My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 113 Breathtaking harvest [77 updates]

Next time he enters the virtual realm, he will be a dog!

He fully realized his own insignificance.

His current level and current strength are nothing!

Rubbish! What a rubbish!

But fortunately, he gained enough things from this trip to the virtual realm, which can completely give him the capital to live a little better in the future.

Next, after he goes out, the construction activities of S-168 can be started.

Of course, he also planned what he was going to hand in.

In addition to what he held in his hand, there were some basic information on the immortal clan, as well as the cultivation methods of the first three realms.

This is the limit of what he can get. He has tried to understand other deeper things, but he has gained nothing.

He couldn't understand it at all!

Yes, that’s right, it’s that outrageous! I can't understand it at all!

He couldn't explain it, couldn't see it, it was like there was a layer of fog in his mind, as if he was exposed to something he could never understand, and he was down.

Logically speaking, Yuan Ye believes that although his brain is not very good, it is definitely not stupid.

So-so, a little bit useful.

He felt like he couldn't understand anything.

It felt like what he saw was far away from him, even if it was only a grain of sand away, it felt like there was a whole universe contained in this grain of sand.

This is the best description.

Therefore, he could only obtain the first three realms, which was considered his limit.

He doesn't plan to keep these secrets, he must find a way to hand them over.

He also understood very well that if he wanted to stay in the rear, the shadow in front must be large enough.

In this way, even if the sky falls, it won't be able to hit him.

Go smash the title-level ones of those Zhentiansi and give these things to them. It’s just right.

It's a pity that he didn't stay in that illusion for long before he was forced to come out.

At first, he really didn't want to stay, but later, after he learned something, his mentality was completely different.

He stayed with the mentality of stealing things for the humans of the Blue Star era.

At that time, it was said that his mentality had changed, and that was the change.

As a pure showman, Yuan Ye understands that the only way for him to keep showing off is to have a strong enough backing to allow him to show off.

He happened to be the one who got in, so what could he do? He could only try his best to steal it, and then find a way to repay it.

In the end, he was thrown out directly.

"Damn it." Yuan Ye cursed secretly.

When I wanted to come out, I didn't let it go. When I didn't want to come out, I just came out.

It was simply going against him.

"Forget it, let's go out and see what's going on first." Yuan Ye rubbed his nose extremely tiredly and began to plan the next arrangements.

Now, the top priority is to go out and see the situation of the formation.

He didn't know how long he had been away. After all, in the illusion, he felt that a long time had passed.

Of course, it is certain that he is still in the virtual realm. The various DeBuffs of the virtual realm are still acting on him, and everything is still upside down.

Yuan Ye was planning to go out.

The result was the first time I stood up.

"Huh? Why is it so heavy?"

Yuan Ye frowned and just looked over.

Wearing a very familiar white robe, the clothes are fluttering, giving people an ethereal feeling.

The air was briefly quiet.

Stillness, stillness that can be clearly seen even if a pin drops.

"You??? Mom???" But it was soon broken by Yuan Ye's burst of birdsong and the fragrance of flowers.

Yuan Ye was instantly shocked, and with a "chua" sound, his whole person disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already in the toilet.

Ability was used directly.

Familiar picture: '-.

Yuan Ye held the sink with both hands and looked at himself in the mirror.

Familiar face, familiar self, he is still him, the original Yuan Ye.


Yuan Ye breathed a sigh of relief.


Yuan Ye was silent and reached into his pocket to dig through it.

After a while, he took out something.

It was a stone as warm and moist as jade, exuding a faint glow.

There are nine more such stones in his pocket.

At first, Yuan Ye didn't understand what the stone that suddenly appeared in his pocket was.

It was only after living in the fantasy realm for long enough that I realized that this thing is the currency of the mysterious realm.

Lingxuan Jade is evolved from jade that gathers spiritual energy. These pieces on his body are equivalent to top-grade Lingxuan Jade. One piece can be exchanged for tens of thousands of basic low-grade Lingxuan Jade, and the value is very high.

It even has countless functions. After all, it is made of extremely pure spiritual energy. It can be used for the cultivation of the immortals and can also be used to set up formations. It is the best formation eye material, but no one will be extravagant enough to use the best spiritual xuan jade cloth. For array use.

Then there are even more functions, such as medicine and elixir making, fairy boat driving, puppet driving, etc.

It is no less effective than the oil of their time.

It's almost like extraordinary oil, well, so to speak.

And every day, ten more pills would appear on his body automatically out of thin air.

Thinking about it more carefully, it seems to be related to one of my previous achievements.

[The first pot of gold:: The first pot of gold LV.1 (unit-level achievement), you rely on your own intelligence and make good use of the resources around you to successfully earn the first pot of gold, and obtain the passive skill 'Initial Funds', daily When refreshed at 0 o'clock, ten yuan in cash will be refreshed in your pocket! 】

It's not ten yuan. You didn't say what it was ten yuan, right? You didn’t say what currency it was, ten yuan, right?

This is considered ten dollars, right?

"That is to say." Yuan Ye thought for a moment and waved his hand.

The portal to the alien space opened, and his head plunged inside.

Suddenly, he saw the Lingxuan Jade, which was as high as a mountain, shining with dazzling brilliance.

The rich spiritual energy has a suffocating feeling.

Yuan Ye: "Okay, okay."

Originally, it didn't matter to him. After all, world-class achievements had already been achieved. It was normal for this achievement to be useful in the illusion.

He even generously gave one to Jia Ning.

But originally Yuan Ye didn't take it seriously at all.

Just go out, world-class is world-class, Lingxuan Jade is Lingxuan Jade.

Anyway, they are all in a fantasy world. Although the fantasy world has happened before, there may really be two people, Guo Daoyi and Jia Ning.

But now that countless eras have passed, it is no longer the Mysterious World era, but the Blue Star era, and they must have turned into ashes.

Just like Yuan Ye said, maybe Jia Ning was sucked into his lungs.

Then he is just a bystander who has entered Dao Yi's perspective. To him, things are false.

In other words, achievements are also fake.


What I see now is ridiculous.

How could this thing come out?

Yuan Ye's head is no longer enough.

His melon-headed melon, which was not very bright to begin with, is even less intelligent.

It's ridiculous, you know.

"In other words, those achievements are also real?"

Yuan Ye twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Fuck!!" Yuan Ye was finally shocked.

Those are three world-class achievements! !

Just like you won five million in the lottery, after waking up from the dream, you may not have any reaction.

After all, you knew very well that it was a dream and a lie.

Then you took out a real one from your pocket.

That's what it feels like.

Yuan Ye pondered.

He touched his body and found something.

A light and elegant fragrance hits your nostrils.

A pink sachet with the word 'Daoyi' crookedly embroidered on it. Although it was very crudely made, it was very cute.

Yuan Ye was silent for a moment.

"Isn't this a kind of NTR?"

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