My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 176 Who said you would be sent to trial?

The impassioned words only resulted in four light words.

Even a light evaluation.


Liu Li was stunned.

Originally, in his imagination, he could tell his own story when faced with the sudden appearance of the infinitely powerful captain of the Zhentian Division.

In his mind, why did he do what he did today? Everything was not his fault, but the world's fault, the fault of this sick world.

This world is sick.

Everything he did was for a legitimate reason and to purify the world.

Everyone who stands in front of him is not a good person, they are all the same.

Seeing the terrifying man in front of him, he seemed to be of the same age as him, even younger than him. He was thinking, maybe as long as he told the story of what happened to him, the other party would understand him?

He might even let him go.

Moreover, times have changed now. I am still a spiritual warrior, a group of people who can have privileges.

He just killed some bad guys for revenge, so what's the big mistake?

Just like in the novel, he is the kind of pitiful person who carries a lot of bitterness and hatred, a rebel who moves forward with a huge mountain of pressure on his back, and he should be the right kind of person.

He will definitely understand.

But just when he was about to talk about everything he had experienced, the other party's reaction caught him off guard.

This man was just like a stinky stone, insufferable, and he didn't even intend to let him speak out.

Everything is completely different from what I imagined.

"As I just said, accidents do happen all the time in this world. Maybe, some of your experiences before were indeed pitiful, and your fate was indeed tragic. I can't help but Of course, I really have no interest in knowing."

Yuan Ye spoke.

"Why?" Liu Li really couldn't understand.

"Because some unfair things may have happened to Liu Pinxin, the village party secretary of Shantian Village. He is indeed the wrong person. He may even be the person who deserves to die."

Yuan Ye said: "But, what about the other people in this camp area? Do they deserve to die too? What about the members of the Zhentian Division? Do they deserve to die too? From the moment you attack them, you are evil."

"That's because they shielded the Liu family!"

Liu Li said: "The target of my revenge has always been the Liu family."

"Do they deserve to die too?" Yuan Ye said calmly: "Including his family? Do they have any conflicts with you?"

"I" Liu Li was stunned.

He really didn't know what to say anymore.

Others have been fooled.

Facing this seemingly young man, he was speechless every word he could say, and he did not play out the cards according to the script he had imagined.

"You don't know the evil Liu Pinxin has done, of course you can say it so easily."

Liu Li sneered: "When you know the story of what happened to me, you will know why I did this. You should sympathize with my experience more, instead of blaming me from the moral high ground! What I am doing is The right thing to do!

Therefore, anyone who blocks me is evil! All deserve to die! "

"They are all evil, do they all deserve to die?"

One of the seriously injured female members of the Zhentian Division couldn't bear it anymore.

Even if she was seriously injured while protecting the girl, if Yuan Ye didn't come to the rescue, she might have been beaten to death.

She couldn't help it anymore, raised her head tremblingly and asked: "We deserve to die too, right? She deserves to die too, right?"

She looked at the girl beside her.

"Yes! Just as damnable!"

"Then do you know who she is?"

"I don't care who she is. If she attacked me, she was protecting Liu Pinxin. She was protecting a villain. She deserves to die!"


The female team member smiled and shook her head: "The captain of Xinhai is right. You are indeed a self-impressed wretch, and you are disgusting. If you want to be evil, maybe of all the people here, you are the worst." Evil."

"Did you hear that? That's why I said you were moved by yourself, even disgusting." Yuan Ye said: "The story behind you, I even have doubts now, whether you are really the so-called hateful person who must be pitiful." It remains to be seen whether he is really pitiful or not."

"The king becomes the king and the loser is the bandit. Since you don't listen, then I admit defeat. Just take me away. If you want to send me to trial, hurry up. I believe not everyone is like you." Liu Li He sneered and said: "I believe that sooner or later a sensible person will appear."

He firmly believed that as long as someone listened to his story, they would understand his intentions and his mood.

And one thing he is very confident about is that he is a Silver Moon level spiritual warrior.

He should be different! He is a rare strong man!

No matter how strong this person is, if he is at a high level and is close to the peak, then he is just a peak Silver Moon level. It is impossible to be any better than him, otherwise he would not be just a formation captain.

Wait, now that he is protecting Liu Pinxin's family, when his opportunity comes in the future, he will naturally take revenge together!


"But it's a pity, who said you would be sent to trial?

And I don’t want to listen to your nonsense. Anyone who does something wrong needs to pay a price. Liu Pinxin may have really done something wrong, but he has already paid the price. Now, it’s your turn. "

"You want to kill me?" Liu Li was stunned.

At the same time, he panicked.

"No, you can't kill me! I'm a spiritual warrior! I'm the person the times need!" Liu Li panicked: "I can join you! I'm a silver-moon level beast with the ability of the forest wolf! I'm very strong of!"

"No need." Yuan Ye said calmly.

To be honest, such a spiritual warrior who can quickly cultivate to the Silver Moon level through his own strength in the early stage of recovery, if everything goes on the right track, whether he joins the Spiritual Martial Association or the Zhentian Division, he will not be too much. Got the talent.

If Liu Pinxin, the village party secretary of Shantian Village, is really a bad person, and if he really suffers unfair treatment, he becomes a spiritual warrior and has indeed achieved a class jump, and Liu Pinxin can bear the price.

Even if you meet the captain of another Zhentian Division formation.

He will be caught and sent for investigation. Whatever the final result of the investigation is, the verdict will be passed.

But obviously, when he fell into Yuan Ye's hands, it was not something that could be solved so easily.

"You are violating the rules by doing this!" Liu Li protested: "You are making a mistake! If you do this, aren't you also a villain?"

"Have I ever said that I am a good person?" Yuan Ye asked strangely.

"You" Liu Li was speechless.

Who is this?

However, before he could react, his big hand moved towards his Tianling Cap.


With one palm, the beast-type spiritual warrior named Liu Li lost his last vestige of life.

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