My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 175 Self-impressed

There is no way to fight back!

Crush! Complete crushing!

Describe it? There is no need to describe it at all, this is what is happening now.

But Yuan Ye still felt agitated.

No matter what happens, his person is still damaged and dead. He is already dead and nothing can be done to restore it.

So what if you win? If you win, can you bring the dead back?

This is why Yuan Ye does not pursue the pace and trend of the times, but pursues stability. It is also the reason why all his actions are based on future stability and are moving forward.

There are too many unstable and uncertain factors. Human life is human life, others are others. Human life is only once. This is not a game. If you die, you are really dead.

That's why he hates all accidents.

For example, right now, everything seems to be fine and moving in a good direction, but yet such a monster pops out from nowhere and brings instability.

No one knows from which corner this thing suddenly popped up, a silver-moon level chaos spirit warrior, a man-eating beast species spirit warrior.

And Yuan Ye doesn't have the ability to clone himself, so he can rush over anytime and anywhere to deal with all kinds of unexpected troubles and situations.

For example, this time, if he had come earlier, a similar situation could have been avoided.

But could he have known there would be an attack? Did he know that this kind of monster would appear here? He didn't know, and he had no place to know.

Yuan Ye looked at the instigator below with anger.

This is a young man who doesn't look very old. He looks like he is only in his twenties. He looks very ordinary. Now he has returned to his original appearance. His figure is not healthy or even well-proportioned. He is completely naked, and you can even see a The ribs are clearly defined, very thin, and he looks malnourished.

He didn't look like a heinous murderer, nor did he look like he was living a good life.

Just like that, he was curled up in a deep pit, with wounds all over his body and blood seeping out.


As soon as he coughed, a mouthful of thick blood splashed out from his mouth and nose. It was obviously internal bleeding.

He raised his head and looked at the man in front of him, wearing a golden and white cloak, a meticulous military uniform, and an indifferent look like looking at a dead man.

There is no doubt that one can tell at a glance that the man in front of him is a member of the leadership of Zhentian Division. If the guess is correct, he is probably the captain of the battle formation.

But why? Can the captain of a battle formation be so strong?

He was confused, enduring the injuries and severe pain all over his body, he felt as if he was going to die.

Even his abilities were broken up, and he felt like he was about to fall apart.

It was obvious that he had broken through to the legendary Silver Moon level, the level that a powerful spiritual warrior should have.

He can even see that a bright future is waving to him.

By then, everything will be different, the sufferings I have experienced will be over, a better future is waving to me, and a better life is waving to me.

Even, he can finally usher in the sweet moment of revenge!

Now that he is a spiritual warrior, who can stop him from taking revenge?

Some dusty past events, some old things, he needs the culprit to pay the due price!

He's going to make some people regret it!

It's obvious that he is about to see hope, but why is this happening?

All his assumptions were shattered by the man in front of him with a single punch, carrying a power that frightened him.

"I have surrendered, why do you continue to beat me?" He was confused.

"Really? I didn't hear it. My ears may not be very good." The man in front of him just answered indifferently.

As he spoke, the man even seemed to raise his hand again.

At this moment, he panicked: "Stop! Aren't you afraid of being punished by God?!"

"God's punishment?"

In his eyes, the man stopped.

It was true that he stopped, but Yuan Ye stopped because of 10,000 doubts in his heart.

What does this have to do with whether I will be punished by God?

He looked at the young man lying in a pool of blood in front of him and pursed his lips.

"Want to hear a story?"

The young man just looked at him, lying dead in the pit, with memories and hatred in his eyes: "This story happened to a boy named Liu Li."

Yuan Ye was silent, looking at the young man in the pit without speaking or moving.

The young man continued: "He was born in Shantian Village, and he once had a happy life. It seemed that everything was moving in a good direction. He had parents who loved him and had a prosperous life. Everything was fine.

Liu Li's parents were in the contracting business. At this time, Shantian Village had just planned a support project and launched a bidding meeting in the village. Liu Li's parents had done some small businesses in their early years and saved some money, so they participated in the bidding. In the end, we did win the tender, acquired a piece of sea area, opened a breeding farm, and raised oysters. "

The young man muttered: "If nothing happens."

"But the accident is coming soon, right?" Yuan Ye said lightly.

The young man was stunned: "Yes but"

"Stop, stop it." Yuan Ye stopped the other party from continuing to speak: "Do you want to say that you are the young man named Liu Li, and these are all the stories that happened to you?"

"Yes" Liu Li nodded and smiled miserably: "Behind all of this, there is a reason, everything is because of."

"Because you want to tell a story about how hateful people must be pitiful?" Yuan Ye asked calmly.

"Yes but"

"Stop being so naive, I have no interest in knowing the story behind you. I hate it when others forcefully force settings on me."

However, Yuan Ye said: "In this world, accidents do happen all the time. Maybe, some of your experiences before were indeed pitiful, and your fate was indeed tragic."

"Then you are still trying to stop me?!" Liu Li roared angrily: "Liu Pinxin deserved his death! Even their family deserved their death! They deserve it! What about you? You hawks and dogs are all the same! You don't punish the real bad guys! Those who want to block justice Sanctions, in the end the real bad guys are also at large! And now I have to make a decision in my own way, and you still have to protect these damn people! You are not much better!"

As Liu Li spoke, he was panting heavily and his eyes were full of violence.

"I have been waiting for today for so long, I have been dormant for so long, I have investigated Zhentian Division, and the battle formation captains are all Silver Moon level, so I will wait until Silver Moon level! For revenge, for justice, I have paid a lot! "


Yuan Ye just responded indifferently.

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