My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 119 There are survivors!

The team member who came to report looked panicked, and he was clearly the team member on duty.

After all, this place is still in a virtual environment, and many things are unknown. Necessary vigilance is still indispensable, so the team members responsible for the vigilance rotation are still at their posts. Now they come here in a hurry, looking like they are in trouble. .

"What's going on?" This made Yuan Ye frown.

From the time they entered the virtual realm until now, nothing has happened. The whole atmosphere has been maintained in a very calm atmosphere. Even if they are on duty, they have never detected any danger.

Currently, there is only one known source of danger, and that is the invisible danger caused by the different rules of the virtual realm itself. Just pay more attention.

Crisis from outside has not happened so far.

After all, the immortals no longer know where they have gone, or even whether they still exist. Similarly, the departure of the immortals has also caused this virtual realm to become deserted.

What's more, the previous owner of this virtual realm was an immortal. There is a high probability that only Yuan Ye knows about it. Only he knows about it. This is a good point so far.

Did the alert find something else?

Some other crisis?

But what the team members said next dispelled this doubt.

"Colleagues! Captain!" The team member adjusted his words, looked hurriedly and a little ugly, and said: "We found another formation of Nantian ships ahead!"

"Did you find your colleagues?" Yuan Ye frowned: "Isn't this a good thing? Why do you look so ugly?"

It would obviously be a good thing if other Zhentiansi formations were discovered.

Because until now after entering the virtual realm, they S-168 have always been walking alone, and they have never seen any living creatures here, let alone those colleagues who entered the virtual realm at the same time.

So naturally, they know nothing about the current situation of other formations, let alone what other formations have gained, what they have gained, and what their current situation is.

However, the team members said: "The ship is broken!"

"What?" Yuan Ye was stunned: "Take me to see it quickly!"

The other team members, including the senior executives of S-168, also put down their meals one by one and picked up their belongings. Everyone's attention was attracted.

And it is ready at any time.

This is the combat quality of the S-class formation. They are all elites among the elites, and everyone knows that when it is time to cooperate with the commander, they must cooperate with the commander.

Although the food is very touching, they are still on the battlefield now. Since they are on the battlefield, they naturally have to stay alert at all times.

"Everyone, follow me!" Yuan Ye gave the order: "You, lead the way from the front!"

"On the east side of the rear deck!" the team members reported, leading the way from the front.

Soon, Yuan Ye and others were taken to the duty point. This is the deck behind the main tower, where the engine installation is located. There is also a duty point here, and their main area of ​​activity is on the forward deck. So the situation was not discovered immediately.

The team member handed over a telescope: "313° due southeast, there is a Nantian Ship!"

"Let me take a look." Yuan Ye took the telescope.

Although the awakening of Lingwu, gaining the ability and being able to practice it, all the functions of the body have undergone earth-shaking improvements, and the eyesight has naturally improved.

But the key issue is that when your eyesight improves, it means you can see things clearly, rather than how far you can see things. These are two concepts.

No matter how good your eyesight is, things that are very far away will still be a very small point, and the visual distance will not change. If you really want to be able to see clearly something that is eight hundred miles away, then try to see something that is very close to you. Even things right in front of you, can you still see clearly?

Therefore, a telescope is still needed.

Yuan Ye took the telescope in his hand and immediately discovered what the team members said.

At this moment, his expression also darkened.

"It's indeed broken." Yuan Ye handed the telescope to Li Qihe.

Then they were passed on one by one, and each one was shocked after reading it.

Yuan Ye ordered: "Drive there."

That direction is obviously opposite to the direction of the coordinates, so it is not among their targets. If it were not for the existence of the lookout post, they would not have discovered this situation.

Soon, the S-168 Nantian ship immediately turned around and headed towards the situation.

The distance was not too far, after all, telescopes could detect it, so soon, the situation at the destination appeared in their eyes.

Just for a moment, everyone's faces turned ugly.

In front of them was a small island, covered with vegetation, and some decaying buildings. A Nantian ship one size smaller than them, with the serial number 'A-738' spray-painted on it, was docked at the edge of the island. superior.

However, this Nantian ship was different from their brand-new and shiny ships. It was already covered with dilapidated scars, and even cracked in many places. There were several large cracks in the middle, and lightning flashed out.

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that there is a lot of blood flowing on the deck. Some of the blood even flows down the edge of the ship and then solidifies to form blood spots.

On the beach, there were several corpses, all of them wearing Zhentiansi uniforms. Each corpse died in a very tragic manner, with eyes wide open, eyeballs protruding, body spots appearing, and the blood on the ground solidified.

The most important thing is that the abdomen of every corpse is empty! There is a big bloody hole on it!

a mess!

"What's going on?" Yuan Ye looked livid and frowned.

Although he knew it was impossible, he still ordered: "Quick! Go and search! See if there are anyone alive!"


In an instant, all the team members started to move, and everyone spread out to search on the island and on the ship.

Yuan Ye also appeared on the deck in an instant after the team members boarded the ship.

After arriving on the deck, we saw a hell-like scene.

All corpses! Twenty or thirty corpses!

You can even see a captain wearing a cape and the rank of warrant officer!

The captain of A-738 also died.

"So what is going on? Did they encounter something terrible? The fatal wounds are almost the same." Yuan Ye frowned deeply: "This kind of wound, if it is caused by abnormal reasons, then it does not fit the environment. Killing or other reasons, 90% of the possibility is consistent with biological sources of death."

This wound looks too much like an attack. I’m not saying it’s similar, I can only say it can only come from an attack.

"Could there be any living things in this virtual realm?" Yuan Ye took a deep breath.

If that were the case, it would be very difficult.

Because this virtual realm previously belonged to the immortal clan and the mysterious world.

No one knows better than Yuan Ye what kind of creatures in the immortal and mysterious realms are.

If it is really a creature from the mysterious era.

Even he is like an ant in front of the other party.

But at the moment when Yuan Ye was thinking.

"Captain! There are survivors!"

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