about this.

Garlics have their own wisdom, so they don't need to worry too much.

"Fugui, what are you going to do with this wolf or this wolf? Do you want to raise it? Or kill it?"

As soon as Zhao Yubao said this question, everyone looked over at once.

"Keep it for now, don't worry, I have a way to control it!" Chen Ling said.

The villagers still have confidence in him, but Lang Bazi is too evil, and according to what Chen Ling just said, this thing is very vindictive.

So they all told Chen Ling that if he was kept at home, he must be welded into an iron cage and tied with iron anklets, and he must not let it go.

He Jiawen and others asked whether they should report it to the zoo, or send it there first and put it in a file, and keep it for a while, or study it for a while.

Because this thing is so rare.

Many scholars only know this word, but no one has ever had the luck to see what this thing looks like.

Very valuable for research.

Even if it is released, it will attract the attention of the whole world.

"I will definitely send it to the zoo, but there is no rush now...

I want to keep it for two days to see how it goes. Just over there in Bei'an, we are planning to build two types of zoos, including wild animals. I still have the right to keep it. "

Chen Ling naturally wanted to keep this mother-in-law first.

It is helpful for him to study new species in Dongtian.

And he also wanted to see if he could come up with a new breed of dog.

Whether it's with Hei Wa or Er Hei, it's a good thing to pair up with anyone.

"Don't worry, professors, Fugui can even train a tiger and kill an old pig spirit. If this wolf can be tamed by Fugui, Fugui will be the mountain **** in the mountains from now on, and all monsters will obey him..."

A drunkard from the Li family drank too much and spoke eloquently, even saying that Chen Ling was a mountain god.

The people around him were so frightened that they kicked him quickly.

Wang Cunye and Gao Xiulan, who rushed over after hearing the news, also turned ugly.

If you praise people, you will praise them. If you say something that offends the gods, are you saying it casually?

At this time Wang Susu also followed behind.

Chen Ling saw Wang Susu and her mother-in-law holding the second and third children respectively. Ruirui followed Wang Cunye. When they arrived, they rushed into the yard with Heiwa Xiaojin.

Seeing the whole family coming, Chen Ling also knew that something was going on this time. "Daddy, daddy, wolf, little wolf, aww, aww..."

Ruirui ran over and kicked the wolf on the ground with her little feet.

As he moved forward, the other little kids became bolder and broke free from their parents' obstruction and ran forward to join in the fun.

Open your eyes curiously.

Facing this wolf, Hei Wa and Xiao Jin's reactions became different than before.

Xiao Jin, in particular, walked slowly around in a circle, keeping his eyes fixed on the wolf on the ground.

His eyes were majestic and fierce, as if he had suddenly transformed from a dog into a wolf king.

Hei Wa, on the other hand, sniffed hard at the wolf, snoring loudly, almost as loud as a tiger like Ahfu Ahshou.

Needless to say, the two big dogs are powerful. They often go into the mountains to hunt. They see blood every day, and they have evil spirits on their bodies.

Just now, this wolf had closed his eyes and pretended to be dead, motionless, letting people watch.

Now he suddenly curled up in a circle, closed his eyes tightly, and his whole body seemed to become tense.

This change suddenly made the villagers clamor.

"Eh? This wolf seems to be afraid of the two Hei Babies, huh?"

"It seems like this thing isn't that scary anymore."

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect it to be afraid of the two Hei Babies. Before the Turtle Prince came, it was frightened like this by the two Dog Kings."


"Actually, if you think about it, it's not surprising what Heiwa and the two do all day long. Last time Fugui was fighting the old pig spirit in Miao Village, Heiwa and the others were still in battle.

In addition to the old pig spirit, he also often beats wolves and leopards, but this wolf can't scare them. "

"Look at Xiao Jin's appearance. His tail is no longer wagging and he is silent. I'm even a little scared."

"Xiao Jin is the most vicious and scary. He has been like this for a long time. He was calmer and more thoughtful than Hei Wa when he was very young. That time Er Zhu and the others went to Fugui's house to buy fish.

This dog walked around behind the person's **** without saying a word. It was quite scary to think about it. "

"Yes, this dog is very smart. Even stupid people can't play with this dog."

The villagers were talking about it, they were all from the same village, and Xiao Jin's performance was in everyone's eyes.

This dog is indeed demonic, and it looks even more scary now.

The more silent he is, the more frightened he is, and the look in his eyes gives people goosebumps.

Chen Ling didn't care what everyone thought of his dog. The folks also knew that although his dog often saw blood, he never bit anyone.

After saying a few words to his wife, he walked up to Wang Laishun and asked him to shout later so that nothing about Lang Bazi would be spread outside.

Even if the people in Yangtougou tell the truth, people in their own village should not say it nonsense. If anyone comes to see the fun, they will send it to the zoo.

Wang Laishun knew what was going on as soon as he heard it.

Chen Ling was going to hold a banquet for his two little kids, and he didn't want to be too busy in the village recently.

It would have been very annoying to have so many people come to see him every day when Prince Turtle first came out.

"Okay, I understand, I won't let them talk nonsense."

Wang Laishun grinned and said: "Don't worry about this, Fugui. Even the families in the village who don't deal with you have benefited from you this year. Who hasn't made money from mountain goods and fish from the reservoir?"

Besides, with your skills, you can even take down monsters like this in the mountains.

They have no shame or courage to stumble you behind your back. "

"Well, that's good. It's almost the twelfth lunar month and the Chinese New Year. Please stay quiet in the village and wait for the Chinese New Year."

Chen Ling nodded.

Then he told Wang Susu, and he rode to the county town with Lang Bazi in his hand. There was an iron cage for the dog badger in the small yard of the county town, which could temporarily keep Lang Bazi in it.

In fact, after Chen Ling got the iron cage, he immediately locked the wolf in and threw him into the cave.

…Early the next morning, Wang Laishun repeatedly shouted over the loudspeaker of the brigade, asking the villagers not to go out and talk nonsense.

They say that Lang Bazi is evil, talks nonsense, and is prone to disaster. If anyone asks, they say that Chen Ling sold this thing to the zoo.

Just like what Wang Laishun said last night, after hearing this shouting, the villagers all knew what was going on, and they didn't have any bad intentions.

Chen Ling wanted to give his child a banquet. It was a happy event, just like other people's weddings. Unless there was a big feud, no one would cause trouble.

So even when the people from Yangtougou brought the dead wolves over early in the morning and asked about what happened last night, the villagers all had the same story.

Those people in Yangtougou probably didn't sleep all night. In addition to using donkey carts and carts to deliver the wolves, they also led many sheep to Chen Ling as a thank you.

Chen Ling symbolically accepted the two sheep.

You can't accept this kind of thing, otherwise people will come looking for you whenever something happens. Of course, there is no need to ask for too many things from others, just show your intention.

Then they called Wang Lixian and others over and started skinning and deboning the wolf.

"Actually, these wolf skins, wolf tails, wolf teeth, etc. are more suitable as small gifts for children than those parrot eggs."

"Currently, parrot eggs are only suitable for delivery to schools near the city. Send a batch before the winter vacation. If there are too many, it will not only be inconvenient, but also difficult to explain."

"If you want to give benefits to children, it's better to wait until next year to gradually distribute them."

"Now, for the children who are far away, let's use these wolf items as souvenirs and small gifts for them."

Chen Ling was very excited yesterday when he thought of giving benefits to children.

But after beating a wolf last night, after getting over the excitement, I felt that it was not realistic, so I had better take my time and deliver it in small quantities and in batches.

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