My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 112 Find a way to report it [67 updates]

Looking in front of him again, a piece of azure fragments flashing with traces of warmth appeared in front of his eyes.

This fragment looks like a dream, it seems to be solid, but it is not solid. The light is warm and soothing, making people feel very comfortable just looking at it.

At the same time, the appearance of this fragment is also familiar to Yuan Ye.

Isn't this the fragment of the heart of the virtual world?

As Yuan Ye, who has traveled so many places in the virtual realm, this is definitely not the first time he has seen fragments of the virtual realm's heart. He has several pieces in his body.

Naturally, he recognized it at a glance. This thing was the fragment of the Heart of the Void Realm.

"Why did this fragment appear here?" Yuan Ye was confused, opened his palm, and let the blue fragment fall on his hand.

Maybe he felt the call of other fragments of the heart of the virtual world in Yuan Ye's body. This fragment also slowly fell into Yuan Ye's hand, giving it a very intimate feeling.

And just as Yuan Ye was puzzled, the way in which the fragments of the virtual heart appeared was different from before.

The previous fragments were all in a specific place, then there was a group of buildings, and finally the fragments of the Heart of the Void were enshrined on the altar.

Although there was an empty altar, a fragment appeared in the outside world for some unknown reason, and was taken by Yuan Ye.

But basically everything in the virtual realm is quite formal, and you can feel that this thing is indeed a very important thing, otherwise it would not be enshrined.

This is equivalent to appearing out of thin air.

"Did the illusion just happen because of you?" Yuan Ye asked softly as he felt the fragment in his hand jumping for joy.

The answer was definitely not received. Soon, the fragments dissipated and followed the lines on Yuan Ye's hand, turning into a flowing luster and sinking into his body.

The familiar feeling and everything familiar told Yuan Ye that he had returned to reality and that the illusion was over.

As for the fragments of the Heart of the Void Realm, there is basically no need to think about it. The illusions that appeared just now, and even during this period, must have been caused by its influence.

In fact, it is also very logical. As a product of the virtual realm, and the name sounds not simple at first sight, it is normal that it will bring about some such things.

However, until the illusion was shattered and he returned to reality, he was a little unresponsive.

He went abruptly and left even more abruptly.

So what exactly happened that day?

Why did the illusion suddenly shatter, and what happened next?

Anyway, judging from the scene he saw at the last moment, it was definitely not a good thing.

But if you don’t understand it, you don’t need to think about it.

Being able to come back is the best thing.

However, Yuan Zhiyi felt a little heavy at this moment.

Because of this trip to the fantasy world, he learned a lot.

Something that seems scary.

This gave Yuan Ye a headache.

He just wanted to get some benefits in this virtual territory, just wanted to get something.

Why do you have to tell him something?

Yuan Ye deeply understands some truths. For example, the more you know, the more you know, the less likely it is a good thing.

As in, his original thought was that the world was full of unknowns and dangers, so he only needed to accumulate enough strength to be able to protect himself and be comfortable.

Originally, although this process may be very long, at least we can still see hope and a future.

Everyone is quite strong, so he just needs to wait until he is strong enough before going out.

This way nothing can threaten you.

But what he saw during this period told him that he was overthinking, and that what he had come into contact with was only the tip of the iceberg.

That bizarre world, that outrageous world to the extreme.

That suffocating training system.

The fairy clan once really existed! Just in their world!

Although I don’t know where I am now, I don’t know what will happen next in Xuanjie.

Even why the immortal clan disappeared overnight.

Who is Daoyi and who is Jia Ning?

And where did Jia Ning go?

Why do some things in the mysterious realm end up in the virtual realm?

Or should we say, is the mysterious world the outside world, or is it always in the virtual realm?

These are all unknowns and mysteries.

But these mysteries also made his heart extremely heavy.

He knew a lot of things he shouldn't have known.

If all weird racial developments were at this level.

Then there is no doubt that the power humans possess at this stage is not worth mentioning in their eyes.

Because you must know that the fairy race has disappeared, but other races have not, that is for sure.

What if they are also at this level of development?

What will happen? You can easily know the answer without thinking about it.

Humanity is in danger! There is always a risk of extinction.

Also, he knows a lot now. If he explores this virtual realm to a great extent, he knows a lot of things. If nothing else is mentioned, will he become the person who gets the most attention after he goes out? Already?

Because he knows enough! If enough things have been discovered, then it stands to reason that he will definitely be the one to answer the questions.

But Yuan Ye didn't want to do this.

Forget it, just wait until the time comes, then go out and find a way to tell the superiors what you have discovered.

Such a big thing must be said, but you must not say it yourself, otherwise you will discover something by exploring the virtual realm. You don't need to think about it. This is definitely a great achievement.

So speaking it out of his mouth would definitely break his peaceful life, which he didn't want to see.

Therefore, we have to find another way to let the superiors know.

You can't hide it, the matter is too big, it may involve the truth of other eras, and it may even be mixed with some other deeper and more terrifying forces.

After all, if we look at it from that dream, we can already fly during the foundation stage, and with their current spiritual martial arts system, they can only fly by relying on personal power when they reach the sky level and are almost at the peak of their cultivation.

There is no need to say more about what this means, right?

This also proves that the so-called extraordinary power at this stage is not as simple as what they understand and see now.

If all virtual realms and all races that have ever lived on this planet are like this.

So where should they humans go?

And Yuan Ye felt that he was like a drop of sand in the sea at this moment, being rolled up and separated from the sea bed, floating alone on the endless sea, weak and helpless.

Fortunately, Yuan Ye's trip to the dreamland was not fruitless. The thing he held in his hand, even if he didn't want to admit it, had to admit that it was enough to change the fate of the entire human race, and even the entire Lingwu era.

Only if Yuan Ye wanted all human beings to be completely destroyed would he hide things.

But he definitely doesn't want to.

Then you have to let the higher ups know.

"From now on, you can no longer enter the virtual realm casually." Yuan Ye let out a long sigh.

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