My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 120 The Thirteenth Family took action!

Soon, a team member hurried forward to report.

"Where?" Yuan Ye asked immediately.

In the current situation, no one knows what the situation is. Only the person involved knows best what happened. If you want to know what happened, you must ask the person involved.

However, everyone's death was very tragic, and there was basically no possibility of anyone being left alive. But now there are actually survivors?

"In the monitoring room!" the team member said.


Yuan Ye immediately asked someone to lead the way, and soon they entered the interior of the dilapidated Nantian Ship.

Only after entering can you find that this place is really completely different from their S-168 Nantian Ship.

If everything in S-168 is in order and everything is the same as when it first came in, then the interior of A-738 appears to be in a state of decay.

There are stains all over the walls, and I don't know how long it has been since they were cleaned. The ground is in a mess, full of garbage, and the lights are very dim. One or two corpses can be seen along the way.

The internal structures of all Nantian ships are actually very similar, unless they are ships of different levels, but the general direction of some facilities is also basically the same, so they quickly found the location of the control room.

At this moment, the door of the monitoring room was completely open, and the various instrument circuits inside felt like they had been chopped. There were knife marks all over them, and then the circuits inside leaked out, and sparks flashed.

"The energy has not dissipated yet. It is obvious that the circuit is still working." Yuan Ye deduced.

In other words, what happened here happened not long ago. It obviously happened not long ago, and the corpse outside showed no signs of decay.

The accident happened soon!

"Where are the people?" Yuan Ye asked.

"Over there!" The team member pointed the way.

Yuan Ye looked over, and soon he saw a 'corpse'!

This 'corpse' is the same as all the corpses outside. The abdomen has been cut open directly, and it is covered in blood. It is lying on the ground at the moment, wearing the uniform of the Zhentian Division soldier.

Yuan Ye hurried over and realized that the man had not died completely. His eyes were half-opened, and he still maintained a breath of vitality. His eyes were blurred. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to find out that this man was still alive.

The wound on his abdomen was a large bloody scab, which was already semi-solidified and scabbed, and his hand was still covering it.

Yuan Ye didn't say a word, but stretched out his hand, and fierce spiritual energy surged out, quickly surrounding the wounded.

"Medical team!" Yuan Ye ordered.

When something happens, Yuan Ye naturally takes the medical team with him at all times.

Soon, a team member came forward, who was obviously a member of the medical team. He was holding a suitcase. After opening it, it was revealed that there were various first aid equipment and convenient injections, as well as convenient packing tools and hemostatic drugs.

Yuan Ye has long been familiar with his team members, and he has memorized everyone's information in his mind.

This is the leader of the medical team of S-168, a first-class soldier, mid-star star level, whose ability is the "healing light" that is very common among medical abilities, and is an energy species among all species.

Rescue began immediately, and Yuan Ye maintained the output of spiritual energy to keep the injured person's environment under normal conditions.

There are assistants on the side to help, handing tools and wiping sweat.

It wasn't until after working for more than ten minutes that the injury was treated, and then a few portable injections were administered.

The person's condition has recovered somewhat, and his consciousness has returned to clarity.

"You...are..." The injured person spoke very softly.

"Zhentiansi, S-168, one of our own." Yuan Ye replied: "What happened here? How could this happen? How did your people die?"

"You are formation S." The corners of the injured man's eyes suddenly became moist: "They are all dead. The captain and the adjutant are also dead."

"What to kill?" Yuan Ye asked: "Answer the key points!"

"Fishita. Thirteen families!" the team member replied with a bit of gritted teeth in his voice: "We...originally...found...this small island and then...they originally wanted to meet our own people. Now, everyone can join together, but I didn’t expect that they directly killed the captain. We were on guard and fought back. It was useless. We... couldn’t stop them at all. They are too strong."

"The people killed by the Thirteen Families under Feixia?" Yuan Ye frowned: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, and the woman in the lead has a weird ability to make people relax their vigilance."

Yuan Ye pondered.

It turned out not to be what he thought, but the remaining creatures from inside the virtual realm. In other words, there were no creatures inside the virtual realm itself, at least that was the known situation so far.

But the problem is that the one who committed the murder was actually the Thirteen Families of Tobishita who also entered the virtual realm together?

So the question is, why did they kill Zhentiansi's formation? What exactly are they plotting? By doing this, aren't they afraid of irreparable consequences for themselves?

Because to put it bluntly, everyone belongs to the same official organization. Zhentiansi is also the most important Lingwu organization at present. It has the absolute power and most of the right to speak in the Lingwu era.

The same goes for the Thirteen Families under Feixia, which are even subordinate agencies of the Zhentian Division. To put it bluntly, the Zhentian Division is responsible for their control.

Maybe this is why they were able to succeed. Because of the existence of these things, A-738 itself was not defended against them.

Because on the surface, everyone is one of our own, even the subordinate agencies of the Zhentian Division, so they naturally have complementary functions in the tasks.

But it turned out to be the hand of the Thirteen Families under Feixia, and they did it so decisively and cruelly.

Then there must be a sufficiently large interest drive to cause such a situation to happen.

If they take action, it is obvious that the consequences will be very serious, so naturally, the benefits must be greater than the consequences of doing so, so that they will take the risk.

Aren't they afraid of the three title-level liquidations at the Zhentian Division headquarters?

Aren't they afraid that they will be liquidated after the incident is revealed?

Obviously, there has to be a big enough benefit.


Yuan Ye also has a certain impression of this group of people.

The impression is still very deep, at least there have been disputes in the outside world.

But in fact, those disputes were at most a whole episode of back-and-forth, playing tricks, and at most they were legitimate competition. To put it bluntly, they were not very malicious in the grand scheme of things.

It's just that Yuan Ye didn't abide by the rules. They didn't expect that Yuan Ye didn't abide by the rules, so he was taught a terrible lesson.

But it still didn't stop Yuan Ye from remembering them deeply.

how to say? That group of people is different from all formations.

It seems unorganized and undisciplined, carefree, and does not look like an official organization. It looks like a street gangster, in a mess.

But Yuan Ye was able to notice that they were actually different from what they seemed on the surface.

In fact, it is often this kind of people who are the most dangerous!

A dog that bites cannot bark, and a truly powerful alpha wolf cannot bluff. This is the law.

Now this kind of thing actually happened.

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